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零距离美语会话[住房]Lesson 2:My mom likes to live alone
时间:2006-3-24 22:01:17  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 
I'd have to find my own place. 
Fred:  You mean they're kicking you out? 
Valerie:  Not really, they just don't want me living at home.  My older sister did that, and she lived at home for seven years.  Once she started living at home, it got harder and harder for her to move out.
Fred:  Well, it's not like my parents want me to live at home the rest of my life.  They said that it's ok if I move back home to begin with, but they want me to find a place of my own after a year or so.
Valerie:  My parents just didn't handle my older sister very well, and because of that, they want me to be more independent.  They think that it's important that I should learn how to live on my own.
Fred:  I know I need to learn that myself, but I just don't have the money for it at the moment.  Living at home allows me to save up some money before I started finding a place.
Helpful Information:
Americans value independence, even when they’re getting older.  They learn that from an early age.  After the age of eighteen, most want to have their own homes, demonstrating their independence.  And one way of showing that is living separately from their parents or their adult children.

4   Words and Expressions
1. independent  自立的,独立的
2. stubbornly ] 倔强地; 顽固地
3. folk (某一民族或社会阶层中的) 广大成员
4. determined to  有做...的决心
5. on one's own  独立无助地
6. positive  正面的,积极的
7. attitude  态度, 意见, 看法
8. physician 医师
9. physical exercise   锻炼身体
10. stress 压力; 紧张; 压迫

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