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新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson47:Mysterious Experiences神秘的经历
时间:2008-11-27 11:15:55  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson47:Mysterious Experiences神秘的经历

 691. My aunt said she once saw a ghost.
 692. What was that noise?
 693. I think there’s something in the darkness.
 694. No one knew what happened to Simon.
 695. The killer’s identity remained unknown.
 696. The police don’t know who took the jewels.
 697. Her recipe is good because of the secret ingredient.
 698. His job in the war is still a secret.
 699. She says that she can predict someone’s future.
 700. Some people believe that aliensv visit Earth from other planetsw.
 701. Truthfully, there have been some unexplained occurrences around the house.
 702. Mysterious noises like you heard that seem to have no natural causes.
 703. Doors that seem to close on their own and objects that get moved around but not by human hands.
 704. A couple of months ago, a friend and I went to a psychicy just for a few kicks.
 705. Not everything that happens in the world can be explained.

1. recipe      [5resipi]      n. 烹饪法;食谱
2. alien           [5eiljEn]      n. 外星人
3. planet         [5plAnit]      n. 行星
4. occurrence  [E5k[:rEns]   n. 事件;事变
5. psychic     [5saikik]      n. 灵媒,巫师
6. kick       [kik]         n. 乐趣


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