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可可英语网络课堂之Daily Talk(Caulfield主讲)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Richard   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

课堂笔记 :
A: Honey, the house is such a mess! I need you to help me tidy up a bit. My boss and her husband are coming over for dinner and the house needs to be spotless!
B: I'm in the middle of something right now. I'll be there in a second.
A: This can't wait! I need your help now!
B: Alright, alright. I'm coming.
A: Ok, here's a list of chores we need to get done. I'll do the dishes and get all the groceries for tonight.
You can sweep and mop the floors. Oh, and the furniture needs to be dusted.
B: You know what, I have to pick something up at the mall, so why don't you clean the floors and I'll go to the supermarket and get all the groceries.
A: Sure that's fine. Here is the list of all the things you need to get. Don't forget anything! And can you pick up a bottle of wine on your way home?
B: Hey, honey I'm back. Wow, the house looks really good!
A: Great! Can you set the table?
B: Just a sec I'm just gonna vacuum this rug real fast
A: Wait! Don't turn it on...
1. such a mess: 一团糟
2. I'm in the middle of something: 我正在忙着
3. I'll be there in a second: 马上到
4. tidy up: 收拾,整理
5. spotless: 特别干净, 无可挑剔
6. chores: 杂物
7. groceries: 杂货
8. sweep and mop the floors :扫地拖地
9. mall: 购物商场
10. set the table: 摆餐具

A: Hello, I'm here to see Mr. Corleone.
B: Right this way, sir.
C: Charlie! What can I do for you?
B: Mr. Corlone, I'm really sorry to trouble you, but I need your help.
C: Anything for you, Charlie! Your father was like a brother to me.
B: Well, sir, you see, this recession has hit me pretty hard; I lost my job and I'm in a lot of debt.
C: I see. . . . . .
B: Yeah, you know, I've got credit card bills, car payments,
I’ve got to pay my mortgage; and on top of all that,
I have to pay my son's college tuition. C: So you're asking for a loan. B: Well, I just thought maybe you could help me out.
C: What? At a time like this? I'm broke too, you know! You're not the only one who has been hit by the recession! I lost half my money in the stock market crash! Go on! Get out of here!

1. recession: 衰退
2. in debt: 负债,欠债
3. hit me pretty hard: 对我打击很大
4. mortgage: 抵押
5. on top of all that: 最重要的是
6. tuition: 学费
7. loan: 贷款
8. broke: 破产

重点单词   查看全部解释    
check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

pole [pəul]


n. 杆,柱,极点
v. (用杆)支撑

loan [ləun]


n. 贷款,借出,债权人
v. 借,供应货款,

tire ['taiə]


n. 轮胎,金属圈
v. 使疲倦,厌烦

outstanding [aut'stændiŋ]


adj. 突出的,显著的,未支付的

arrest [ə'rest]


vt. 逮捕,拘留
n. 逮捕,拘留

tasty ['teisti]


adj. 好吃的

fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的

arrange [ə'reindʒ]


vt. 安排,整理,计划,改编(乐曲)

prescription [pris'kripʃən]


n. 药方,对策,开处方






