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零距离美语会话[家庭]Lesson 2:Here comes the bride
时间:2006-3-24 21:44:36  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

Two     Here comes the bride.
 1    Introduction
A     Some American men have this thinking - why buy the cow if you can get all your milk free? 
B     Marriage is not like having a room full of roses; you get out of it whatever you put into it.  Another way of expressing this is, you’ve made your bed now you’re going  to have to sleep in it.
C     She got the gold mine, he got the shaft.  That means when the judge decided how the property would be divided in the divorce.  The woman received the biggest part of the marital assets.  Most men say, “It’s not marriage that scares me; it’s the divorce court I am most afraid of.”
D     In most instances, a man who has never been married will prefer to marry a woman who has also never been married.
E     Most men prefer having a wife who is younger than them.  But it’s usual for a man to marry a woman older than himself.  Older women who like younger men are frowned upon in American culture. 

 2    Sample Sentences
1.   Brad really means a lot to me.
2.   As soon as I met her, I knew I would spend the rest of my life with her.
3.  If you love someone, set them free; if they come back to you, they’re yours; if they don't, they weren't yours in the first place.
4.   I think some people get married before the age of 20.
5.   In fact, we are planning a formal engagement for this Christmas, 2001, and an exchange of vows in spring of 2006.
6.   They are looking forward to the union of our love.
7.   I simply knew I wanted to have certain qualities in a mate and that if the right person came along, marriage was great.
8.   When we finally met in person, it was love at first sight!
9.   He is the person I will always love, without end, without bounds, and with all my heart.
10.  We sometimes struggle with being newlyweds and an instant family.  However, we wouldn't trade any of this for anything in the world.
11.  As a matter of fact, we are talking about marriage, although it is not official yet (he hasn't formally proposed).

 3     Conversations
1.  Here Comes the Bride.
At a wedding reception in St. Louis, Missouri.
Tim:  Thanks for inviting me to your friend’s wedding.  I was surprised to hear the bride and groom1 talking to each other that way during the marriage ceremony2.  Is that common?
Sam:  Well, some people use a standard set of words, but many couples today write their own wedding vows3.
Tim:  Your tradition of throwing rice as they got into their car was interesting, but it didn't look like real rice to me.
Sam:  It wasn't.  It was birdseed4.  We don't throw rice anymore because someone discovered that birds come along and eat the rice and have trouble digesting it.
Tim:  Oh, I didn't think of that.  Well, this reception reminds me of wedding

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