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英语口语大赢家Topic246:大学和专业Universities and Majors
时间:2008-7-14 10:40:16  来源:本站原创  作者:echo  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 


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Daniel: May, is the university a terrible place?

May: Surely not. Life in the university is fun. Why did you ask?

Daniel: Because you study day in and day out for the entrance exam. So I figure you would study even harder after you’ve got in.

May: Studying in the university is not easy, but it's not as arduous as you think.

Daniel: How do you know that? You haven't got in yet.

May: Of course I know. I once attended Lisa's class, sitting quietly at the back of the classroom.

Daniel: Oh, really? Were you not caught?

May: Of course not. You are allowed to attend any lecture, only if there are empty seats for you and you don't disturb the class. In universities, you study in a free and creative environment.

Daniel: What do you want to study in the university? Have you thought about it?

May: This question has really been bothering me. I like Chinese literature, you know. But economics is really hot now, and it has a very good career prospect.

Daniel: I will choose what I like. You don't know what a torture it is for me to study English, because I don't like English.

May: Though I like Chinese literature very much, I'm also interested in economics. It's a tough choice to make.

Daniel: You can decide later. You will have choices before you submit your university application form.

May: Right. I have lots of time to think carefully before I make my final decision.

丹尼尔: 阿美,大学是个恐怖的地方吗?

阿美: 当然不是,大学生活很有趣。你为什么问这个问题呀?

丹尼尔: 因为你为了高考不分昼夜地学习,所以我想你进入大学以后会更加努力地学习。

阿美: 大学的学习不那么容易,但也不是像你想象的那么枯燥。

丹尼尔: 你怎么知道?你还没上大学呢。

阿美: 我当然知道了,我曾经安安静静地坐在教室后面,跟利莎一起上过课。

丹尼尔: 哦,真的吗?你没被抓?

阿美: 当然没有。只要教室里还有空位,你又不扰乱课堂,你就可以旁听任何课。在大学里,你可以在轻松而富有创造性的环境中学习。

丹尼尔: 你在大学想学什么呢?你有没有想过?

阿美: 这个问题一直困扰着我。你知道,我喜欢中国文学,但是经济学现在很热门,而且它的职业发展前景也挺好的。

丹尼尔: 我会选择我喜欢的。你不知道对我来说学习英语有多么痛苦,因为我不喜欢英语。

阿美: 虽然我非常喜欢中国文学,但我对经济学也很感兴趣。真是很难决定呀。

丹尼尔: 你可以晚点再决定。在你提交志愿表以前你还可以选择。

阿美: 是呀,在做最后决定前,我还有很多时间仔细想想。

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