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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Chapter 7 Mainly about Dwarfs第7章 关于小矮人
THE two Calormene soldiers at the head of the column, seeing what they took for a Tarkaan or great lord with two armed pages, came to a halt and raised their spears in salute.走在纵队前面的卡乐门士兵,看到了他们认为是"泰坎"或大王爷的人带着两个武装的侍从站在道路上,便停步不走,举起长矛向他敬礼。
"O My Master," said one of them, "we lead these manikins to Calormen to work in the mines of The Tisroc, may-he-live-forever. ""啊,我的长宫,"其中一个卡乐门士兵说道,"我们带着这些个矮子到卡乐门去,到'蒂斯罗克'(愿他万寿无疆)的矿井里去干活。"
"By the great god Tash, they are very obedient," said Tirian."伟大的塔什神在上,他们倒是十分听话的。"蒂莲说。
Then suddenly he turned to the Dwarfs themselves. About one in six of them carried a torch and by that flickering light he could see their bearded faces all looking at him with grim and dogged expressions. "Has The Tisroc fought a great battle, Dwarfs, and conquered your land?" he asked, "that thus you go patiently to die in the salt-pits of Pugrahan?"然后他突然转向小矮人们。六个小矮人中总有一个拿着火炬,凭着火炬闪烁摇曳的光,他看得见满脸胡须的小矮人都在瞧他,神情严厉而又顽固。"小矮人啊,蒂斯罗克可曾打了一个大仗,征服了你们的土地?"他问道,"以致你们如此忍辱负重地去死在普格拉汉的盐坑里吗?"
The two soldiers glared at him in surprise but the Dwarfs all answered, "Aslan's orders, Aslan's orders. He's sold us. What can we do against him?"两个士兵诧异地瞪着眼睛瞧他,但小矮人们回答道:"阿斯兰的命令,阿斯兰的命令。阿斯兰把我们出卖了。难道我们能做出反对阿斯兰的事来吗?"
"Tisroc indeed!" added one and spat. "I'd like to see him try it!""事实上是'蒂斯罗克'存心不良,"另一个盹了口唾沫,补充道,"我倒要瞧他怎么试试哩。"
"Silence, dogs!" said the chief soldier."闭嘴,狗东西,士兵头儿喝道。"
"Look!" said Tirian, pulling Puzzle forward into the light. "It has all been a lie. Aslan has not come to Narnia at all. You have been cheated by the Ape. This is the thing he brought out of the stable to show you. Look at it.""瞧瞧!"蒂莲-面把迷惑这头驴子推到亮光里,一面说道,"这一切全是撒谎造谣。阿斯兰压根儿没有到纳尼亚来。你们都被无尾猿骗了。无尾猿从马厩里牵出来给你们看的,就是这头驴子。好生瞧瞧吧。"
What the Dwarfs saw, now that they could see it close, was certainly enough to make them wonder how they had ever been taken in. The lion-skin had got pretty untidy already during Puzzle's imprisonment in the stable and it had been knocked crooked during his journey through the dark wood. Most of it was in a big lump on one shoulder. The head, besides being pushed sideways, had somehow got very far back so that anyone could now see his silly, gentle, donkeyish face gazing out of it. Some grass stuck out of one corner of his mouth, for he'd been doing a little quiet nibbling as they brought him along. And he was muttering, "It wasn't my fault, I'm not clever. I never said I was."小矮人们现在可以逼近来瞧瞧它了,他们所看到的真相,肯定足以使他们心里感到奇怪他们怎么竟会受骗上当的。迷惑长时间给关闭在马厩里,狮子毛皮已经弄得很不整洁了,而它在黑暗的树林里穿行时,毛皮又磕磕碰碰得歪歪扭扭了。大部分毛皮挤在肩膀上的一块地方。头上的毛皮,除了碰歪以外,还碰得向后缩了一大截,所以现在谁都看得见那愚蠢而温和的驴子脸蛋在向外张望。嘴角边露出一些青草。因为他们把它牵来时,它已经一声不响地啃了点青草而且它还在咕叨"这不是我的过错,我不聪明。我从未说过我以前是聪明的。"
For one second all the Dwarfs were staring at Puzzle with wide open mouths and then one of the soldiers said sharply, "Are you mad, My Master? What are you doing to the slaves?" and the other said, "And who are you?" Neither of their spears was at the salute now - both were down and ready for action.片刻之间,所有的小矮人都张大着嘴巴,瞪着眼睛打量那驴子,这时有个士兵机警地说道"我的长官,你疯了吗?你在对奴隶们说些什么话呀?"另一个士兵说"你究竟是什么人?"现在不是高举长矛敬礼了——而是两支长矛都放下来准备战斗了。
"Give the password," said the chief soldier."口令是什么?"士兵头目查问道。
"This is my password," said the King as he drew his sword. "The light is dawning, the lie broken. Now guard thee, miscreant, for I am Tirian of Narnia.""这就是我的口令,"国王一面拔出剑来,一面说道,"天亮了,谎言破产了。无赖,保护你自己吧,因为我就是纳尼亚国王蒂莲。"
He flew upon the chief soldier like lightning. Eustace, who had drawn his sword when he saw the King draw his, rushed at the other one: his face was deadly pale, but I wouldn't blame him for that. And he had the luck that beginners sometimes do have. He forgot all that Tirian had tried to teach him that afternoon, slashed wildly (indeed I'm not sure his eyes weren't shut) and suddenly found, to his own great surprise, that the Calormene lay dead at his feet. And though that was a great relief, it was, at the moment, rather frightening. The King's fight lasted a second or two longer: then he too had killed his man and shouted to Eustace, "'Ware the other two." 他像闪电似的向士兵头目猛扑过去。尤斯塔斯看到国王拔剑,也拔出剑来,冲向另一个士兵。他的脸色苍白得像死人,但我不会因此责备他。而且他运道很好,初次作战的人有时总是幸运的。他把蒂莲在昨天下午竭力教给他的一切统统都忘掉了,疯狂地乱砍一气(事实上,我不能肯定他没有闭上眼睛);使他自己大为吃惊的是:他突然发现那卡乐门士兵倒在他脚下,死了。虽然这是一大安慰,但在片刻之间,那倒是很吓人的。国王的战斗比他多了一两秒钟:他也杀死了对方,并且对尤斯塔斯大声喊道"另外两个兵在哪儿呢?"

Chapter 7 Mainly about Dwarfs

THE two Calormene soldiers at the head of the column, seeing what they took for a Tarkaan or great lord with two armed pages, came to a halt and raised their spears in salute.

"O My Master," said one of them, "we lead these manikins to Calormen to work in the mines of The Tisroc, may-he-live-forever. "

"By the great god Tash, they are very obedient," said Tirian.

Then suddenly he turned to the Dwarfs themselves. About one in six of them carried a torch and by that flickering light he could see their bearded faces all looking at him with grim and dogged expressions. "Has The Tisroc fought a great battle, Dwarfs, and conquered your land?" he asked, "that thus you go patiently to die in the salt-pits of Pugrahan?"

The two soldiers glared at him in surprise but the Dwarfs all answered, "Aslan's orders, Aslan's orders. He's sold us. What can we do against him?"

"Tisroc indeed!" added one and spat. "I'd like to see him try it!"

"Silence, dogs!" said the chief soldier.

"Look!" said Tirian, pulling Puzzle forward into the light. "It has all been a lie. Aslan has not come to Narnia at all. You have been cheated by the Ape. This is the thing he brought out of the stable to show you. Look at it."

What the Dwarfs saw, now that they could see it close, was certainly enough to make them wonder how they had ever been taken in. The lion-skin had got pretty untidy already during Puzzle's imprisonment in the stable and it had been knocked crooked during his journey through the dark wood. Most of it was in a big lump on one shoulder. The head, besides being pushed sideways, had somehow got very far back so that anyone could now see his silly, gentle, donkeyish face gazing out of it. Some grass stuck out of one corner of his mouth, for he'd been doing a little quiet nibbling as they brought him along. And he was muttering, "It wasn't my fault, I'm not clever. I never said I was."

For one second all the Dwarfs were staring at Puzzle with wide open mouths and then one of the soldiers said sharply, "Are you mad, My Master? What are you doing to the slaves?" and the other said, "And who are you?" Neither of their spears was at the salute now - both were down and ready for action.

"Give the password," said the chief soldier.

"This is my password," said the King as he drew his sword. "The light is dawning, the lie broken. Now guard thee, miscreant, for I am Tirian of Narnia."

He flew upon the chief soldier like lightning. Eustace, who had drawn his sword when he saw the King draw his, rushed at the other one: his face was deadly pale, but I wouldn't blame him for that. And he had the luck that beginners sometimes do have. He forgot all that Tirian had tried to teach him that afternoon, slashed wildly (indeed I'm not sure his eyes weren't shut) and suddenly found, to his own great surprise, that the Calormene lay dead at his feet. And though that was a great relief, it was, at the moment, rather frightening. The King's fight lasted a second or two longer: then he too had killed his man and shouted to Eustace, "'Ware the other two."

第7章 关于小矮人














重点单词   查看全部解释    
lump [lʌmp]


n. 团,块,瘤,笨重的人
v. 使成块,形成

silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默

gentle ['dʒentl]


adj. 温和的,轻柔的,文雅的,温顺的,出身名门的

fault [fɔ:lt]


n. 缺点,过失,故障,毛病,过错,[地]断层

sword [sɔ:d]


n. 剑,刀

obedient [ə'bi:djənt]


adj. 服从的,顺从的

salute [sə'lu:t]


v. 行礼,致意,问候

untidy [ʌn'taidi]


adj. 不整齐的,懒散的

blame [bleim]


n. 过失,责备
vt. 把 ... 归咎于,

spat [spæt]


n. 贝卵,蚝卵,蚝仔 n. 鞋罩 n. 小争吵,轻打声





