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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
The moment those words were out of his mouth he realized that he had made a false move. The Dwarfs at once began repeating "not a tame lion, not a tame lion," in a jeering sing-song. "That's what the other lot kept on telling us," said one.这最后一句话刚说出口,他就认识到他走错了一步棋。小矮人们立刻用一种嘲弄的咏叹调开始念叨"可不是头驯服的狮子,可不是头驯服的狮子。"一个小矮人说"这就是另一帮子不断跟我们说的话啊。"
"Do you mean you don't believe in the real Aslan?" said Jill. "But I've seen him. And he has sent us two here out of a different world.""你们的意思是说,你们并不相信真正的阿斯兰。"吉尔说道,"但我见到过阿斯兰。正是阿斯兰把我们两人从一个截然不同的世界送到这儿来的。"
"Ah," said Griffle with a broad smile. "So you say. They've taught you your stuff all right. Saying your lessons, ain't you?""啊,"格里夫尔露出明显的笑容,说道,"你开口说话了。他们已经把一套东西教得你滚瓜烂熟哩。你是在背书,是不是?"
"Churl," cried Tirian, "will you give a lady the lie to her very face?""没有教养的家伙,"蒂莲吼道,"你竟当着一位小姐的面胡说八道吗?"
"You keep a civil tongue in your head, Mister," replied the Dwarf. "I don't think we want any more Kings - if you are Tirian, which you don't look like him - no more than we want any Aslans. We're going to look after ourselves from now on and touch our caps to nobody. See?""你在你头脑里保留文明礼貌的语言吧,先生,"小矮人答道,"我可并不认为我们还需要什么国王了——如果你确实是蒂莲的话;可你看上去不像蒂莲——我们也不再要什么阿斯兰了。从现在起,我们要自己照料我们自己,不再向谁举手到帽子边敬礼了。明白吗?"
"That's right," said the other Dwarfs. "We're on our own now. No more Aslan, no more Kings, no more silly stories about other worlds. The Dwarfs are for the Dwarfs." And they began to fall into their places and to get ready for marching back to wherever they had come from."说得对,"其他小矮人们说道,"现在我们为的是我们自己。再也没有阿斯兰了,再也没有国王了,再也没有关于其他世界的无聊故事了。小矮人就是要为小矮人而奋斗。"于是小矮人们开始在队伍里各就各位,准备走回去了,回到他们当初被叫来的地方去了。"
"Little beasts!" said Eustace. "Aren't you even going to say thank you for being saved from the salt-mines?""小畜生!"尤斯塔斯说道,"把你们从盐坑里救了出来,你们竟连'谢谢'也不说一声吗?"
"Oh, we know all about that," said Griffle over his shoulder. "You wanted to make use of us, that's why you rescued us. You're playing some game of your own. Come on you chaps.""啊,这一切我们全明白,"格里夫尔回过头来说道,"你们要利用我们,那才是你们为什么救我们的缘故。你们正在耍弄你们的把戏。伙计们,走吧。"
And the Dwarfs struck up the queer little marching song which goes with the drum-beat, and off they tramped into the darkness.于是小矮人们唱起了古里古怪的小小进行曲,配合着鼓声,迈步踏进黑暗中去了。
Tirian and his friends stared after them. Then he said the single word "Come," and they continued their journey.蒂莲和他的朋友们瞪眼望着小矮人们远去。然后蒂莲简简单单说声"走",他们就继续上路了。
They were a silent party. Puzzle felt himself to be still in disgrace, and also he didn't really quite understand what had happened. Jill, besides being disgusted with the Dwarfs, was very impressed with Eustace's victory over the Calormene and felt almost shy. As for Eustace, his heart was still beating rather quickly. Tirian and Jewel walked sadly together in the rear. The King had his arm on the Unicorn's shoulder and sometimes the Unicorn nuzzled the King's cheek with his soft nose. They did not try to comfort one another with words. It wasn't very easy to think of anything to say that would be comforting. Tirian had never dreamed that one of the results of an Ape's setting up as a false Aslan would be to stop people from believing in the real one. He had felt quite sure that the Dwarfs would rally to his side the moment he showed them how they had been deceived. And then next night he would have led them to Stable Hill and shown Puzzle to all the creatures and everyone would have turned against the Ape and, perhaps after a scuffle with the Calormenes, the whole thing would have been over. But now, it seemed, he could count on nothing. How many other Narnians might turn the same way as the Dwarfs?他们是默默无言的一群。迷惑觉得它自己仍旧不光彩,它也确实不大明白发生了什么事情。吉尔除了对小矮人感到厌恶外,对尤斯塔斯之战胜卡乐门士兵印象深刻,自己几乎感到羞愧。至于尤斯塔斯,他的心仍旧怦怦地跳得很快,蒂莲和独角兽悲哀地一起走在后面。国王的于臂搁在独角兽的肩膀上,独角兽有时用它柔软的鼻子擦擦国王的面颊。他们不想用言词互相安慰。想起足以安慰人的任何词儿,都是很不容易的。蒂莲做梦也没有想到,无尾猿设置伪阿斯兰的一个不良后果,竟是导致人们不再相信真正的阿斯兰了。他本来深信不疑,只要他向小矮人们揭露了无尾猿怎样使他们受骗上当,小矮人们就立刻会站到他这边来的。第二夜他就可以率领他们上马厩山,把迷惑的真相暴露在众曰睽睽之下,大家就会起而反抗无尾猿。也许经过同卡乐门士兵的一场混战,整个儿问题就会解决了。但,现在看起来,他什么也不能指望。其他的纳尼亚人,还有许多可能转而采取小矮人一样的态度哩。
"Somebody's coming after us, I think," said Puzzle suddenly."我觉得,有人在我们后面跟上来了。"迷惑突然说道。
They stopped and listened. Sure enough, there was a thump-thump of small feet behind them.他们停下步来静听。确实不错,他们背后有一种小脚砰砰地走动的声音。
"Who goes there!" shouted the King."谁在那儿行走!"国王大声喊道。
"Only me, Sire," came a voice. "Me, Poggin the Dwarf. I've only just managed to get away from the others. I'm on your side, Sire: and on Aslan's. If you can put a Dwarfish sword in my fist, I'd gladly strike a blow on the right side before all's done." "是我呀,陛下,"传来一个声音道,"是我,小矮人波金。我刚设法摆脱了其他小矮人。陛下,我站在你这一边,站在阿斯兰这一边。如果你能把一支小剑放在我的手掌里,我一定在一切结束之前,欣然击中对方要害。"

The moment those words were out of his mouth he realized that he had made a false move. The Dwarfs at once began repeating "not a tame lion, not a tame lion," in a jeering sing-song. "That's what the other lot kept on telling us," said one.

"Do you mean you don't believe in the real Aslan?" said Jill. "But I've seen him. And he has sent us two here out of a different world."

"Ah," said Griffle with a broad smile. "So you say. They've taught you your stuff all right. Saying your lessons, ain't you?"

"Churl," cried Tirian, "will you give a lady the lie to her very face?"

"You keep a civil tongue in your head, Mister," replied the Dwarf. "I don't think we want any more Kings - if you are Tirian, which you don't look like him - no more than we want any Aslans. We're going to look after ourselves from now on and touch our caps to nobody. See?"

"That's right," said the other Dwarfs. "We're on our own now. No more Aslan, no more Kings, no more silly stories about other worlds. The Dwarfs are for the Dwarfs." And they began to fall into their places and to get ready for marching back to wherever they had come from.

"Little beasts!" said Eustace. "Aren't you even going to say thank you for being saved from the salt-mines?"

"Oh, we know all about that," said Griffle over his shoulder. "You wanted to make use of us, that's why you rescued us. You're playing some game of your own. Come on you chaps."

And the Dwarfs struck up the queer little marching song which goes with the drum-beat, and off they tramped into the darkness.

Tirian and his friends stared after them. Then he said the single word "Come," and they continued their journey.

They were a silent party. Puzzle felt himself to be still in disgrace, and also he didn't really quite understand what had happened. Jill, besides being disgusted with the Dwarfs, was very impressed with Eustace's victory over the Calormene and felt almost shy. As for Eustace, his heart was still beating rather quickly. Tirian and Jewel walked sadly together in the rear. The King had his arm on the Unicorn's shoulder and sometimes the Unicorn nuzzled the King's cheek with his soft nose. They did not try to comfort one another with words. It wasn't very easy to think of anything to say that would be comforting. Tirian had never dreamed that one of the results of an Ape's setting up as a false Aslan would be to stop people from believing in the real one. He had felt quite sure that the Dwarfs would rally to his side the moment he showed them how they had been deceived. And then next night he would have led them to Stable Hill and shown Puzzle to all the creatures and everyone would have turned against the Ape and, perhaps after a scuffle with the Calormenes, the whole thing would have been over. But now, it seemed, he could count on nothing. How many other Narnians might turn the same way as the Dwarfs?

"Somebody's coming after us, I think," said Puzzle suddenly.

They stopped and listened. Sure enough, there was a thump-thump of small feet behind them.

"Who goes there!" shouted the King.

"Only me, Sire," came a voice. "Me, Poggin the Dwarf. I've only just managed to get away from the others. I'm on your side, Sire: and on Aslan's. If you can put a Dwarfish sword in my fist, I'd gladly strike a blow on the right side before all's done."
















重点单词   查看全部解释    
disgrace [dis'greis]


n. 耻辱,不名誉
v. 耻辱,使 ... 失



adj. 外加的;印象深刻的;了不起的;受感动的

dwarf [dwɔ:f]


n. 矮子,侏儒
vt. 使矮小

shoulder ['ʃəuldə]


n. 肩膀,肩部
v. 扛,肩负,承担,(用肩

setting ['setiŋ]


n. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

unicorn ['ju:nikɔ:n]


n. (传说中的)独角兽

tame [teim]


adj. 驯服的,柔顺的,乏味的
vt. 驯养

churl [tʃə:l]


n. 粗鄙之人,中世纪的农民

stable ['steibl]


adj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的
n. 马厩,





