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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"Where the devil have you been to?" said Eustace in a furious whisper, for he had been very frightened."你究竟上哪儿去了?"尤斯塔斯用愤怒的低语说道,因为他曾为她非常惊惶焦急。
"In the stable," gasped Jill, but it was the sort of gasp you give when you're struggling with suppressed laughter."在马厩里。"吉尔喘着气说道,但这是尽力克制大笑时的那种喘息。
"Oh," growled Eustace, "you think it funny, do you? Well all I can say is -""啊,"尤斯塔斯咕噜道,"你以为有趣可笑,是吗?我能说的却只是 "
"Have you got Jewel, Sire?" asked Jill."陛下,你把珍宝救出来了?"吉尔问。
"Yes. Here he is. What is that beast with you?""是的。它就在这里。那跟你在一起的是什么牲口?"
"That's him," said Jill. "But let's be off home before anyone wakes up." And again there came little explosions of laughter."那就是它呀,"吉尔说道,"但,让我们趁着谁也没醒来时先回家去吧。"但重新又传来爆发出来的小小的笑声。
The others obeyed at once for they had already lingered long enough in that dangerous place and the Dwarf drums seemed to have come a little nearer. It was only after they had been walking Southward for several minutes that Eustace said:其他的人立刻服从,因为他们在那危险地点逗留得够长久了,而小矮人们的鼓声似乎又近了一点儿。他们向南才走了几分钟,尤斯塔斯说道:
"Got him? What do you mean?""逮住了它?你的意思是指什么呢?"
"The false Aslan," said Jill."伪阿斯兰。"吉尔说。
"What?" said Tirian. "Where have you been? What have you done?""什么?"蒂莲说道,"你到过什么地方?你做了什么事情?"
"Well, Sire," said Jill. "As soon as I saw that you'd got the sentry out of the way I thought hadn't I better have a look inside the stable and see what really is there? So I crawled along. It was as easy as anything to draw the bolt."哎,陛下,"吉尔说,"我一看见你已经把哨兵引开去,心里就想,我倒不如去瞧瞧马厩的内部,看明白那儿实实在在有什么东西。所以我一路爬过去,拉开马厩的门闩,易如反掌。
Of course it was pitch black inside and smelled like any other stable. Then I struck a light and - would you believe it? - there was nothing at all there but this old donkey with a bundle of lion-skin tied on to his back. So I drew my knife and told him he'd have to come along with me. As a matter of fact I needn't have threatened him with the knife at all. He was very fed up with the stable and quite ready to come - weren't you, Puzzle dear?"里边当然一团漆黑,气味也跟任何马厩一样。于是我点亮一个火,但见——你们相信吗?——里边压根儿什么都没有,只有这一头老驴子,身上缚着一张狮子毛皮。我就拔出刀来,叫它跟我一起走。事实上,我也无需用刀子威逼它走。它对那马厩厌倦极了,十分情愿跟我来——亲爱的迷惑,是不是这样?"
"Great Scott!" said Eustace. "Well I'm - jiggered. I was jolly angry with you a moment ago, and I still think it was mean of you to sneak off without the rest of us: but I must admit - well, I mean to say - well it was a perfectly gorgeous thing to do. If she was a boy she'd have to be knighted, wouldn't she, Sire?""真了不得!"尤斯塔斯说道,"我呀——我真该死,刚才我还为你大发脾气哩,我现在仍旧认为你背着我们大家偷偷溜走是讨厌的,然而,我又必须承认——哦,我的意思是说——你干了件十分漂亮的事情。如果她是个男孩,她会被封为武士的,陛下,你说是吗?".
"If she was a boy," said Tirian, "she'd be whipped for disobeying orders." And in the dark no one could see whether he said this with a frown or a smile. Next minute there was a sound of rasping metal."如果她是个男孩,"蒂莲说,"因为不服从命令,她会挨鞭子的。"黑暗之中也看不出他是皱着眉头还是微笑着说这话的。接下来便听到金属铿锵摩擦的声音。

"Where the devil have you been to?" said Eustace in a furious whisper, for he had been very frightened.

"In the stable," gasped Jill, but it was the sort of gasp you give when you're struggling with suppressed laughter.

"Oh," growled Eustace, "you think it funny, do you? Well all I can say is -"

"Have you got Jewel, Sire?" asked Jill.

"Yes. Here he is. What is that beast with you?"

"That's him," said Jill. "But let's be off home before anyone wakes up." And again there came little explosions of laughter.

The others obeyed at once for they had already lingered long enough in that dangerous place and the Dwarf drums seemed to have come a little nearer. It was only after they had been walking Southward for several minutes that Eustace said:

"Got him? What do you mean?"

"The false Aslan," said Jill.

"What?" said Tirian. "Where have you been? What have you done?"

"Well, Sire," said Jill. "As soon as I saw that you'd got the sentry out of the way I thought hadn't I better have a look inside the stable and see what really is there? So I crawled along. It was as easy as anything to draw the bolt.

Of course it was pitch black inside and smelled like any other stable. Then I struck a light and - would you believe it? - there was nothing at all there but this old donkey with a bundle of lion-skin tied on to his back. So I drew my knife and told him he'd have to come along with me. As a matter of fact I needn't have threatened him with the knife at all. He was very fed up with the stable and quite ready to come - weren't you, Puzzle dear?"

"Great Scott!" said Eustace. "Well I'm - jiggered. I was jolly angry with you a moment ago, and I still think it was mean of you to sneak off without the rest of us: but I must admit - well, I mean to say - well it was a perfectly gorgeous thing to do. If she was a boy she'd have to be knighted, wouldn't she, Sire?"

"If she was a boy," said Tirian, "she'd be whipped for disobeying orders." And in the dark no one could see whether he said this with a frown or a smile. Next minute there was a sound of rasping metal.



"啊,"尤斯塔斯咕噜道,"你以为有趣可笑,是吗?我能说的却只是 "












重点单词   查看全部解释    
puzzle ['pʌzl]


n. 谜,难题,迷惑
vt. 使困惑,使为难<

frown [fraun]


n. 皱眉,不悦
v. 皱眉头,不同意

bolt [bəult]


n. 螺栓,插销,门闩
v. 闩住,插销,(突

pitch [pitʃ]


n. 沥青,树脂,松脂
n. 程度,投掷,球场

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

stable ['steibl]


adj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的
n. 马厩,

dwarf [dwɔ:f]


n. 矮子,侏儒
vt. 使矮小

frightened ['fraitnd]


adj. 受惊的,受恐吓的

whisper ['wispə]


n. 低语,窃窃私语,飒飒的声音
vi. 低声


关键字: 国王 最后一战 小说




