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地道英语学习第55期(附讲解音频):Get In! 太棒了!

来源:英语学习频道 编辑:Rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Dan: Yes, yes... 好,很好……

Neil: Come on! Come on! 加油!快点!

Dan: Come on, don't lose it! 加油,不要输了!

William: Yes... yes! 好的……好!

Feifei: 大家好,欢迎收听由 bbcukchina 为您制作的《地道英语》,我是冯菲菲。

Dan: Ooh! He's lost it. Idiot! 哦,他输了。笨蛋!

Neil: He should have passed it long before, should have squared it. 他在很早前就应该传球了,本来可以拿下的。

William: Very silly. 非常的愚蠢。

Feifei: Er... boys? 额……小伙子们?

William: Yes, Feifei? 嗯?菲菲。

Feifei: 我们要录节目了,你们能不能赶快离开录音室?

Neil: Just one more minute! 就再一分钟!

William: Yes, yes and a cross. 好吧,就再一分钟。

Dan: Get in!

Neil: Get in!

William: Get in!

Feifei: Get in? 什么意思?

William: Get in is a phrase we often use when we're watching football, especially when our team scores a goal.
Feifei: Get in 是现在英国年轻人很常用的一个短语,尤其是在看足球比赛时进球的那一刻,大家就会说 get in 太棒了,太好了!那我们能在其他场合使用这个短语吗?

Dan: Indeed we can. Have a listen to this example:

Woman: Have you had your exam results? 你知道你考试分数了吗?
Woman 2: Yes... 是的……
Woman: And...? 怎么样呢?
Woman 2: Four As! Get in! 四个A!太棒了!

Neil: So in that example, one of the girls said "Get in!" because she'd had a good exam result. Of course, you have to say this phrase in the right way. You can't just say "get in". You have to say "Get in!" 在这个例子中,女孩说太棒了是因为她在考试中取得好的成绩。当然,你也要用对地方了。你应该特别兴奋地说。

Dan: Get in! 太好了!

William: Get in my son!

Feifei: Get in my son?

William: 'Get in my son' is like saying 'Get in' only it's even more excited! You might hear that one at a football match, Feifei. 这两个差不多,只是为了加强语气可以加上my son。

Feifei: 我不太确定这个短语是否礼貌。Is it rude English?

Neil: No, it's not rude. But it's definitely not posh English. 不,这个不粗鲁。但是这个也不是时髦的词。

Feifei: It's not posh 这个表达不是上流社会人们通常会使用的英语。这个我倒是能感觉出来,不过这也不是一个粗鲁的、没礼貌的说法。

posh adj. 时髦地;漂亮的;奢侈的

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phrase [freiz]


n. 短语,习语,个人风格,乐句
vt. 措词

rude [ru:d]


adj. 粗鲁的,无礼的
adj. 粗糙


关键字: 英语学习 地道




