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实用商务英语会话(MP3附字幕) 场景3:inquiries询盘
时间:2009-6-20 12:11:45  来源:可可英语  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 
[00:00.00]A lot of inquiries confirm the high quality of our products.
[00:04.46]We can not but allow you 200 cases since inquiries are so large.
[00:09.97]Inquiries for steel are increasing.
[00:13.18]It's impossible to reply to your vague inquiry.
[00:17.03]Apple company received the inquiry sheet which is sent by a British company.
[00:22.10]Mr.Li is sent to Shanghai to make an inquiry at X Company.
[00:26.60]In order to make an inquiry about our products,a representative of X company paid us a visit.
[00:32.22]They transferred their future inquiries to X Company.
[00:36.11]Thank you for your inquiry.
[00:38.20]The buyer invites the seller to make quotations
[00:41.65]Please quote 40 tons of raw iron FOB Shanghai.
[00:46.19]Please quote ten cases of products A CIF Beijing with a 6% commission.
[00:52.67]Please telex your offer for 1000 Products B.
[00:56.74]Please quote us immediately,if you are interested in this product.
[01:01.42]Please offer the lowest price for this commodity.
[01:05.05](4)The Seller Invites the Buyer to Place Orders
[01:09.30]We can supply 100 tons of X.Please order immediately.
[01:14.05]Please place your order as soon as possible.
[01:17.51]We'll make delivery at once if I receive your order.
[01:21.11]This is a list of our products.If interested,please contact.
[01:25.75]This commodity has ready market so that we expect an order from you.

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