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NO-BOOK口语提高版 Lesson67-68:有水平

来源:可可英语 编辑:qihui   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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NO-BOOK口语提高版 Lesson67-68:有水平


Lesson 13 Hit

1.Your remarks hit home.
2.Late!It's time to hit the road.
3.He always hits the nail on the head.
4.We hit it off with each other.
5.The song's a big hit.
6.Never hit one when he's down.
7.Go and hit the sack now.
8.You hit the high spots.

Lesson 14 Do

1.Do me a favor?
2.Don't overdo it.
3.Try some.They won't do any harm.
4.Let me do it.
5.When in Rome,do as the Romans do.
6.Good!Job well done.
7.I'd like my steak well-done.
8.I always do my hair by myself.



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