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新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson35:Deception欺骗
时间:2008-12-10 10:54:51  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson35:Deception欺骗

511. You tricked me!
512. I was deceived in this business deal.
513. His words were very deceptive.
514. You allowed yourself to be deceived.
515. Don’t be fooled by his friendly words.
516. He was completely fooled by his enemy.
517. Don’t let appearances deceive you.
518. You can’t fool me that easily.
519. He was tricked out of his money.
520. I can’t believe I was such a fool.
521. She would have contacted my parents if I couldn’t have come up with a good excuse.
522. It’s only a white lie, so it’s no big deal.
523. My consciencey would weigh heavily on me.
524. I had to make something up so I wouldn’t get into trouble.
525. Are you sure that you had to be dishonest? 

1. deception     [di5sepFEn]  n. 欺骗,欺诈
2. trick             [trik]       v. 哄骗
3. deceive         [di5si:v]     v. 欺骗,蒙蔽
4. deceptive    [di5septiv]   a. 迷惑的,骗人的
5. conscience    [5kCnFEns]   n. 良心;道义心;善恶观念
6. dishonest       [dis5Cnist]    a. 不诚实的,不正直的;欺诈的


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