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李阳英语365句 Lesson 21
357.You should take advantage of it.你应该好好利用这个机会。358.You will be better off.你的状况会好起来的。359.You will have to wait and see.你得等一等看。360.

标签: 365句 日语新闻 时间:2006-02-18 编辑:admin

李阳英语365句 Lesson 20
342.Would you do me a favor?你能帮我一个忙吗?343.You are just saying that.你只是说说而已。344.You are kidding.你开玩笑吧。345.You are so considerate.你真有心。

标签: 365句 日语新闻 时间:2006-02-18 编辑:admin

李阳英语365句 Lesson 19
329.What's your job?你做什么工作?330.Whatever you think is fine with me.我随你。331.When is the most convenient time for you?你什么时候最方便?332.When will i

标签: 365句 日语新闻 时间:2006-02-18 编辑:admin

李阳英语365句 Lesson 18
314.What can I do for you?要我帮忙吗?315.What do you do for relaxation?你做什么消遣?316.What do you recommend?你推荐什么?317.What do you think of my new car

标签: 365句 日语新闻 时间:2006-02-18 编辑:admin

李阳英语365句 Lesson 17
295.There is a call for you.有你的电话。296.There is no doubt about it.那是毫无疑问的。297.There is nothing I can do.我无能为力。298.There's a possibility.有这

标签: 365句 日语新闻 时间:2006-02-18 编辑:admin

李阳英语365句 Lesson 16
282.That's just what I was thinking.我也是这么想的。283.That's life.这就是生活。284.That's more like it.那样才像话。285.That's not a problem.那没问题。286.That

标签: 365句 时间:2006-02-18 编辑:admin

李阳英语365句 Lesson 15
262.Take care.请多保重。263.Take it or leave it.要不要由你。264.Take my word for it.相信我的话。265.Take your time.慢慢来。266.Thank you all the same.不管怎样还

标签: 365句 每日语法 时间:2006-02-18 编辑:admin

李阳英语365句 Lesson 14
246.No pain,no gain.不劳则无获。247.No problem.没问题。248.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.心之所愿,无事不成。249.Pain past is pleasure.过去的痛苦即是

标签: 365句 每日阅读 时间:2006-02-18 编辑:admin

李阳英语365句 Lesson 13
230.Let's hope for the best.让我们往好处想吧。231.Let's keep in touch.让我们保持联系。232.Let's make up.让我们言归于好吧。233.Let's go visit them.让我们去拜访他

标签: 365句 每日词汇 时间:2006-02-18 编辑:admin

李阳英语365句 Lesson 12
208.It's out of the question.这是不可能的。209.It's time for dinner.该吃晚饭了。210.It's up in the air.尚未决定。211.It's up to date.这个很时兴。212.It's up to

标签: 365句 时间:2006-02-18 编辑:admin