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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Chapter 5 How Help Came to the King第5章 救援国王
Bur his misery did not last long. Almost at once there came a bump, and then a second bump, and two children were standing before him. The wood in front of him had been quite empty a second before and he knew they had not come from behind his tree, for he would have heard them. They had in fact simply appeared from nowhere. He saw at a glance that they were wearing the same queer, dingy sort of clothes as the people in his dream; and he saw, at a second glance, that they were the youngest boy and girl out of that party of seven.可是国王的苦难为时并不长久。几乎立刻传来砰的一声,接着又是砰的一声,两个孩子就站在国王的面前了。一秒钟以前,国王前边的树林里是空无一人的;国王知道,他们也不是从绑牢他的那棵树木背后跑出来的,因为从树背后出来,他会听见脚步声。事实上他们简直是从只有天知道的地方突然冒出来的。国王一眼就看出来了,他们穿着跟他梦中所见人物一样的古里古怪而邋里邋遢的衣服。再看第二眼,国王发现他们便是餐桌周围七人中最年轻的男孩和女孩。
"Gosh!" said the boy, "that took one's breath away! I thought -""天哪!"男孩说道,"简直叫人气也透不过来了!我以为……"赶紧给他松绑,"女孩说道,"我们可以以后再谈。"然后她转向蒂莲,补充道"我很抱歉,我们到得晚了。我们倒是尽量立刻出发的。"
"Hurry up and get him untied," said the girl. "We can talk, afterwards." Then she added, turning to Tirian, "I'm sorry we've been so long. We came the moment we could."她这么说时,男孩从口袋里拿出一把小刀,迅速把绑牢国王的绳索割断,事实上也割得太快了,因为国王浑身僵硬、麻木,最后一根绳索割断时他就倒了下来,双手和双膝都着地了。他把双腿好生擦了一阵,使双腿恢复了生机,方才能重新站起身来。
While she was speaking the Boy produced a knife from his pocket and was quickly cutting the King's bonds: too quickly, in fact, for the King was so stiff and numb that when the last cord was cut he fell forward on his hands and knees. He couldn't get up again till he had brought some life back into his legs by a good rubbing."嗨,"女孩说道,"那天夜里,我们七个人在吃晚饭的时候,突然出现在我们面前的,就是你吗,是不是?差不多一个星期以前。"
"I say," said the girl. "It was you, wasn't it, who appeared to us that night when we were all at supper? Nearly a week ago.""漂亮的姑娘,一个星期以前吗?"蒂莲说道,"我的梦把我带到你们的世界里,还不过十分钟哩。"
"A week, fair maid?" said Tirian. "My dream led me into your world scarce ten minutes since.""关于时间问题,往往是一笔搞不清的糊涂账。"男孩说道。"我现在记起来了,"蒂莲说道,"在古老的故事里,也有记载的。你们那奇怪世界里的时间,跟我们的时间是很不相同的。但,如果我们说到时间和时候,现在倒是我们离开这儿的时候了因为我的敌人就在附近。你们愿意跟我一起走吗?"
"It's the usual muddle about times, Pole," said the Boy."当然啦,"女孩说,"我们赶来救援的,就是你啊。"蒂莲迈开步子,带领他们迅速走下山去,他朝南而行,离那马厩远远的。他十分明白他要往哪儿去,但他第一个目的是走上石头路,以便不致留下什么足迹;第二个目的是涉水而过,以便不致留下什么气味。他们花了大约一个钟头的时间爬山蹚水;这么爬山蹚水时,他们没有一个人吭声说话。即使如此,蒂莲还是继续不断地偷偷瞧他的同伴一两眼。同来自另一个世界的人物并肩而行的神奇之感,弄得他有点儿晕头晕脑;但也使一切古老的故事远比往常显得更加真实了……如今任何事情都可能发生了。
"I remember now," said Tirian. "That too comes in all the old tales. The time of your strange land is different from ours. But if we speak of Time, 'tis time to be gone from here: for my enemies are close at hand. Will you come with me?""现在,"他们的前边有个小山谷在白桦树之间迤逦而下,当他们走到这小山谷的开端时,蒂莲说道,"我们离那些恶棍的危险地带有好长一段路了,现在不妨走得更从容自在点儿。"太阳已经升起,露珠在枝头闪烁,鸟儿在鸣啭。
"Of course," said the girl. "It's you we've come to help.""来点儿吃的怎么样?——陛下,我的意思是你要不要吃点东西,我们已经吃过早饭了。"男孩说道。
Tirian got to his feet and led them rapidly down hill, Southward and away from the stable. He knew where he meant to go but his first aim was to get to rocky places where they would leave no trail, and his second to cross some water so that they would leave no scent. This took them about an hour's scrambling and wading and while that was going on nobody had any breath to talk. But even so, Tirian kept on stealing glances at his companions. The wonder of walking beside the creatures from another world made him feel a little dizzy: but it also made all the old stories seem far more real than they had ever seemed before . . . anything might happen now.
"Now," said Tirian as they came to the head of a little valley which ran down before them among young birch trees, "we are out of danger of those villains for a space and may walk more easily." The sun had risen, dew-drops were twinkling on every branch, and birds were singing.
"What about some grub? - I mean for you, Sir, we two have had our breakfast," said the Boy.

Chapter 5 How Help Came to the King
Bur his misery did not last long. Almost at once there came a bump, and then a second bump, and two children were standing before him. The wood in front of him had been quite empty a second before and he knew they had not come from behind his tree, for he would have heard them. They had in fact simply appeared from nowhere. He saw at a glance that they were wearing the same queer, dingy sort of clothes as the people in his dream; and he saw, at a second glance, that they were the youngest boy and girl out of that party of seven.
"Gosh!" said the boy, "that took one's breath away! I thought -"
"Hurry up and get him untied," said the girl. "We can talk, afterwards." Then she added, turning to Tirian, "I'm sorry we've been so long. We came the moment we could."
While she was speaking the Boy produced a knife from his pocket and was quickly cutting the King's bonds: too quickly, in fact, for the King was so stiff and numb that when the last cord was cut he fell forward on his hands and knees. He couldn't get up again till he had brought some life back into his legs by a good rubbing.
"I say," said the girl. "It was you, wasn't it, who appeared to us that night when we were all at supper? Nearly a week ago."
"A week, fair maid?" said Tirian. "My dream led me into your world scarce ten minutes since."
"It's the usual muddle about times, Pole," said the Boy.
"I remember now," said Tirian. "That too comes in all the old tales. The time of your strange land is different from ours. But if we speak of Time, 'tis time to be gone from here: for my enemies are close at hand. Will you come with me?"
"Of course," said the girl. "It's you we've come to help."
Tirian got to his feet and led them rapidly down hill, Southward and away from the stable. He knew where he meant to go but his first aim was to get to rocky places where they would leave no trail, and his second to cross some water so that they would leave no scent. This took them about an hour's scrambling and wading and while that was going on nobody had any breath to talk. But even so, Tirian kept on stealing glances at his companions. The wonder of walking beside the creatures from another world made him feel a little dizzy: but it also made all the old stories seem far more real than they had ever seemed before . . . anything might happen now.
"Now," said Tirian as they came to the head of a little valley which ran down before them among young birch trees, "we are out of danger of those villains for a space and may walk more easily." The sun had risen, dew-drops were twinkling on every branch, and birds were singing.
"What about some grub? - I mean for you, Sir, we two have had our breakfast," said the Boy.

第5章 救援国王

重点单词   查看全部解释    
minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

glance [glɑ:ns]


v. 一瞥,扫视,匆匆一看,反光,闪烁,掠过

rocky ['rɔki]


adj. 岩石的,像岩石的,坚硬的,麻木的,困难重重的

numb [nʌm]


adj. 麻木的,失去知觉的,无动于衷的

muddle ['mʌdl]


n. 困惑,混浊状态 vt. 使混乱,使糊涂,使惊呆 v

misery ['mizəri]


n. 痛苦,悲惨的境遇,苦难

branch [brɑ:ntʃ]


n. 分支,树枝,分店,分部
v. 分支,分岔

scent [sent]


n. 气味,香味,痕迹
vt. 闻出,发觉,使

stiff [stif]


adj. 硬的,僵直的,生硬的,拘谨的,不灵活的


关键字: 小说 最后一战




