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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"We'll see about those two later," said the Ape, spitting out a shell in the directionof the two prisoners. "I got some other business first. They can wait. Now listen to me,everyone. The first thing I want to say is about nuts. Where's that Head Squirrel got to?"“这两个人以后再处理。”无尾猿说道,朝着两个囚犯把果壳吐了过去,“我先要办别的事。他们不妨等着。现在,大家听我说。我首先要说的是关于坚果的事。松鼠的头目在那儿啊。”
"Here, Sir," said a red squirrel, coming forward and making a nervous little bow.“在这儿,大人。”一头红松鼠说道,它上前一步,忐忑不安地鞠了一个躬。
"Oh you are, are you?" said the Ape with a nasty look. "Now attend to me. I want - Imean, Aslan wants - some more nuts. These you've brought aren't anything like enough. Youmust bring some more, do you hear? Twice as many. And they've got to be here by sunsettomorrow, and there mustn't be any bad ones or any small ones among them."“啊,你是,是你吗?”无尾猿说道,神情令人作呕,“现在注意听我的吩咐。我要——载的意思是阿斯兰要——阿斯兰还要些坚果。你们已经送来的那些坚果是十分不够的。数量要翻一番。明天太阳落山时必须送到这儿。其中不许有一颗坏的或一颗小的。”
A murmur of dismay ran through the other squirrels, and the Head Squirrel plucked upcourage to say:“其他的松鼠连声发出一阵惊惶的咕咕哝哝的声音,松鼠头儿鼓起勇气说道”
"Please, would Aslan himself speak to us about it? If we might be allowed to see him -"“对不起,阿斯兰可以亲自对我们说说这件事吗?如果允许我们见到狮王——”
"Well you won't," said the Ape. "He may be very kind (though it's a lot more than mostof you deserve) and come out for a few minutes tonight. Then you can all have a look at him.But he will not have you all crowding round him and pestering him with questions. Anythingyou want to say to him will be passed on through me: if I think it's worth bothering himabout. In the meantime all you squirrels had better go and see about the nuts. And make surethey are here by tomorrow evening or, my word! you'll catch it."“你们不行,”无尾猿说道,“也许狮王十分仁慈(尽管你们大多数不配消受),今儿个夜里会出来几分钟。那时你们大家可以看上一眼。但狮王可不愿让你们大家挤在他的周围,用各种问题跟他纠缠不清。你们要说给狮王听的不论什么话,都得通过我向狮王汇报,如果我觉得那事情是值得麻烦狮王的话。同时,你们所有的松鼠们,最好还是去张罗坚果吧。要保证明儿晚上把坚果送到这儿,不然的话,你们就会吃苦头的。告诉你们,我可说一是,说二是二的!”
The poor squirrels all scampered away as if a dog were after them. This new order wasterrible news for them. The nuts they had carefully hoarded for the winter had nearly allbeen eaten by now; and of the few that were left they had already given the Ape far morethan they could spare.可怜的松鼠便统统惊惶地跑开了,仿佛有一条狗儿在追它们似的。这个新的命令对它们是个可怕的讯息。它们小心翼翼地藏起来过冬的坚果,如今差不多都被吃掉了,从留下来的那么一点儿里边,它们已经拿出来交给无尾猿的数量,也远远超过了它们所能节省下来的了。
Then a deep voice - it belonged to a great tusked and shaggy Boar - spoke from anotherpart of the crowd.然后是一个深沉的声音——属于浑身粗毛、长着撩牙的巨大野猪的声音——从另一部分群众中发出来了。“为什么我们不能堂堂正正地见到阿斯兰,同阿斯兰说话呢?"它说,"在以往的日子里,阿斯兰经常在纳尼亚出现,大家都可以面对面地同他谈话。”
"But why can't we see Aslan properly and talk to him?" it said. "When he used to appearin Narnia in the old days everyone could talk to him face to face."“你们别相信这话,”无尾猿说道,“即使这话是真的,时代也已经变化了。阿斯兰说,以前他对待你们太温和了,你们明白吗?哦,他再也不会温和了。这一回,他要把你们整顿得像个样子。你们以为他是好说话的狮子,他就要狠狠地教训你们。”
"Don't you believe it," said the Ape. "And even if it was true, times have changed.Aslan says he's been far too soft with you before, do you see? Well, he isn't going to besoft any more. He's going to lick you into shape this time. He'll teach you to think he's atame lion!"但听得野兽之间发出一阵低低的呻吟呜咽的声音;这之后是死一般的寂静,那可更悲惨了。
A low moaning and whimpering was heard among the Beasts; and, after that, a dead silencewhich was more miserable still.
"And now there's another thing you got to learn," said the Ape. "I hear some of you aresaying I'm an Ape. Well, I'm not. I'm a Man. If I look like an Ape, that's because I'm sovery old: hundreds and hundreds of years old. And it's because I'm so old that I'm so wise.And it's because I'm so wise that I'm the only one Aslan is ever going to speak to. He can'tbe bothered talking to a lot of stupid animals. He'll tell me what you've got to do, andI'll tell the rest of you. And take my advice, and see you do it in double quick time, forhe doesn't mean to stand any nonsense."
There was a dead silence except for the noise of a very young badger crying and itsmother trying to make it keep quiet.

"We'll see about those two later," said the Ape, spitting out a shell in the directionof the two prisoners. "I got some other business first. They can wait. Now listen to me,everyone. The first thing I want to say is about nuts. Where's that Head Squirrel got to?"
"Here, Sir," said a red squirrel, coming forward and making a nervous little bow.
"Oh you are, are you?" said the Ape with a nasty look. "Now attend to me. I want - Imean, Aslan wants - some more nuts. These you've brought aren't anything like enough. Youmust bring some more, do you hear? Twice as many. And they've got to be here by sunsettomorrow, and there mustn't be any bad ones or any small ones among them."
A murmur of dismay ran through the other squirrels, and the Head Squirrel plucked upcourage to say:
"Please, would Aslan himself speak to us about it? If we might be allowed to see him -"
"Well you won't," said the Ape. "He may be very kind (though it's a lot more than mostof you deserve) and come out for a few minutes tonight. Then you can all have a look at him.But he will not have you all crowding round him and pestering him with questions. Anythingyou want to say to him will be passed on through me: if I think it's worth bothering himabout. In the meantime all you squirrels had better go and see about the nuts. And make surethey are here by tomorrow evening or, my word! you'll catch it."
The poor squirrels all scampered away as if a dog were after them. This new order wasterrible news for them. The nuts they had carefully hoarded for the winter had nearly allbeen eaten by now; and of the few that were left they had already given the Ape far morethan they could spare.
Then a deep voice - it belonged to a great tusked and shaggy Boar - spoke from anotherpart of the crowd.
"But why can't we see Aslan properly and talk to him?" it said. "When he used to appearin Narnia in the old days everyone could talk to him face to face."
"Don't you believe it," said the Ape. "And even if it was true, times have changed.Aslan says he's been far too soft with you before, do you see? Well, he isn't going to besoft any more. He's going to lick you into shape this time. He'll teach you to think he's atame lion!"
A low moaning and whimpering was heard among the Beasts; and, after that, a dead silencewhich was more miserable still.
"And now there's another thing you got to learn," said the Ape. "I hear some of you aresaying I'm an Ape. Well, I'm not. I'm a Man. If I look like an Ape, that's because I'm sovery old: hundreds and hundreds of years old. And it's because I'm so old that I'm so wise.And it's because I'm so wise that I'm the only one Aslan is ever going to speak to. He can'tbe bothered talking to a lot of stupid animals. He'll tell me what you've got to do, andI'll tell the rest of you. And take my advice, and see you do it in double quick time, forhe doesn't mean to stand any nonsense."
There was a dead silence except for the noise of a very young badger crying and itsmother trying to make it keep quiet.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

spare [spɛə]


adj. 多余的,闲置的,备用的,简陋的

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默

miserable ['mizərəbl]


adj. 悲惨的,痛苦的,贫乏的

bow [bau]


n. 弓
n. 鞠躬,蝴蝶结,船头

badger ['bædʒə]


n. 獾,獾皮(毛) Badger:獾州人(对威斯康星州

shell [ʃel]


n. 壳,外壳
v. 去壳,脱落,拾贝壳

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

squirrel ['skwirəl]


n. 松鼠,松鼠皮毛
vt. 储存





