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G: does tea-serving follow any special etiquette in China? Each time I dropped in at my Chinese frineds' homes, their parents would offer me a cup of hot, strong tea, though they never inquired of me about whether I want it.

Z: you've got the point there. It is a custom and good manners to serve tea to a guest who comes to pay a visit. There is no need to ask if he needs it or not, or if he wants something else. It might be an insult to the guest if he is left sitting there without being served tea.

G: so the guest is presumed to be thirsty and in need of some drink after the trip. In that case, I guess, in return, the guest doesn't have to drink it if he wouldn't like it.

Z: it wouldn't be considered rude behavior if he doesn't even take a single drop. But he'd better receive the teacup with both hands and bow his thanks when the cup is brought before his face. When the host pours hot water into his cup, he may also choose to tap his index finger on the table, meaning "Thanks". No matter if he likes it or not, it is impolite if he doesn't even lay a finger on the cup.

G: so next time, I'd better take a few sips, to 'save face' at least, right?

Z: sure. The guest is welcomed by being served tea. But if after chatting for a while, the host asks servants or family memners to serve a new cup of tea, or add some hot water, he is giving another signal.

G: what does that imply, then?

Z: more often than not, the understatement is 'I'm afraid it's time you leave'.


Etiquette: the formal rules of correct or polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession (社会或行业中的)礼节,礼仪,规矩
advice on etiquette 在礼节方面的忠告
medical/legal/professional etiquette 医学界的/法律界的/行业规矩

drop by/in/round; drop in on somebody; drop into something: to pay an informal visit to a person or a place 顺便访问;顺便进入
Drop by sometime. 有空儿来坐坐。
I thought I'd drop in on you while I was passing. 我曾想路过时顺便来看看你。
Sorry we're late─we dropped into the pub on the way. 对不起,我们迟到了--我们半路上顺便到酒馆坐了坐。

Insult: a remark or an action that is said or done in order to offend somebody 辱骂;侮辱;冒犯~ (to sb/sth)
The crowd were shouting insults at the police. 群众大声辱骂着警察。
His comments were seen as an insult to the president. 他的评论被看成是对主席的冒犯。
The questions were an insult to our intelligence(= too easy). 那些问题(简单得)有辱我们的智慧。

Sip: a very small amount of a drink that you take into your mouth 一小口(饮料)
to have/take a sip of water 喝一小口水

1.a statement that makes something seem less important, impressive, serious, etc. than it really is 保守的说法;不充分的叙述
To say we were pleased is an understatement(= we were extremely pleased). 只说我们高兴真是轻描淡写。
‘These figures are a bit disappointing.’ ‘That's got to be the understatement of the year.’ “这些数字有点令人失望。” “那一定是本年度最保守的说法了。”
2.the practice of making things seem less impressive, important, serious, etc. than they really are 淡化;低调说法
typical English understatement 典型的英国式低调说法
He always goes for subtlety and understatement in his movies. 他总是在自己的电影中运用细腻刻画和淡化手法。






