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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"Oh Corin, Corin, how could you? And thou and I such close friends ever since thy mother died. And what should I have said to thy royal father if I came home without thee? Would have been a cause almost of war between Archenland and Narnia which are friends time out of mind. It was naught, playmate, very naught of thee to use us so."“啊,科林,科林,你怎么能这样呢?自从你的母亲去世以来,你和我是那么亲密的朋友。如果我回家时却没有带你回去,我怎么向你的父王交代呢?阿钦兰和纳尼亚自古以来就是友好邻邦,这件事会不会成为两国开战的原因?啊,一起玩儿的伙伴,你这样对待我们,真是太皮了,皮极了。”
"Apparently," thought Shasta to himself, "I'm being mistaken for a prince of Archenland, wherever that is. And these must be the Narnians. I wonder where the real Corin is?" But these thoughts did not help him say anything out loud.“显而易见,”沙斯塔心中想道,”我被误认为阿钦兰的一个王子了,不论阿钦兰是在哪儿。这些人必定是纳尼亚人。我不知道那真正的科林在什么地方。”但这些想法也不能帮他大声作出任何回答来。
"Where hast been, Corin?" said the lady, her hands still on Shasta's shoulders.“你上哪儿去了,科林?”女士说道她的双手还按在沙斯塔的肩膀上。
"I- I don't know," stammered Shasta.“我——我不知道。”沙斯塔结结巴巴地说道。
"There it is, Susan," said the King. "I could get no tale out of him, true or false."“真是毫无办法,苏珊,”国工说,”真话也好,假话也好,我都没有办法叫他讲出来。”
"Your Majesties! Queen Susan! King Edmund!" said a voice: and when Shasta turned to look at the speaker he nearly jumped out of his skin with surprise. For this was one of these queer people whom he had noticed out of the corner of his eye when he first came into the room. He was about the same height as Shasta himself. From the waist upwards he was like a man, but his legs were hairy like a goat's, and shaped like a goat's and he had goat's hooves and a tail. His skin was rather red and he had curly hair and a short pointed beard and two little horns. He was in fact a Faun, which is a creature Shasta had never seen a picture of or even heard of. And if you've read a book called The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe you may like to know that this was the very same Faun, Tumnus by name, whom Queen Susan's sister Lucy had met on the very first day when she found her way into Narnia. But he was a good deal older now for by this time Peter and Susan and Edmund and Lucy had been Kings and Queens of Narnia for several years.“国王陛下!女王苏珊!国王爱德蒙!”有个声音说道;沙斯塔转过身来看那说话的人时,诧异得心惊肉跳。因为说这话的人,便是他刚走进房间时从眼角里瞅见的那些古怪人物之。他跟沙斯塔一般儿高,腰部以上像个人,但腿上多毛,像只羊,他还长着羊蹄和一条羊尾巴。他的皮肤相当红,他生着拳曲的头发,一把短而尖的胡子,两只羊角。事实上他是个羊怪,沙斯塔从未见过这样一个家伙的画像,甚至听也没听人讲起过。如果你读过本书,叫做《狮子、女巫和魔衣柜》,你倒会高兴地知道他就是那个叫图姆纳斯的羊怪,女王苏珊的妹妹露茜找到途径进入纳尼亚王国时,第一天碰到的就是他。不过,现在他比当初老得多了这时候彼得、苏珊、爱德蒙和露茜都已经做了好几年的纳尼亚国王和女王了。
"Your Majesties," he was saying, "His little Highness has had a touch of the sun. Look at him! He is dazed. He does not know where he is."“陛下,”羊怪说道,”小王爷有点儿中暑。你瞧瞧!他迷迷糊糊的。他不知道他是在什么地方。”
Then of course everyone stopped scolding Shasta and asking him questions and he was made much of and laid on a sofa and cushions were put under his head and he was given iced sherbet in a golden cup to drink and told to keep very quiet.于是,大家当然不再责备他,也不再盘问他了,大家郑重其事地对待他,把他安置在沙发上,用靠枕垫在他的脑袋后面,用金杯盛了冰冻果汁给他唱,还嘱咐他要保持十分的安静。
Nothing like this had ever happened to Shasta in his life before. He had never even imagined lying on anything so comfortable as that sofa or drinking anything so delicious as that sherbet. He was still wondering what had happened to the others and how on earth he was going to escape and meet them at the Tombs, and what would happen when the real Corin turned up again. But none of these worries seemed so pressing now that he was comfortable. And perhaps, later on, there would be nice things to eat!沙斯塔以前的生活中从来不曾发生过这样的事。他甚至没有梦想过躺在像那样舒适的沙发上,没有梦想过喝那样美味的果汁哩。他仍旧在想另外三个碰到了什么事,他自己究竟要怎样脱身,到古老坟场上去和他们相会,以及如果真正的科林重新出现,情况又会怎样变化。但如今他是舒舒服服的,这些个焦虑似乎没有件是很迫切的了。也许,不久就会有好东西可吃呢
Meanwhile the people in that cool airy room were very interesting. Besides the Faun there were two Dwarfs (a kind of creature he had never seen before) and a very large Raven. The rest were all humans; grown-ups, but young, and all of them, both men and women, had nicer faces and voices than most Calormenes. And soon Shasta found himself taking an interest in the conversation.当时在那凉爽、轩敞的房间里的人,都是十分有趣的。在羊怪之外,还有两个小矮人(他以前从未见过的一种人物),和一只很大的渡鸦。其余的都是人,成年人,可都很年轻,他们大家,不论男女,都比大部分卡乐门人面容漂亮、声音好听。沙斯塔不久就发现自己对他们的谈话很感兴趣。
"Now, Madam," the King was saying to Queen Susan (the lady who had kissed Shasta). "What think you? We have been in this city fully three weeks. 说Have you yet settled in your mind whether you will marry this dark-faced lover of yours, this Prince Rabadash, or no?"“晤,女士,”国王对女王苏珊(就是亲吻沙斯塔的那一位)说道,”你怎么考虑的?我们在这城里呆了足足三个星期了。你心里还没有打定主意是否嫁给你的这位黑脸爱慕者,这位拉巴达什王子吗?”

"Oh Corin, Corin, how could you? And thou and I such close friends ever since thy mother died. And what should I have said to thy royal father if I came home without thee? Would have been a cause almost of war between Archenland and Narnia which are friends time out of mind. It was naught, playmate, very naught of thee to use us so."
"Apparently," thought Shasta to himself, "I'm being mistaken for a prince of Archenland, wherever that is. And these must be the Narnians. I wonder where the real Corin is?" But these thoughts did not help him say anything out loud.
"Where hast been, Corin?" said the lady, her hands still on Shasta's shoulders.
"I- I don't know," stammered Shasta.
"There it is, Susan," said the King. "I could get no tale out of him, true or false."
"Your Majesties! Queen Susan! King Edmund!" said a voice: and when Shasta turned to look at the speaker he nearly jumped out of his skin with surprise. For this was one of these queer people whom he had noticed out of the corner of his eye when he first came into the room. He was about the same height as Shasta himself. From the waist upwards he was like a man, but his legs were hairy like a goat's, and shaped like a goat's and he had goat's hooves and a tail. His skin was rather red and he had curly hair and a short pointed beard and two little horns. He was in fact a Faun, which is a creature Shasta had never seen a picture of or even heard of. And if you've read a book called The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe you may like to know that this was the very same Faun, Tumnus by name, whom Queen Susan's sister Lucy had met on the very first day when she found her way into Narnia. But he was a good deal older now for by this time Peter and Susan and Edmund and Lucy had been Kings and Queens of Narnia for several years.
"Your Majesties," he was saying, "His little Highness has had a touch of the sun. Look at him! He is dazed. He does not know where he is."
Then of course everyone stopped scolding Shasta and asking him questions and he was made much of and laid on a sofa and cushions were put under his head and he was given iced sherbet in a golden cup to drink and told to keep very quiet.
Nothing like this had ever happened to Shasta in his life before. He had never even imagined lying on anything so comfortable as that sofa or drinking anything so delicious as that sherbet. He was still wondering what had happened to the others and how on earth he was going to escape and meet them at the Tombs, and what would happen when the real Corin turned up again. But none of these worries seemed so pressing now that he was comfortable. And perhaps, later on, there would be nice things to eat!
Meanwhile the people in that cool airy room were very interesting. Besides the Faun there were two Dwarfs (a kind of creature he had never seen before) and a very large Raven. The rest were all humans; grown-ups, but young, and all of them, both men and women, had nicer faces and voices than most Calormenes. And soon Shasta found himself taking an interest in the conversation.
"Now, Madam," the King was saying to Queen Susan (the lady who had kissed Shasta). "What think you? We have been in this city fully three weeks. 说Have you yet settled in your mind whether you will marry this dark-faced lover of yours, this Prince Rabadash, or no?"


重点单词   查看全部解释    
waist [weist]


n. 腰,腰部

escape [is'keip]


v. 逃跑,逃脱,避开
n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

wardrobe ['wɔ:drəub]


n. 衣柜,衣橱
n. 全部服装

pressing [presiŋ]


adj. 紧迫的,紧急的 press的现在分词

settled ['setld]


adj. 固定的;稳定的 v. 解决;定居(settle


关键字: 能言马与男孩 小说




