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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"Don't be so silly," said Polly. "As if anyone would! What does it matter what would have happened?"“别那么傻,”波莉说,”好像谁愿意疯疯巅巅地想下去似的。发不发生什么事又有什么关系呢?”
"I expect anyone who's come as far as this is bound to go on wondering till it sends him dotty. That's the Magic of it, you see. I can feel it beginning to work on me already."“我认为,到这里来的任何一个人都必然会不停地想,直到变得半痴半傻。你看,这就是魔法,我感到它已经对我起作用了。”
"Well I don't," said Polly crossly. "And I don't believe you do either. You're just putting it on."“我感觉不出。”波莉愤愤地说,“我不相信你真有感觉,不过是装腔作势罢了。”
"That's all you know," said Digory. "It's because you're a girl. Girls never want to know anything but gossip and rot about people getting engaged."“你就知道这些,”迪格雷说,“因为你是个女孩。女孩什么都不想知道,老是唠唠叨叨,说某某人和某某人订婚了,等等。”
"You looked exactly like your Uncle when you said that," said Polly.“你说这话的时候就跟你舅舅一模一样。”波莉说。“为什么你就不能谈正题?”迪格雷说,“我们现在谈的是。”
"Why can't you keep to the point?" said Digory. "What we're talking about is -"“多像一个男子汉啊!”波莉用大人的口气说道;接着,又用自己的语调匆匆补了一句,“不要说我就像个女人,那样你就是一只讨厌的学舌鹅鹉。”
"How exactly like a man!" said Polly in a very grownup voice; but she added hastily, in her real voice, "And don't say I'm just like a woman, or you'll be a beastly copy-cat."“我做梦也没想过把你这样的孩子叫做女人。”迪格雷傲慢地说。
"I should never dream of calling a kid like you a woman," said Digory loftily.“噢,我是个孩子,是吗?”波莉这下真火了,“好,你再也不需要带上个孩了来打扰你。我走了。我看够了这个地方,也看够了你”
"Oh, I'm a kid, am I?" said Polly who was now in a real rage. "Well you needn't be bothered by having a kid with you any longer then. I'm off. I've had enough of this place. And I've had enough of you too - you beastly, stuck-up, obstinate pig!"你这个讨厌的、顽固的、自以为是的蠢猪!”
"None of that!" said Digory in a voice even nastier than he meant it to be; for he saw Polly's hand moving to her pocket to get hold of her yellow ring. I can't excuse what he did next except by saying that he was very sorry for it afterwards (and so were a good many other people). Before Polly's hand reached her pocket, he grabbed her wrist, leaning across with his back against her chest. Then, keeping her other arm out of the way with his other elbow, he leaned forward, picked up the hammer, and struck the golden bell a light, smart tap. Then he let her go and they fell apart staring at each other and breathing hard. Polly was just beginning to cry, not with fear, and not even because he had hurt her wrist quite badly, but with furious anger. Within two seconds, however, they had something to think about that drove their own quarrels quite out of their minds.迪格雷看见波莉的手伸向口袋,要去抓那枚黄戒指,便用一种连自己都意想不到的难听声音喊道“住手!”我不能为迪格雷下面的行为开脱,最多只能说,他后来感到抱嗽(许多人都会这样)。在波莉的手摸到口袋以前,他扼住了她的手腕,俯过身去,用背抵住她的胸膛,然后用另一只手的肘部挡开她另一条手臂。他斜着身,拾起小锤,轻快地在钟上敲了一下。然后,他放开她,两人都跌倒在地,喘着气,狠狠地盯着对方。波莉开始哭了,不是因为害怕,也不是因为他重重地扭伤了她的手腕,而是因为极大的愤怒。但很快,他们就把争吵抛到了九霄云外,有别的事情需要动脑筋了。
As soon as the bell was struck it gave out a note, a sweet note such as you might have expected, and not very loud. But instead of dying away again, it went on; and as it went on it grew louder. Before a minute had passed it was twice as loud as it had been to begin with. It was soon so loud that if the children had tried to speak (but they weren't thinking of speaking now - they were just standing with their mouths open) they would not have heard one another. Very soon it was so loud that they could not have heard one another even by shouting. And still it grew: all on one note, a continuous sweet sound, though the sweetness had something horrible about it, till all the air in that great room was throbbing with it and they could feel the stone floor trembling under their feet. Then at last it began to be mixed with another sound, a vague, disastrous noise which sounded first like the roar of a distant train, and then like the crash of a falling tree. They heard something like great weights falling. Finally, with a sudden, rush and thunder, and a shake that nearly flung them off their feet, about a quarter of the roof at one end of the room fell in, great blocks of masonry fell all round them, and the walls rocked. The noise of the bell stopped. The clouds of dust cleared away. Everything became quiet again.钟刚刚敲晌的时候,就发出一种音调,不太响亮,但你可以想像,声音很甜美。这种音调非但没有减弱,反而继续鸣响,而且越来越响,在不到一分钟的时间里,音调就比刚开始时响亮一倍。声音迅速增长到如果孩子们想说话(但他们当时并未想到说话一一他们只是张口结舌地站着),
It was never found out whether the fall of the roof was due to Magic or whether that unbearably loud sound from the bell just happened to strike the note which was more than those crumbling walls could stand.互相之间也无法听见的程度。顷刻间,声音响得即使他们大声喊叫也听不见了。连绵不断的甜美的声音一直在不停地增大,虽然甜美之中透出一丝恐怖的气氛。渐渐地,整个房间的空气也随着那种声音颇动起来,直到两人觉得脚下的石头地板在颤抖。最后,另一种模糊的、灾难性的声音掺合了进来,起初像远方火车的吼叫,接着,又像树木倒下的声音。他们听见似乎有什么重东西在往下倒。突然,一阵晃动几乎将他们抛了出去。随着轰隆隆的冲击声,房间一头大约四分之的屋顶塌了下来,大块大块的砖石落在他们周围,墙壁开始摇晃。钟声停止后,灰尘消散,一切又归于宁静。不知道是魔法使屋顶塌了下来,还是响亮的钟声恰好使墙壁无法忍受而崩塌。
"There! I hope you're satisfied now," panted Polly.“这下好了!我想你现在满意了。”波莉喘着气说。
"Well, it's all over, anyway," said Digory.“这么说,一切都结束了。”迪格雷说。
And both thought it was; but they had never been more mistaken in their lives.两人都这样想;然而,他们犯了一生中最大的错误。

"Don't be so silly," said Polly. "As if anyone would! What does it matter what would have happened?"
"I expect anyone who's come as far as this is bound to go on wondering till it sends him dotty. That's the Magic of it, you see. I can feel it beginning to work on me already."
"Well I don't," said Polly crossly. "And I don't believe you do either. You're just putting it on."
"That's all you know," said Digory. "It's because you're a girl. Girls never want to know anything but gossip and rot about people getting engaged."
"You looked exactly like your Uncle when you said that," said Polly.
"Why can't you keep to the point?" said Digory. "What we're talking about is -"
"How exactly like a man!" said Polly in a very grownup voice; but she added hastily, in her real voice, "And don't say I'm just like a woman, or you'll be a beastly copy-cat."
"I should never dream of calling a kid like you a woman," said Digory loftily.
"Oh, I'm a kid, am I?" said Polly who was now in a real rage. "Well you needn't be bothered by having a kid with you any longer then. I'm off. I've had enough of this place. And I've had enough of you too - you beastly, stuck-up, obstinate pig!"
"None of that!" said Digory in a voice even nastier than he meant it to be; for he saw Polly's hand moving to her pocket to get hold of her yellow ring. I can't excuse what he did next except by saying that he was very sorry for it afterwards (and so were a good many other people). Before Polly's hand reached her pocket, he grabbed her wrist, leaning across with his back against her chest. Then, keeping her other arm out of the way with his other elbow, he leaned forward, picked up the hammer, and struck the golden bell a light, smart tap. Then he let her go and they fell apart staring at each other and breathing hard. Polly was just beginning to cry, not with fear, and not even because he had hurt her wrist quite badly, but with furious anger. Within two seconds, however, they had something to think about that drove their own quarrels quite out of their minds.
As soon as the bell was struck it gave out a note, a sweet note such as you might have expected, and not very loud. But instead of dying away again, it went on; and as it went on it grew louder. Before a minute had passed it was twice as loud as it had been to begin with. It was soon so loud that if the children had tried to speak (but they weren't thinking of speaking now - they were just standing with their mouths open) they would not have heard one another. Very soon it was so loud that they could not have heard one another even by shouting. And still it grew: all on one note, a continuous sweet sound, though the sweetness had something horrible about it, till all the air in that great room was throbbing with it and they could feel the stone floor trembling under their feet. Then at last it began to be mixed with another sound, a vague, disastrous noise which sounded first like the roar of a distant train, and then like the crash of a falling tree. They heard something like great weights falling. Finally, with a sudden, rush and thunder, and a shake that nearly flung them off their feet, about a quarter of the roof at one end of the room fell in, great blocks of masonry fell all round them, and the walls rocked. The noise of the bell stopped. The clouds of dust cleared away. Everything became quiet again.
It was never found out whether the fall of the roof was due to Magic or whether that unbearably loud sound from the bell just happened to strike the note which was more than those crumbling walls could stand.
"There! I hope you're satisfied now," panted Polly.
"Well, it's all over, anyway," said Digory.
And both thought it was; but they had never been more mistaken in their lives.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
wrist [rist]


n. 手腕,护腕

hastily ['heistili]


adv. 匆忙地,急速地

rage [reidʒ]


n. 狂怒,大怒,狂暴,肆虐,风行
v. 大怒

rot [rɔt]


n. 腐烂,腐蚀,败坏
v. 腐烂,使 ...

vague [veig]


adj. 模糊的,不明确的,犹豫不决的,茫然的

smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的

engaged [in'geidʒd]


adj. 忙碌的,使用中的,订婚了的

gossip ['gɔsip]


n. 流言蜚语,闲话,爱说长道短的人

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

obstinate ['ɔbstinit]


adj. 固执的,倔强的,不易屈服的,(病)难治的





