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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"Yes, if you're any good at climbing," said Corin. "But why are you in such a hurry? I say: we ought to be able to get some fun out of this being mistaken for one another."“行,如果你会攀登的话,”科林说,”可你为什么那么急急忙忙的呢?你听我说,我们应该就人家把我们误认开点儿玩笑啊。”
"No, no," said Shasta. "We must change places at once. It'll be simply frightful if Mr Tumnus comes back and finds us both here. I've had to pretend to be you. And you're starting tonight - secretly. And where were you all this time?"“不,不,”沙斯塔说,”我们必须立刻调个位置。如果图姆纳斯回来,发现我们俩在这儿,那就简直叫人害怕了。我曾被迫假装是你。你今天夜里就得出发——秘密地。这段时间你上哪儿去了?”
"A boy in the street made a beastly joke about Queen Susan," said Prince Corin, "so I knocked him down. He ran howling into a house and his big brother came out. So I knocked the big brother down. Then they all followed me until we ran into three old men with spears who are called the Watch. So I fought the Watch and they knocked me down. It was getting dark by now. Then the Watch took me along to lock me up somewhere. So I asked them if they'd like a stoup of wine and they said they didn't mind if they did. Then I took them to a wine shop and got them some and they all sat down and drank till they feel asleep. I thought it was time for me to be off so I came out quietly and then I found the first boy - the one who had started all the trouble - still hanging about. So I knocked him down again. After that I climbed up a pipe on to the roof of a house and lay quiet till it began to get light this morning. Ever since that I've been finding my way back. I say, is there anything to drink?"“街上有个孩子拿女王苏珊开了个粗野的玩笑,”王子科林说道,”所以我就把他打倒在地。他号啕大哭着跑进了一幢房子,他的哥哥从房子里赶出来。我就把那哥哥也打倒在地。接着他们全来追我,直至我们撞见了三个叫做警卫的持矛老汉。我就和警卫搏斗,警卫把我打倒在地。这时天色暗了。警卫把我带走,要把我关在什么地方。所以我就问他们喝上一壶酒怎么样?他们说,喝喝也不妨。于是我带他们上了一家酒馆,给他们要了些酒,他们便都坐下来喝酒,一直唱到都睡熟了。我想,此时不走,更待何时?我悄悄地走出酒馆,我发现那第一个孩子——引起这场麻烦的小家伙——竟然仍在附近闲荡,所以我就再把他打倒在地。这之后,我攀着一个水管爬到了一幢房子的屋顶上,我在屋顶上静静地躺着,一直躺到今儿早晨天明的时候,早晨起我一直在找路回家。哦,可有什么喝的?”
"No, I drank it," said Shasta. "And now, show me how you got in. There's not a minute to lose. You'd better lie down on the sofa and pretend-but I forgot. It'll be no good with all those bruises and black eye. You'll just have to tell them the truth, once I'm safely away."“没酒,我把酒喝了。”沙斯塔说,”现在你告诉我,你是怎么进来的。一分钟也不能耽误了。你最好还是躺在沙发上,假装——可是我忘了,你脸上青一块紫一块的,眼眶都发黑了,假装是毫无用处的了。我安全离开以后,你就得把真相统统告诉他们。”
"What else did you think I'd be telling them?" asked the Prince with a rather angry look. "And who are you?"“你认为我会告诉他们别的什么吗?”王子带着相当愤怒的神色问道,”你究竟是什么人啊?“
"There's no time," said Shasta in a frantic whisper. "I'm a Narnian, I believe; something Northern anyway. But I've been brought up all my life in Calormen. And I'm escaping: across the desert; with a talking Horse called Bree. And now, quick! How do I get away?"“来不及讲了,”沙斯塔用激动得要发疯的低语说道,”我相信,我是个纳尼亚人,无论如何是在北方出生的。但我是在卡乐门长大的。我正在逃跑,要穿过大沙漠,跟一匹叫做布里的说人话的马儿一起走。呀,快!我怎样出去?”
"Look," said Corin. "Drop from this window on to the roof of the verandah. But you must do it lightly, on your toes, or someone will hear you. Then along to your left and you can get up to the top of that wall if you're any good at all as a climber. Then along the wall to the corner. Drop onto the rubbish heap you will find outside, and there you are."“你瞧,”科林说,”从窗口下去,到游廊的屋顶上。但你必须轻轻地走,陆起脚尖走,要不别人就会听见的。然后一路向左走去,你就可以爬到墙头上去,如果你是个爬墙能手的话。然后沿着墙头走到角落里。你会看到墙外有堆垃圾,你就跳下去,这就成了。”'
"Thanks," said Shasta, who was already sitting on the sill. The two boys were looking into each other's faces and suddenly found that they were friends.“谢谢。”沙斯塔说。他已经坐在窗台上了。这两个孩子互相凝视着对方的脸,突然发觉他们成为好朋友了。
"Good-bye," said Corin. "And good luck. I do hope you get safe away."“再见了,”科林说,”祝你好运,我真希望你安全地走出去。”
"Good-bye," said Shasta. "I say, you have been having some adventures."“再见了,”沙斯塔说,”嗨,你已经历过危险,但危险还没有过去哩!”
"Nothing to yours," said the Prince. "Now drop; lightlyI say," he added as Shasta dropped. "I hope we meet in Archenland. Go to my father King Lune and tell him you're a friend of mine. Look out! I hear someone coming."“跟你的危险比起来,那就算不了什么。”王子说道,”现在往下跳吧,轻轻地跳——喂,”沙斯塔跳下去时,王子补充道,”我希望我们在阿钦兰见面。你去见我的父王伦恩,告诉他你是我的朋友。小心啊!我听到有人来了。”

"Yes, if you're any good at climbing," said Corin. "But why are you in such a hurry? I say: we ought to be able to get some fun out of this being mistaken for one another."

"No, no," said Shasta. "We must change places at once. It'll be simply frightful if Mr Tumnus comes back and finds us both here. I've had to pretend to be you. And you're starting tonight - secretly. And where were you all this time?"

"A boy in the street made a beastly joke about Queen Susan," said Prince Corin, "so I knocked him down. He ran howling into a house and his big brother came out. So I knocked the big brother down. Then they all followed me until we ran into three old men with spears who are called the Watch. So I fought the Watch and they knocked me down. It was getting dark by now. Then the Watch took me along to lock me up somewhere. So I asked them if they'd like a stoup of wine and they said they didn't mind if they did. Then I took them to a wine shop and got them some and they all sat down and drank till they feel asleep. I thought it was time for me to be off so I came out quietly and then I found the first boy - the one who had started all the trouble - still hanging about. So I knocked him down again. After that I climbed up a pipe on to the roof of a house and lay quiet till it began to get light this morning. Ever since that I've been finding my way back. I say, is there anything to drink?"

"No, I drank it," said Shasta. "And now, show me how you got in. There's not a minute to lose. You'd better lie down on the sofa and pretend-but I forgot. It'll be no good with all those bruises and black eye. You'll just have to tell them the truth, once I'm safely away."

"What else did you think I'd be telling them?" asked the Prince with a rather angry look. "And who are you?"

"There's no time," said Shasta in a frantic whisper. "I'm a Narnian, I believe; something Northern anyway. But I've been brought up all my life in Calormen. And I'm escaping: across the desert; with a talking Horse called Bree. And now, quick! How do I get away?"

"Look," said Corin. "Drop from this window on to the roof of the verandah. But you must do it lightly, on your toes, or someone will hear you. Then along to your left and you can get up to the top of that wall if you're any good at all as a climber. Then along the wall to the corner. Drop onto the rubbish heap you will find outside, and there you are."

"Thanks," said Shasta, who was already sitting on the sill. The two boys were looking into each other's faces and suddenly found that they were friends.

"Good-bye," said Corin. "And good luck. I do hope you get safe away."

"Good-bye," said Shasta. "I say, you have been having some adventures."

"Nothing to yours," said the Prince. "Now drop; lightlyI say," he added as Shasta dropped. "I hope we meet in Archenland. Go to my father King Lune and tell him you're a friend of mine. Look out! I hear someone coming."












重点单词   查看全部解释    
climber ['klaimə]


n. 登山者;攀缘植物;尽力改善自己社会地位的人

sill [sil]


n. 基石(岩床,底面)

frantic ['fræntik]


adj. 疯狂的,狂乱的

pretend [pri'tend]


v. 假装,装作
adj. 假装的

whisper ['wispə]


n. 低语,窃窃私语,飒飒的声音
vi. 低声

rubbish ['rʌbiʃ]


n. 垃圾,废物,废话
v. 贬损


关键字: 小说 能言马 男孩




