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零距离美语会话[文化风俗差异]Lesson 6:A shouting match
时间:2006-3-24 1:11:52  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

Six   A shouting match?

 1   Introduction 
A   American humor often confuses the Chinese.  The American sense of the comedic is quite different from the Chinese.  When Americans tell a joke to the Chinese, the looks of puzzlement are simply golden.  Likewise Chinese humor is just as great a mystery to Americans.

B   Americans have this expression: “It’s good to have a sense of humor about life.” This generally means it is helpful to refrain from anger or despair when your situation is difficult.

 2    Sample Sentences
1.    I try to maintain a robust sense of humor.
2.    They always try to make fun of me.
3.    We like to joke about such things. 
4.    You will be so popular here in America, because you are so much MORE beautiful than the girls I see here.  No kidding!
5.    He is not a good-looking guy, but he’s very funny.
6.    He is very humorous.  He always makes me laugh.
7.    The situations I have encountered certainly defy my imagination, and deserve a good laugh.
8.    I don’t see the humor in it.
9.    You know Tina is kind of slow; she didn’t get it at first.
10.   Oh, my gosh! It’s unbelievable.
      噢,天啦! 简直无法相信。

 3    Conversations
1.  A Chinese woman, Helen, is chatting at her home with her American single friend, Sam, who just answered his mobile phone.
Helen:  Do you have to leave soon?
Sam:  No.  Actually I can stay longer.  Dave (his boss) called to say that there is a beautiful Chinese girl who’s going to pick me up at the school gate tonight at 10:30 instead of 8:30.
Helen:  Oh, that’s better.  So you don’t have to rush.
Sam:  Yeah.  You know what Dave just said?
Helen:  What?
Sam:  He said I should put on something very nice, because this girl will be my next target1.
Helen:   (smiling) He knows you very well.
Sam:  He always makes fun of me.  He always says things like that.  You know the new coming teacher, a Chinese Canadian.  He said she would really be my chance.
Helen:  I’m sure you have chances everywhere.  You’re handsome, talkative2, and got a sense of humor.  You must be very popular.
Sam:  No, you’re kidding.  I’m not taking it seriously.
——(微笑) 他真了解你。
——他老是开我的玩笑。他老是说些那样的话。你知道这位新来的老师,一个中国的加拿大人。 他说她将会是我真正的机会。

2.   Joseph, an American guy, came to Guangzhou recently.  He is talking to his Chinese friend about his experience here.
Julia:  You have been here for how long?  Four months now?
Joseph:  Yeah, about.
Julia:  Do you know Chinese better now? 
Joseph:  Oh, definitely.  I remember, when I first arrived in Guangzhou, my girlfriend was haggling3 with a sales clerk over the price of a mobile phone.
Julia:  Oh, yeah.  Many Ch

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