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1【NATO supplies cross Pakistan-Afghan border】北约物资通过阿富汗边境


Transcript:Four container trucks carrying NATO supplies cross into Afghanistan Thursday. It is the first time in more than seven months that Pakistan has allowed Western nations to use its main supply route. The crossing was opened after a deal with the United States ended an impasse triggered by the killing of 24 Pakistani soldiers by U.S. aircraft last November. It has been a tough time for the drivers. AJMAL KHAN, NATO CONTAINER OWNER-CUM-DRIVER, SAYING: "What did we do during the past seven months? For seven months our vehicles were stranded, so we were short of money. We had to work for others." The resumption of NATO transit into Afghanistan came after U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, yielding to Pakistani demands, said the US was sorry for the death of the Pakistani soldiers in November. The closure forced NATO countries to bring in supplies through an alternate route to the north, a cumbersome process that cost 2-1/2 times as much as shipping them to and then across Pakistan. Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters
2【First reports of shelling in Damascus】首次报道大马士革炮击事件


Transcript:Amateur video out of Syria, which could not be independently verified by Reuters, appears to show shelling on the outskirts of Damascus. The video, shot by opposition supporters, purportedly marks the first time there has been shelling inside the city limits since the uprising began last March. There were no immediate reports of causalities. Recent video obtained by Reuters shows a town reduced to rubble in Aleppo province. A damaged tank sits in the center of town. A man walks through what was once a market place. He says it was a place where people used to eat, drink, and shop. Activists say more than 17,000 people have been killed in the revolt against President Bashar al-Assad. On Wednesday Syria's ambassador to Iraq, Nawaf al-Fares, defected. He called on the Syrian army to quote, "turn your guns on the criminals," of the government. Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters


3【The car that just keeps going】吉尼斯认证世界上跑的最远的汽车


A New York man's Volvo is close to hitting the three million mile mark. His car has been recognized by Guinness World Records as having the ''highest vehicle mileage'' known to exist.
Transcript:It's clocked almost three million miles and it's still going strong. The car's owner, retired school teacher Irvin Gordon, says his 1966 Volvo P1800S changed his life. Irvin Gordon, owner of 1966 Volvo P1800S, saying: "I have met a lot of nice people, I have friends all over the world now from Australia to Europe, it's just been a terrific experience. Just one of these things that adds up after 46 years." Gordon clocked 1,500 miles in the first weekend he owned the car. And he and his Volvo soon became well-known around town, according to diner owner, Angela Lentzeres. SOUNDBITE: Angela Lentzeres, owner of Peter Pan diner, saying (English): "I started here in 1983, so I have known Irv since at least 1983. He's always a regular here for breakfast, on his way to work." The car will reach the 3 million mark in a little over 33,000 miles. And what will Gordon do once that happens? Irvin Gordon, owner of 1966 Volvo P1800S, saying (English): "I don't know if I'll sell it, keep it, still drive it. They asked me that question when I got to the first million, and I drove it to work the next day. They asked me the same question when I got to two million miles, I drove it to work the next day. Now I am retired I have a feeling somehow I'll still be driving it the next day." And having come this far, there's not much more Gordon can do with his beloved Volvo, except to keep on driving. Tara Cleary, Reuters.
参考译文:它的行程将近达到了三万公里而且仍然很有力]X0=_*Vkk-RiUaSWk。这辆车的主人退休教师Irvin Gordon说他的这量沃尔沃P1800S改变了他的生活Y|t2O3-&TYL。他说:“我遇到了许多很不错的人,从澳大利亚到欧洲我有世界各地的朋友,这段旅行太美妙了,只是这些当中有一件事算起来是46年之后x,)v!]&f|#Dmuc。”购买这辆车的第一个礼拜他就行使了1,500英里*T!44Snz2NanK89Vo。据一位餐厅老板说,Gordon和他的沃尔沃在全镇都变得有名了[KqnpoaU-#[YV.#9h&H6。餐厅老板说:“我1983年在这里开餐厅,所以自1983年我就认识IrvZQV4R)*cOjkB.~。在去工作的路上,他总是定时的来这里吃早餐+r)N(@iTvz1。”再行使33,000英里,这辆车的行程将达到300万大关Q6FF!3=-.Ms。之后Gordon将打算怎么办呢?Irvin Gordon说:“我不知道是否是卖了它,收藏它还是继续开SnNk&5l32sv1*;。我开到100万行程的时候他们就问过我这个问题,第二天我继续开着它去工作lj9kWU9cXCy#|lJ(F-5K。当行程到200万英里,他们问我同样的问题,我第二天还是开着它去上班bKOZwey_c~iW%M0o1。现在我退休了,我有种感觉,达三百万英里后我还讲继续开着它+N5A&8a-J)!U。”到了这个地步,Gordon几乎不能再多为它爱车Volvo做些什么了,除了开着它继续前行]Kj+lw6G|8C
4【Deadly floods and landslides hit Japan】极端洪水和泥石流袭击日本


Transcript:A raging wall of water in western Japan. Over 20 people have been left dead or missing, with tens of thousands evacuated as of Thursday, after heavy rains caused massive flooding. Some areas of Kumamoto Prefecture saw up to 500 millimetres of rain in less than 24 hours. Evacuation orders have been issued for at least 68,000 people in two prefectures alone. The heavy rain also caused landslides, crushing houses in their paths. One man describes what he saw after a landslide hit. (SOUNDBITE) (Japanese) UNIDENTIFIED LOCAL RESIDENT SAYING: "I saw a woman covered with blood escaping from the back door of her house." The Japanese Self Defence Force has been mobilised to rescue residents, with forecasters warning of possible tornadoes in some areas. Travis Brecher, Reuters



重点单词   查看全部解释    
valuable ['væljuəbl]


adj. 贵重的,有价值的
n. (pl.)贵

storage ['stɔridʒ]


n. 贮藏,存储,保管,保管费,仓库,[计]存储器

landslide ['lændslaid]


n. 山崩 n. (竞选中)压倒多数的选票

impasse ['impæs]


n. 僵局,死路

explore [iks'plɔ:]


v. 探险,探测,探究

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

evacuation [i.vækju'eiʃən]


n. 撤离,疏散 n. 排泄,排泄物

available [ə'veiləbl]


adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的

healing ['hi:liŋ]


n. 康复,复原 adj. 有治疗功用的



v. 构思;设想(conceive的过去式)


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