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小学英语300句 Unit20

来源:可可英语 编辑:alex   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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191 We have two teachers.
192 One is Mr White.
193 The other is Mrs Daisy.
194 What a big house!
195 They have two big houses.
196 Have you any big houses?
197 We have no hot water in the bottle.
198 I'm busy now.
199 You lazy boy.
200 They have no lessons today.

a: Mom! this is a photos of our class.
Let me have a look.
We have two teachers.
One is Mr White.
The other is Mrs Daisy.
They look very kind.
b: This is Bobbie's house.
What a big house!
They have two big houses.
One is here.
The other is in the countryside.
Have you any big houses?
Yes, we have.
c; David,We have no hot water in the bottle.
Go and fetch some.
I'm busy now.
You lazy boy.
d: Is Sunday today?
What a fine day!
The boys are free.
They have no lessons today.
But there is a football match.

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  • 关键字: Unit 300 小学英语




