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Tim是一遭被蛇咬,十年怕井绳啊!Once beaten, twice shy!他遭受挫折的心灵让他畏惧再去和女生say hello。然而,Jack却认为是他嘴皮子功夫差,不会用clever pick-up lines去吸引女生。Tim心中却另有想法:觉得那位女生是表面上play hard to get,而实际上是have a feeling for him的。最后,Jack说了一番话,让Tim明白了为何上回那个女生blow him off。Jack说了什么话呢?我们就来听听:

Oh! No. There's Bonnie Margolin. A year ago, some mutual friends of ours fixed us up because they thought we would hit it off. Unfortunately, she was on the rebound, so I didn't want to get involved. I tired to let her down easy but she got furious and started screaming at me. Oh, no! She's coming. Run!

我们暂且不理Jack说了什么,首先来学习4个原味表述:fix up,hit it off,on the rebound,let someone down easy。今天,我们来学习fix up。Fix up有很多不同的搭配结构,不同的搭配结构有着不同的意思。

文中要表示的意思是:To fix up meas to be provided with a date. 译为:为某人安排约会。如果表示“安排某人与某人约会”,用fix sb. with sb.这个结构。如果要表示“被安排了与某人约会”,用get fixed for a date with sb. 或者get fixed on a date with sb. 。 我们来看下面的例句:

Sam got fixed up with Jane. Okay, Sam is fixed up with a date for Saturday. (安排了Sam和Martha约会。好的,Sam在周六有约会了。)

Ps:get fixed with be fixed with a date(有约会,有和.....的约会)

I haven't a date for over a year. Do you think you can fix me up with Lisa. (我已经一年多没有约会了,你看能不能安排一下让我和Lisa约会?)

Ps : have a date:约会 over a year:一年多 fix sb. with sb. :安排某人和某人的约会

Last night, I was fixed up on a date with Jenny and it was great, we had a a great time. (昨晚,我和Jenny约会去了。太棒了,我们玩得很开心。)

Ps : be fixed up on a date with sb. :有与......的约会 have a great time:玩得非常开心

Fix sb. up with sb. 和get fixed up with sb是idiom,文中的“Some mutual friends of ours fixed us up.”这句话用标准英语来说则是:“Some mutual friends of ours introduced us. ”

我们今天的学习就到此结束了,明天我们继续其它原味美语表述的学习,bye for now.

关键字: 英语 点滴




