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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"Let him try," said the second Dwarf. "At sea we are as big as he is. And if he assaults us by land, he has the desert to cross."“让他试试吧,”第二个小矮人说道,”我们在海上跟他一般儿强大。如果他从陆地进攻,他就得穿过大沙漠。”
"True, friend," said Edmund. "But is the desert a sure defence? What does Sallowpad say?"“的确,朋友,”爱德蒙说,”但大沙漠是个可靠的屏障吗?萨罗帕德你怎么看?”
"I know that desert well," said the Raven. "For I have flown above it far and wide in my younger days," (you may be sure that Shasta pricked up his ears at this point). "And this is certain; that if the Tisroc goes by the great oasis he can never lead a great army across it into Archenland. For though they could reach the oasis by the end of their first day's march, yet the springs there would be too little for the thirst of all those soldiers and their beasts. But there is another way."“我很了解这个大沙漠,”渡鸦说道,”在我年轻的岁月里,我曾在大沙漠上空飞翔得又远又广。”(你一定深信沙斯塔听到这里时竖起了耳朵。)”有一点是无可置疑的:如果蒂斯罗克从大绿洲进军,他永远不可能率领一支庞大的军队进入阿钦兰。因为,尽管他们在第一天急行军之后可以到达绿洲,但那儿的泉水太少了,不足以给所有的士兵和牲口解渴。但还有另外一条路径。”
Shasta listened more attentively still.沙斯塔一动也不动,更加注意地静听着。
"He that would find that way," said the Raven, "must start from the Tombs of the Ancient Kings and ride northwest so that the double peak of Mount Pire is always straight ahead of him. And so, in a day's riding or a little more, he shall come to the head of a stony valley, which is so narrow that a man might be within a furlong of it a thousand times and never know that it was there. And looking down this valley he will see neither grass nor water nor anything else good. But if he rides on down it he will come to a river and can ride by the water all the way into Archenland."“要找到这条路径的人,”渡鸦说道,”必须从古代国王的坟场出发,骑马朝西北驰去,皮尔峰的双峰便始终在他的正前方。如此骑马走上一天或稍稍再多一点儿时间,他就来到一个石头山谷的入口处,那个地方是那么狭窄,以致一个人可以上千次离它二百米光景,却不知道它就在那儿。向山谷里望下去,他既看不到青草或水,也看不到任何好东西。但如果他继续骑马前进,跑下山谷去,他就会来到一条河流边上,他可以沿着河流驰去,一路直达阿钦兰境内。”
"And do the Calormenes know of this Western way?" asked the Queen.“卡乐门人可知道这朝西去的路径?”女王问。
"Friends, friends," said Edmund, "what is the use of all this discourse? We are not asking whether Narnia or Calormen would win if war arose between them. We are asking how to save the honour of the Queen and our own lives out of this devilish city. For though my brother, Peter the High King, defeated the Tisroc a dozen times over, yet long before that day our throats would be cut and the Queen's grace would be the wife, or more likely, the slave, of this prince."“朋友们,朋友们,”爱德蒙说,”这一切讨论有什么用处?我们不是在问如果纳尼亚王国和卡乐门王国之间发生战争,哪一个国家会获得胜利。我们要问的是:如何挽救女王的荣誉,以及如何从这魔鬼的城市里救出我们自己的生命?因为,就算我的哥哥至尊王彼得会把蒂斯罗克打败十多次,然而早在这一天之前,我们的脖子已经被砍断了,而女王却成了这位王子的妻子,或者更可能是成了他的奴隶。”
"We have our weapons, King," said the first Dwarf. "And this is a reasonably defensible house."“国王,咱们有武器啊,”第一个小矮人说道,”而且这是幢完全可以防御的房屋。”
"As to that," said the King, "I do not doubt that every one of us would sell our lives dearly in the gate and they would not come at the Queen but over our dead bodies. Yet we should be merely rats fighting in a trap when all's said."“至于这一点,”国王说,”我毫不怀疑,我们每一个人都会在门口拼命,叫敌人付出沉重的代价,除非从我们的尸体上跨过去,他们休想侵犯女王。然而我们毕竟不过是老鼠在陷阱里搏斗罢了。”
"Very true," croaked the Raven. "These last stands in a house make good stories, but nothing ever came of them. After their first few repulses the enemy always set the house on fire."“千真万确,”渡鸦哇哇地说道,”在房子里坚守到最后的人,传为美谈,但一向毫无效果。在他开头几次打退敌人之后,敌人总是放火焚烧房屋的。”
"I am the cause of all this," said Susan, bursting into tears. "Oh, if only I had never left Cair Paravel. Our last happy day was before those ambassadors came from Calormen. The Moles were planting an orchard for us . . . oh . . . oh."“我是这一切的祸根,”苏珊说,她泪水都流下来了,”啊,如果我从未离开凯尔帕拉维尔就好了。卡乐门的大使到来之前,是我们最后的快乐日子。摩尔人正在为我们种植一个花园……啊……啊。”
And she buried her face in her hands and sobbed.她双手掩着脸呜咽。

"Let him try," said the second Dwarf. "At sea we are as big as he is. And if he assaults us by land, he has the desert to cross."

"True, friend," said Edmund. "But is the desert a sure defence? What does Sallowpad say?"

"I know that desert well," said the Raven. "For I have flown above it far and wide in my younger days," (you may be sure that Shasta pricked up his ears at this point). "And this is certain; that if the Tisroc goes by the great oasis he can never lead a great army across it into Archenland. For though they could reach the oasis by the end of their first day's march, yet the springs there would be too little for the thirst of all those soldiers and their beasts. But there is another way."

Shasta listened more attentively still.

"He that would find that way," said the Raven, "must start from the Tombs of the Ancient Kings and ride northwest so that the double peak of Mount Pire is always straight ahead of him. And so, in a day's riding or a little more, he shall come to the head of a stony valley, which is so narrow that a man might be within a furlong of it a thousand times and never know that it was there. And looking down this valley he will see neither grass nor water nor anything else good. But if he rides on down it he will come to a river and can ride by the water all the way into Archenland."

"And do the Calormenes know of this Western way?" asked the Queen.

"Friends, friends," said Edmund, "what is the use of all this discourse? We are not asking whether Narnia or Calormen would win if war arose between them. We are asking how to save the honour of the Queen and our own lives out of this devilish city. For though my brother, Peter the High King, defeated the Tisroc a dozen times over, yet long before that day our throats would be cut and the Queen's grace would be the wife, or more likely, the slave, of this prince."

"We have our weapons, King," said the first Dwarf. "And this is a reasonably defensible house."

"As to that," said the King, "I do not doubt that every one of us would sell our lives dearly in the gate and they would not come at the Queen but over our dead bodies. Yet we should be merely rats fighting in a trap when all's said."

"Very true," croaked the Raven. "These last stands in a house make good stories, but nothing ever came of them. After their first few repulses the enemy always set the house on fire."

"I am the cause of all this," said Susan, bursting into tears. "Oh, if only I had never left Cair Paravel. Our last happy day was before those ambassadors came from Calormen. The Moles were planting an orchard for us . . . oh . . . oh."

And she buried her face in her hands and sobbed.













重点单词   查看全部解释    
dwarf [dwɔ:f]


n. 矮子,侏儒
vt. 使矮小

merely ['miəli]


adv. 仅仅,只不过

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

grace [greis]


n. 优美,优雅,恩惠
vt. 使荣耀,使优美

oasis [əu'eisis]


n. 绿洲,避风港,宜人之地

orchard ['ɔ:tʃəd]


n. 果园

trap [træp]


n. 圈套,陷阱,困境,双轮轻便马车
v. 设

discourse ['diskɔ:s,dis'kɔ:s]


n. 谈话,演讲
vi. 谈话,讲述


关键字: 小说 能言马 男孩




