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新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson57:Miserable experiences悲惨的经历
时间:2008-11-18 11:03:49  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson57:Miserable experiences悲惨的经历

841. I’ve had a fever for the past two days.
842. I can’t wait to get out of these wet clothes.
843. This backpack is way too heavy.
844. We’re been walking for hours and I’m exhausted.
845. My first few months at college were miserable.
846. I once had to sleep on the floor of a train.
847. I hate going to funeralsy.
848. Talking to my boss is pure miseryz.
849. He is a miserable little person.
850. This rain is miserable weather.
851. I was really sorry to hear that you were sick for so long.
852. It’s been a month and she’s still feeling bad.
853. The worst part of the illness is that you are always so tired.
854. My drinking got so bad that I lost my job because I got caught drinking while at work.
855. I couldn’t support my family while I was drinking, so I made the decision to sober up{.
1. miserable    [5mizErEbl]  a. 凄惨的;悲哀的
2. fever        [5fi:vE]      n. 发烧,发热;热度
3. backpack    [5bAkpAk]  n. 登山、远足用的背包
4. exhausted    [i^5zC:stid]  a. 精疲力竭的
5. funeral       [5fju:nErEl]  n. 丧葬,葬仪;出殡行列
6. misery       [5mizEri]    n. 痛苦;不幸;悲惨
7. sober up     [5sEubEQp]  v.  使清醒


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