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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"What devilish policy!" said Tirian. "This Ginger, then, is close in the Ape's counsels.""多么阴险凶恶的政策!"蒂莲说道,"这样看来,这个金格是参与无尾猿的机密的啊。"
"It's more a question by now, Sire, if the Ape is in his counsels," replied the Dwarf. "The Ape has taken to drinking, you see. My belief is that the plot is now mostly carried on by Ginger or Rishda - that's the Calormene captain. And I think some words that Ginger has scattered among the Dwarfs are chiefly to blame for the scurvy return they made you. And I'll tell you why. One of those dreadful midnight meetings had just broken up the night before last and I'd gone a bit of the way home when I found I'd left my pipe behind. It was a real good 'un, an old favourite, so I went back to look for it. But before I got to the place where I'd been sitting (it was black as pitch there) I heard a cat's voice say Mew and a Calormene voice say 'here . . . speak softly,' so I just stood as still as if I was frozen. And these two were Ginger and Rishda Tarkaan as they call him. 'Noble Tarkaan,' said the Cat in that silky voice of his, 'I just wanted to know exactly what we both meant today about Aslan meaning no more than Tash.' 'Doubtless, most sagacious of cats,' says the other, 'you have perceived my meaning.' 'You mean,' says Ginger, 'that there's no such person as either." "All who are enlightened know that,' said the Tarkaan. 'Then we can understand one another,' purrs the Cat. 'Do you, like me, grow a little weary of the Ape?' 'A stupid, greedy brute,' says the other, 'but we must use him for the present. Thou and I must provide for all things in secret and make the Ape do our will.' 'And it would be better, wouldn't it,' said Ginger, 'to let some of the more enlightened Narnians into our counsels: one by one as we find them apt. For the Beasts who really believe in Aslan may turn at any moment: and will, if the Ape's folly betrays his secret. But those who care neither for Tash nor Aslan but have only an eye to their own profit and such reward as The Tisroc may give them when Narnia is a Calormene province, will be firm.' 'Excellent Cat,' said the Captain. 'But choose which ones carefully.'""陛下,现在问题是倒过来了:究竟无尾猿是否参与金格的机密。"小矮人答道,"你要明白,无尾猿如今沉湎于斟酒。我深信不疑,现在阴谋诡计大部分是由金格或利什达——那就是卡乐门队长——执行的。我认为金格在小矮人中散布的流言,主要应归罪于他们把你的脱身逃回说得太不光彩了。我要把其中的所以然告诉你。前天夜间,一个可怕的深更半夜的会议刚散,我在回家的路上才走了一小段路,发觉我把烟斗丢在那儿了。这是只确实极好的烟斗,是我多年心爱之物,所以我就回去找烟斗。但,我还没有走到我曾经坐过的地方,就听到喵的一声猫叫,听到一个卡乐门人的口音说道,'这儿说话要低声。'我就一动也不动地站着,仿佛我被冻僵了似的。这两个家伙,就是金格和'泰坎'利什达——他们都管他叫'泰坎',高贵的'泰坎',猫儿金格用它那奉承讨好的声音说道,'今儿个关于阿斯兰并不超过塔什的说法,我正想确切地知道,咱俩心里的意思是什么?'毫无疑问,众猫中最聪明的猫啊,另一个说道,你已经看明白了我的意思。''你的意思是说,'金格道,'两者之中,哪一个都是不存在的。''凡是有学问的人,大家都明白。'泰坎'说。'那么,我们是能够彼此了解的了。'猫儿道。'你可像我一样,逐渐有点儿厌恶那头无尾猿了?','一头愚蠢而贪婪的野兽,'另一个说,'但,眼前我们必须利用它。你和我必须暗中秘密准备好一切,叫无尾猿去完成我们的愿望。"让某些比较有学问的纳尼亚国民参与我们的机密,我们觉得恰当,便依次逐个吸收——这就会把事情搞得更好,难道不会吗?'金格道,'因为,真正信仰阿斯兰的野兽,随时都可能转变的,而且,如果无尾猿暴露了它的秘密,它们就会自愿转变的。但,那些既不关心塔什神又不关心阿斯兰、眼睛只盯着它们自己的利益的,而纳尼亚成为卡乐门的一个省时,"蒂斯罗克"又会给以重赏的家伙,它们必将是坚定不移的。"高明的猫儿,"队长说,"但选择哪一个可要小心谨慎啊。"
While the Dwarf had been speaking the day seemed to have changed. It had been sunny when they sat down. Now Puzzle shivered. Jewel shifted his head uneasily. Jill looked up.小矮人一直在讲下去时,天色似乎变了。他们坐下来时曾经阳光灿烂。现在迷惑发抖了。珍宝不安地摆动着脑袋。吉尔抬头看天。
"It's clouding over," she said."满天都是云霾哩。"她说。
"And it's so cold," said Puzzle."天那么冷。"迷惑说。
"Cold enough, by the Lion!" said Tirian, blowing on his hands. "And faugh! What foul smell is this?""狮王在上,天气够冷的!"蒂莲一边向双手呵气,一边说道,"哇!这是一股什么臭味?"
"Phew!" gasped Eustace. "It's like something dead. Is there a dead bird somewhere about? And why didn't we notice it before?""唉!"尤斯塔斯喘着气说道,"这像是某种死掉的禽兽呀。附近什么地方可有一只死鸟吗?以前我们为什么没有注意到呢?"
With a great upheaval Jewel scrambled to his feet and pointed with his horn.珍宝四脚着地爬行,独角突出在前面探索,大大地忙乱了一阵。
"Look!" he cried. "Look at it! Look, look!""瞧!"它嚷道,"瞧瞧它!瞧,瞧!"
Then all six of them saw; and over all their faces there came an expression of uttermost dismay. 于是他们六个都看见了。他们的脸上都露出非常惊愕沮丧的表情。

"What devilish policy!" said Tirian. "This Ginger, then, is close in the Ape's counsels."

"It's more a question by now, Sire, if the Ape is in his counsels," replied the Dwarf. "The Ape has taken to drinking, you see. My belief is that the plot is now mostly carried on by Ginger or Rishda - that's the Calormene captain. And I think some words that Ginger has scattered among the Dwarfs are chiefly to blame for the scurvy return they made you. And I'll tell you why. One of those dreadful midnight meetings had just broken up the night before last and I'd gone a bit of the way home when I found I'd left my pipe behind. It was a real good 'un, an old favourite, so I went back to look for it. But before I got to the place where I'd been sitting (it was black as pitch there) I heard a cat's voice say Mew and a Calormene voice say 'here . . . speak softly,' so I just stood as still as if I was frozen. And these two were Ginger and Rishda Tarkaan as they call him. 'Noble Tarkaan,' said the Cat in that silky voice of his, 'I just wanted to know exactly what we both meant today about Aslan meaning no more than Tash.' 'Doubtless, most sagacious of cats,' says the other, 'you have perceived my meaning.' 'You mean,' says Ginger, 'that there's no such person as either." "All who are enlightened know that,' said the Tarkaan. 'Then we can understand one another,' purrs the Cat. 'Do you, like me, grow a little weary of the Ape?' 'A stupid, greedy brute,' says the other, 'but we must use him for the present. Thou and I must provide for all things in secret and make the Ape do our will.' 'And it would be better, wouldn't it,' said Ginger, 'to let some of the more enlightened Narnians into our counsels: one by one as we find them apt. For the Beasts who really believe in Aslan may turn at any moment: and will, if the Ape's folly betrays his secret. But those who care neither for Tash nor Aslan but have only an eye to their own profit and such reward as The Tisroc may give them when Narnia is a Calormene province, will be firm.' 'Excellent Cat,' said the Captain. 'But choose which ones carefully.'"

While the Dwarf had been speaking the day seemed to have changed. It had been sunny when they sat down. Now Puzzle shivered. Jewel shifted his head uneasily. Jill looked up.

"It's clouding over," she said.

"And it's so cold," said Puzzle.

"Cold enough, by the Lion!" said Tirian, blowing on his hands. "And faugh! What foul smell is this?"

"Phew!" gasped Eustace. "It's like something dead. Is there a dead bird somewhere about? And why didn't we notice it before?"

With a great upheaval Jewel scrambled to his feet and pointed with his horn.

"Look!" he cried. "Look at it! Look, look!"

Then all six of them saw; and over all their faces there came an expression of uttermost dismay.











重点单词   查看全部解释    
understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

folly ['fɔli]


n. 愚蠢,荒唐事 (复)follies: 轻松歌舞剧

enlightened [in'laitnd]


adj. 被启发的,进步的,文明的 动词enlighte

plot [plɔt]


n. 阴谋,情节,图,(小块)土地,
v. 绘

apt [æpt]


adj. 恰当的,聪明的,易于 ... 的

dwarf [dwɔ:f]


n. 矮子,侏儒
vt. 使矮小

scurvy ['skə:vi]


n. 坏血病 adj. 下流的,卑鄙的,无礼的

blame [bleim]


n. 过失,责备
vt. 把 ... 归咎于,

puzzle ['pʌzl]


n. 谜,难题,迷惑
vt. 使困惑,使为难<

dismay [dis'mei]


n. 沮丧,绝望
vt. 使 ... 灰心,使





