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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
But the Dwarfs had settled the two remaining Calormenes. There was no enemy left.但小矮人们已经解决了剩下来的两个卡乐门士兵。敌人一个也不剩了。
"Well struck, Eustace!" cried Tirian, clapping him on the back. "Now, Dwarfs, you are free. Tomorrow I will lead you to free all Narnia. Three cheers for Aslan!""打得好,尤斯塔斯!"蒂莲一面拍拍他的背脊,一面大声叫好,"喂,小矮人们,现在你们自由了。明天我要带着你们去解放整个儿纳尼亚。为阿斯兰三呼万岁吧!"
But the result which followed was simply wretched. There was a feeble attempt from a few Dwarfs (about five) which died away all at once: from several others there were sulky growls. Many said nothing at all.但,随之而来的后果却是令人沮丧的。只有少数小矮人(大约五个人光景)发出了有气无力的欢呼但立刻又沉默了,还有几个人吼出了愠怒的号叫,许多人压根儿不吭声。
"Don't they understand?" said Jill impatiently."他们不明白吗?"吉尔不耐烦地问道。
"What's wrong with all you Dwarfs? Don't you hear what the King says? It's all over. The Ape isn't going to rule Narnia any longer. Everyone can go back to ordinary life. You can have fun again. Aren't you glad?""你们小矮人脑袋都有什么毛病吗?你们没听见国王所说的话吗?灾难统统结束了。无尾猿不会在纳尼亚再统治下了。人人可以回去过正常的生活了。你们可以重新说说笑笑了。难道你们不高兴吗?"
After a pause of nearly a minute a not-very-nice-looking Dwarf with hair and beard as black as soot said: "And who might you be, Missie?"大约停顿了一分钟光景以后,有个头发胡子黑得像煤烟、长相不太好看的小矮人说道,"小姐,那么你可能是什么人呢?"
"I'm Jill," she said. "The same Jill who rescued King Rilian from the enchantment and this is Eustace who did it too - and we've come back from another world after hundreds of years. Aslan sent us.""我叫吉尔,"她说道,"就是把国王蒂莲从魔法困扰中拯救出来的那个吉尔——这一位是尤斯塔斯,他也一起拯救过国王的——一百年以后,我们又从另外一个世界回到这儿来了。阿斯兰派我们来的。"-
The Dwarfs all looked at one another with grins; sneering grins, not merry ones.小矮人们你瞧瞧我,我瞧瞧你,露齿而笑,是嘲笑,不是欢笑。
"Well," said the Black Dwarf (whose name was Griffle), "I don't know how all you chaps feel, but I feel I've heard as much about Aslan as I want to for the rest of my life.""得了,"黑小矮人(他的名字叫格里夫尔)说道,"我不知道你们小伙子们大家觉得怎么样,但我觉得我听到阿斯兰的次数太多了,此生今后再也不想听到它了。"
"That's right, that's right," growled the other Dwarfs. "It's all a plant, all a blooming plant.""说得对,说得对,"其他小矮人咕噜道,"这全是诡计,全是十足的诡计。"
"What do you mean?" said Tirian. He had not been pale when he was fighting but he was pale now. He had thought this was going to be a beautiful moment, but it was turning out more like a bad dream."你这话是什么意思?"蒂莲说道。他作战时脸色不曾发白,现在却脸色发白了。他曾经认为此时此刻将成为一个美好的时刻,不料竟变得更像一个噩梦。
"You must think we're blooming soft in the head, that you must," said Griffle. "We've been taken in once and now you expect us to be taken in again the next minute. We've no more use for stories about Aslan, see! Look at him! An old moke with long ears!""你们必定认为我们的头脑是十足愚蠢的,你们必定这样想的,"格里夫尔说道,"我们已经受骗上当了一次,现在你们指望我们马上就再次受骗上当。要知道,关于阿斯兰的谎言,你们再也不能以此利用我们了。瞧瞧它吧。一头长耳朵的老驴子!"
"By heaven, you make me mad," said Tirian. "Which of us said that was Aslan? That is the Ape's imitation of the real Aslan. Can't you understand?""天哪,你简直要叫我发狂了,"蒂莲说道,"我们哪个人说过它是阿斯兰啊?是无尾猿拿它来假冒真正的阿斯兰的。难道你没法儿明白吗?"
"And you've got a better imitation, I suppose!" said Griffle. "No thanks. We've been fooled once and we're not going to be fooled again.""我想,你们搞到了一个比较高明的假冒为王者。"格里夫尔说,"丝毫不感谢你们。我们已经被愚弄了一次,我们不愿再受愚弄了。"
"I have not," said Tirian angrily, "I serve the real Aslan.""我没有搞什么假冒者,"蒂莲愤愤地说道,"我为真正的阿斯兰效力。"
"Where's he? Who's he? Show him to us!" said several Dwarfs."阿斯兰在哪儿?阿斯兰是谁?把他给我们瞧瞧!"好几个小矮人说道。
"Do you think I keep him in my wallet, fools?" said Tirian. "Who am I that I could make Aslan appear at my bidding? He's not a tame lion." "傻瓜,你们以为我把阿斯兰放在旅行袋里吗?我是什么人物,竟能一声令下就叫阿斯兰出现吗?他可不是头驯服的狮子。"

But the Dwarfs had settled the two remaining Calormenes. There was no enemy left.

"Well struck, Eustace!" cried Tirian, clapping him on the back. "Now, Dwarfs, you are free. Tomorrow I will lead you to free all Narnia. Three cheers for Aslan!"

But the result which followed was simply wretched. There was a feeble attempt from a few Dwarfs (about five) which died away all at once: from several others there were sulky growls. Many said nothing at all.

"Don't they understand?" said Jill impatiently.

"What's wrong with all you Dwarfs? Don't you hear what the King says? It's all over. The Ape isn't going to rule Narnia any longer. Everyone can go back to ordinary life. You can have fun again. Aren't you glad?"

After a pause of nearly a minute a not-very-nice-looking Dwarf with hair and beard as black as soot said: "And who might you be, Missie?"

"I'm Jill," she said. "The same Jill who rescued King Rilian from the enchantment and this is Eustace who did it too - and we've come back from another world after hundreds of years. Aslan sent us."

The Dwarfs all looked at one another with grins; sneering grins, not merry ones.

"Well," said the Black Dwarf (whose name was Griffle), "I don't know how all you chaps feel, but I feel I've heard as much about Aslan as I want to for the rest of my life."

"That's right, that's right," growled the other Dwarfs. "It's all a plant, all a blooming plant."

"What do you mean?" said Tirian. He had not been pale when he was fighting but he was pale now. He had thought this was going to be a beautiful moment, but it was turning out more like a bad dream.

"You must think we're blooming soft in the head, that you must," said Griffle. "We've been taken in once and now you expect us to be taken in again the next minute. We've no more use for stories about Aslan, see! Look at him! An old moke with long ears!"

"By heaven, you make me mad," said Tirian. "Which of us said that was Aslan? That is the Ape's imitation of the real Aslan. Can't you understand?"

"And you've got a better imitation, I suppose!" said Griffle. "No thanks. We've been fooled once and we're not going to be fooled again."

"I have not," said Tirian angrily, "I serve the real Aslan."

"Where's he? Who's he? Show him to us!" said several Dwarfs.

"Do you think I keep him in my wallet, fools?" said Tirian. "Who am I that I could make Aslan appear at my bidding? He's not a tame lion."


















重点单词   查看全部解释    
imitation [.imi'teiʃən]


n. 模仿,效法
adj. 假造的,冒充的

settled ['setld]


adj. 固定的;稳定的 v. 解决;定居(settle

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

blooming ['blu:miŋ]


adj. 盛开的;妙龄的 v. 开花(bloom的ing

wallet ['wɔlit]


n. 皮夹,钱包

feeble [fi:bl]


adj. 虚弱的,无力的

tame [teim]


adj. 驯服的,柔顺的,乏味的
vt. 驯养

soot [sut]


n. 煤烟,烟尘 vt. 熏以煤烟

dwarf [dwɔ:f]


n. 矮子,侏儒
vt. 使矮小





