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新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson59:Failure失败的经历
时间:2008-11-16 22:30:19  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson59:Failure失败的经历

871. I’m sure I just failedv that exam.
872. Terry just lost that account for our company.
873. He gambledw away most of his savings.
874. The cook ruined this meal.
875. The attempt ended in complete failure.
876. She failed to find any solutionx to the problem.
877. I can’t find any kind of job in this town.
878. Tim finished last in the race.
879. Bill lost the election for mayor.
880. He couldn’t finish the report on time.
881. During the talent portiony, my voice broke when I went to go for a high note.
882. I did get a new job, but then I got fired.
883. I can’t believe I failed so horribly.
884. At least you learned a valuable lesson about not getting in over your head.
885. I lost my job, so I couldn’t afford to live on my own anymore.

1. failure      [5feiljE]      n. 失败
2. fail       [feil]        v. 不及格
3. gamble  [5^Ambl]    v. 赌掉,输光
4. solution   [sE5lu:FEn]  n. 解答;解决(办法) ;解释
5. portion     [5pC:FEn]    n. 部分


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