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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Tirian wondered very much what he meant by "grub", but when the Boy opened a bulgy satchel which he was carrying and pulled out a rather greasy and squashy packet, he understood. He was ravenously hungry, though he hadn't thought about it till that moment. There were two hard-boiled egg sandwiches, and two cheese sandwiches, and two with some kind of paste in them. If he hadn't been so hungry he wouldn't have thought much of the paste, for that is a sort of food nobody eats in Narnia. By the time he had eaten all six sandwiches they had come to the bottom of the valley and there they found a mossy cliff with a little fountain bubbling out of it. All three stopped and drank and splashed their hot faces.蒂莲很想知道他所说的"吃点东西"是指什么,但,当男孩把他带来的一个鼓鼓囊囊的手提包打开,从中拉出一扎油腻而软绵绵的东西时,他明白了。他饿得要命,尽管他直到此刻看到食物才想起肚子饿。食物共有两份熟鸡蛋三明治,两份干酷三明治,两份果酱三明治。若不是饿得厉害,他是不大会吃那果酱三明治的,因为在纳尼亚谁也不吃这种果酱的。他吃完六份三明治时,他们已经走到了谷底,在那儿发现了一个长满苔藓的山崖,崖上有泉水汩汩地冒出来。三个人都停下步来喝泉水,并且把水泼在他们灼热的脸上。
"And now," said the girl as she tossed her wet hair back from her forehead, "aren't you going to tell us who you are and why you were tied up and what it's all about?""好了,"女孩一边把潮湿的头发从前额上甩回去,一边说道,"现在你可以告诉我们了:你是什么人,为什么你被绑在树上,以及这一切究竟是怎么一回事?"
"With a good will, damsel," said Tirian. "But we must keep on the march." So while they went on walking he told them who he was and all the things that had happened to him. "And now," he said at the end, "I am going to a certain tower, one of three that were built in my grandsire's time to guard Lantern Waste against certain perilous outlaws who dwelled there in his day. By Aslan's good will I was not robbed of my keys. In that tower we shall find stores of weapons and mail and some victuals also, though no better than dry biscuit. There also we can lie safe while we make our plans. And now, prithee, tell me who you two are and all your story.""小姐,我十分情愿告诉你们,"蒂莲说,"但我们必须继续赶路。"所以,他们一面走路,他就一面讲给他们听:他是什么人以及他所遭遇到的种种事情。"现在,我要到一个堡垒去,"他讲到末末了儿,说道,"我的祖先统治的时代,曾经筑了三个堡垒保卫灯柱野林,防范当年住在那儿的危险的亡命之徒。由于阿斯兰的保佑,我的钥匙没有被抢走。在我要去的那个堡垒里,我们可以找到武器和盔甲,也可以找到一些食物,虽然不会有比又干又硬的饼干更好的东西。我们还可以安全地躺在那儿订立计划。现在,请你们两位告诉我——你们是什么人,以及你们所有的经历。"
"I'm Eustace Scrubb and this is Jill Pole," said the Boy. "And we were here once before, ages and ages ago, more than a year ago by our time, and there was a chap called Prince Rilian, and they were keeping this chap underground, and Puddleglum put his foot in -""我是尤斯塔斯;斯克罗布,这一位是吉尔;波尔,"男孩说道,"从前我们到这儿来过一次,好几个世纪以前;按照我们的时间来说,那就是一年多以前,有个人叫瑞廉王子的,他被人家关在地底下,帕德尔格拉姆又把他的脚伸进——""哈!"蒂莲大声说道,"那么你们就是把国王瑞廉从长期的魔法困扰中拯救出来的尤斯塔斯和吉尔了?"
"Ha!" cried Tirian, "are you then that Eustace and that Jill who rescued King Rilian from his long enchantment?""是的,正是我们两人,"吉尔说道,"那么,现在他是国王瑞廉了,是不是?啊,当然他会做国王的。我忘记了——""不,"蒂莲说,"我是他的第七代后裔了。他已经死了两百多年了。"
"Yes, that's us," said Jill. "So he's King Rilian now, is he? Oh of course he would be. I forgot-"吉尔做了个鬼脸。"呃!"她说,"回到纳尼亚来,就是这档子事情叫人不好受。"但尤斯塔斯继续说下去。"陛下,现在你知道我们是什么人了,"他说,"事情是这样的。教授和姨妈波莉把我们纳尼亚的朋友都请来了——""我不知道这些名字,尤斯塔斯。"蒂莲说。"他们是最早进入纳尼亚的两个人,那时所有的野兽正学习讲人话。"
"Nay," said Tirian, "I am the seventh in descent from him. He has been dead over two hundred years.""天哪!"蒂莲大声嚷道,"这两个人啊!迪格雷勋爵和波莉夫人!鸿蒙初开时的人物!仍旧活在你们的世界里吗?真是神奇,真是光荣!讲给我听,讲给我听吧。"
Jill made a face. "Ugh!" she said. "That's the horrid part about coming back to Narnia." But Eustace went on."你要知道,她并非真是我们的姨妈,"尤斯塔斯说道,"她是普卢默小姐,不过我们管她叫姨妈罢了。却说这两位把我们大家都请去聚会了:一半只是为了寻寻开心,让我们大家痛痛快快地聊一聊关于纳尼亚王国的事情(因为,像这样的事,我们跟其他的人是没法儿闲聊的);一半是教授有种预感这儿用得着我们哩。然后是你来了,像个鬼魂,或者是个只有天知道的玩意儿,几乎把我们的性命都吓掉了,一句话也不说就消失了。这之后,我们知道肯定是发生了什么事变了。
"Well now you know who we are, Sire," he said. "And it was like this. The Professor and Aunt Polly had got all us friends of Narnia together -"
"I know not these names, Eustace," said Tirian.
"They're the two who came into Narnia at the very beginning, the day all the animals learned to talk."
"By the Lion's Mane," cried Tirian. "Those two! The Lord Digory and the Lady Polly! From the dawn of the world! And still in your place? The wonder and the glory of it! But tell me, tell me."
"She isn't really our aunt, you know," said Eustace. "She's Miss Plummer, but we call her Aunt Polly. Well those two got us all together partly just for fun, so that we could all have a good jaw about Narnia (for of course there's no one else we can ever talk to about things like that) but partly because the Professor had a feeling that we were somehow wanted over here. Well then you came in like a ghost or goodness-knows-what and nearly frightened the lives out of us and vanished without saying a word. After that, we knew for certain there was something up.

Tirian wondered very much what he meant by "grub", but when the Boy opened a bulgy satchel which he was carrying and pulled out a rather greasy and squashy packet, he understood. He was ravenously hungry, though he hadn't thought about it till that moment. There were two hard-boiled egg sandwiches, and two cheese sandwiches, and two with some kind of paste in them. If he hadn't been so hungry he wouldn't have thought much of the paste, for that is a sort of food nobody eats in Narnia. By the time he had eaten all six sandwiches they had come to the bottom of the valley and there they found a mossy cliff with a little fountain bubbling out of it. All three stopped and drank and splashed their hot faces.
"And now," said the girl as she tossed her wet hair back from her forehead, "aren't you going to tell us who you are and why you were tied up and what it's all about?"
"With a good will, damsel," said Tirian. "But we must keep on the march." So while they went on walking he told them who he was and all the things that had happened to him. "And now," he said at the end, "I am going to a certain tower, one of three that were built in my grandsire's time to guard Lantern Waste against certain perilous outlaws who dwelled there in his day. By Aslan's good will I was not robbed of my keys. In that tower we shall find stores of weapons and mail and some victuals also, though no better than dry biscuit. There also we can lie safe while we make our plans. And now, prithee, tell me who you two are and all your story."
"I'm Eustace Scrubb and this is Jill Pole," said the Boy. "And we were here once before, ages and ages ago, more than a year ago by our time, and there was a chap called Prince Rilian, and they were keeping this chap underground, and Puddleglum put his foot in -"
"Ha!" cried Tirian, "are you then that Eustace and that Jill who rescued King Rilian from his long enchantment?"
"Yes, that's us," said Jill. "So he's King Rilian now, is he? Oh of course he would be. I forgot-"
"Nay," said Tirian, "I am the seventh in descent from him. He has been dead over two hundred years."
Jill made a face. "Ugh!" she said. "That's the horrid part about coming back to Narnia." But Eustace went on.
"Well now you know who we are, Sire," he said. "And it was like this. The Professor and Aunt Polly had got all us friends of Narnia together -"
"I know not these names, Eustace," said Tirian.
"They're the two who came into Narnia at the very beginning, the day all the animals learned to talk."
"By the Lion's Mane," cried Tirian. "Those two! The Lord Digory and the Lady Polly! From the dawn of the world! And still in your place? The wonder and the glory of it! But tell me, tell me."
"She isn't really our aunt, you know," said Eustace. "She's Miss Plummer, but we call her Aunt Polly. Well those two got us all together partly just for fun, so that we could all have a good jaw about Narnia (for of course there's no one else we can ever talk to about things like that) but partly because the Professor had a feeling that we were somehow wanted over here. Well then you came in like a ghost or goodness-knows-what and nearly frightened the lives out of us and vanished without saying a word. After that, we knew for certain there was something up.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
pole [pəul]


n. 杆,柱,极点
v. (用杆)支撑

fountain ['fauntin]


n. 喷泉,源泉,储水容器,泉水
v. 使像喷

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

frightened ['fraitnd]


adj. 受惊的,受恐吓的

glory ['glɔ:ri]


n. 光荣,荣誉,壮丽,赞颂
vi. 为 ..

cliff [klif]


n. 悬崖,峭壁





