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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Chapter 6 Shasta among the Tombs第6章 沙斯塔在坟场里
SHASTA ran lightly along the roof on tiptoes. It felt hot to his bare feet. He was only a few seconds scrambling up the wall at the far end and when he got to the corner he found himself looking down into a narrow, smelly street, and there was a rubbish heap against the outside of the wall just as Corin had told him. Before jumping down he took a rapid glance round him to get his bearings. Apparently he had now come over the crown of the island-hill on which Tashbaan is built. Everything sloped away before him, flat roofs below flat roofs, down to the towers and battlements of the city's Northern wall. Beyond that was the river and beyond the river a short slope covered with gardens. But beyond that again there was something he had never seen the like of - a great yellowish-grey thing, flat as a calm sea, and stretching for miles. On the far side of it were huge blue things, lumpy but with jagged edges, and some of them with white tops. "The desert! the mountains!" thought Shasta.沙斯塔踮起脚尖沿着屋顶轻轻地跑去,觉得他的光脚丫子发烫。不到几秒钟他就爬到了墙垣的另一头,他到了墙角,俯瞰一条狭窄、发臭的小街,正如科林告诉他的,墙外有个垃圾堆。跳下去之前,他先向周围迅速地扫了一眼,以便认清方位。显而易见,他已经来到塔什班岛城的山顶上了。一切都在他面前迤逦而下,平坦屋顶下方又有平坦屋顶,一直接连到北城城墙及其塔楼和维蝶。城墙外是河流,河流外是一个遍布花园的短坡。再过去便是他从来没看见过有什么跟它类似的景象——灰黄色,平坦得像个平静的海,绵亘好多英里。它的遥远边缘上是大块大块蓝色,凹凹凸凸,参差不齐,有些顶上是雪白的。”大沙漠!大山大岭!!”沙斯塔心里想道。
He jumped down on to the rubbish and began trotting along downhill as fast as he could in the narrow lane, which soon brought him into a wider street where there were more people. No one bothered to look at a little ragged boy running along on bare feet. Still, he was anxious and uneasy till he turned a corner and there saw the city gate in front of him. Here he was pressed and jostled a bit, for a good many other people were also going out; and on the bridge beyond the gate the crowd became quite a slow procession, more like a queue than a crowd. Out there, with clear running water on each side, it was deliciously fresh after the smell and heat and noise of Tashbaan.他往下跳到了垃圾堆上。他开始在小巷里尽可能快地跑下山去小巷不久便把他带到了更加宽阔的街道上,那儿的行人就更多了。没有人留意一个衣衫谧楼的孩子光着脚丫子跑过,但他仍旧焦急不安,直至他在一个角落上转弯过去,看到了他面前的城门。城门口就有点儿推推操操的,因为好多人也在出城去;城门外大桥上的人群变成了一个慢慢前进的行列,与其说它是人群,倒更像是支队伍。经历了塔什班城的臭味、炎热和喧闹,来到城外,桥的两边清澈的流水奔腾,就觉得空气新鲜宜人了。
When once Shasta had reached the far end of the bridge he found the crowd melting away; everyone seemed to be going either to the left or right along the river bank. He went straight ahead up a road that did not appear to be much used, between gardens. In a few paces he was alone, and a few more brought him to the top of the slope. There he stood and stared. It was like coming to the end of the world for all the grass stopped quite suddenly a few feet before him and the sand began: endless level sand like on a sea shore but a bit rougher because it was never wet. The mountains, which now looked further off than before, loomed ahead. Greatly to his relief he saw, about five minutes' walk away on his left, what must certainly be the Tombs, just as Bree had described them; great masses of mouldering stone shaped like gigantic bee-hive, but a little narrower. They looked very black and grim, for the sun was now setting right behind them.沙斯塔走到大桥桥堍,发觉人群分流疏散了;仿佛大家下了桥,不是向左便是向右,分别沿着河岸走去。他笔直地向前走上了一条大路,大路介于花园之间,看来不大有人马走过。他走了几步便只剩下他一个人了,再走几步便到了山坡的顶上。他站在坡顶上凝望。他仿佛来到了世界的尽头,因为所有的萋萋芳草突然在前面几步路的地方消失了,大片黄沙开始了,无穷无尽的平坦的黄沙,就像海滨沙滩一样,只是比较粗糙一些,因为它可是永远干燥的。大山大岭隐约出现在前方,现在看起来反而比先前更远了。使他大为宽慰的是:他看到左边儿,大约走上五分钟的路程,必定就是布里描绘过的那个古代国王的坟场。大块大块正在风化的石头,建成巨大蜂房似的形状,不过稍为狭了一点儿。看上去黑暗而冷森,因为太阳现在已经在坟墓后面落下去了。
He turned his face West and trotted towards the Tombs. He could not help looking out very hard for any sign of his friends, though the setting sun shone in his face so that he could see hardly anything. "And anyway," he thought, "of course they'll be round on the far side of the farthest Tomb, not this side where anyone might see them from the city."沙斯塔把脸转向西方,朝坟场快步走去。他禁不住费力地东张西望,看看可有他的朋友们的踪迹,夕阳照在他的脸上,他什么也看不清楚。”无论如何,”他心中想道,”他们总会绕到坟场那一边去等候的,决不会在城里任何人都看得到他们的这一边等。”
There were about twelve Tombs, each with a low arched doorway that opened into absolute blackness. They were dotted about in no kind of order, so that it took a long time, going round this one and going round that one, before you could be sure that you had looked round every side of every tomb. This was what Shasta had to do. There was nobody there.坟场共计十二个墓,每个墓前有个低矮拱廊通向绝对的黑暗。坟墓星罗棋布,却不是井然有序,所以得花费很长时间,这儿绕一圈,那儿绕一圈,才能使你心中确信,你已经把每个墓的每一边都找遍了。这就是沙斯塔要办的事。坟场里一个人也没有。
It was very quiet here out on the edge of the desert; and now the sun had really set. 这儿位于大沙漠的边缘,十分安静,现在太阳确实已经落山了。

Chapter 6 Shasta among the Tombs

SHASTA ran lightly along the roof on tiptoes. It felt hot to his bare feet. He was only a few seconds scrambling up the wall at the far end and when he got to the corner he found himself looking down into a narrow, smelly street, and there was a rubbish heap against the outside of the wall just as Corin had told him. Before jumping down he took a rapid glance round him to get his bearings. Apparently he had now come over the crown of the island-hill on which Tashbaan is built. Everything sloped away before him, flat roofs below flat roofs, down to the towers and battlements of the city's Northern wall. Beyond that was the river and beyond the river a short slope covered with gardens. But beyond that again there was something he had never seen the like of - a great yellowish-grey thing, flat as a calm sea, and stretching for miles. On the far side of it were huge blue things, lumpy but with jagged edges, and some of them with white tops. "The desert! the mountains!" thought Shasta.

He jumped down on to the rubbish and began trotting along downhill as fast as he could in the narrow lane, which soon brought him into a wider street where there were more people. No one bothered to look at a little ragged boy running along on bare feet. Still, he was anxious and uneasy till he turned a corner and there saw the city gate in front of him. Here he was pressed and jostled a bit, for a good many other people were also going out; and on the bridge beyond the gate the crowd became quite a slow procession, more like a queue than a crowd. Out there, with clear running water on each side, it was deliciously fresh after the smell and heat and noise of Tashbaan.

When once Shasta had reached the far end of the bridge he found the crowd melting away; everyone seemed to be going either to the left or right along the river bank. He went straight ahead up a road that did not appear to be much used, between gardens. In a few paces he was alone, and a few more brought him to the top of the slope. There he stood and stared. It was like coming to the end of the world for all the grass stopped quite suddenly a few feet before him and the sand began: endless level sand like on a sea shore but a bit rougher because it was never wet. The mountains, which now looked further off than before, loomed ahead. Greatly to his relief he saw, about five minutes' walk away on his left, what must certainly be the Tombs, just as Bree had described them; great masses of mouldering stone shaped like gigantic bee-hive, but a little narrower. They looked very black and grim, for the sun was now setting right behind them.

He turned his face West and trotted towards the Tombs. He could not help looking out very hard for any sign of his friends, though the setting sun shone in his face so that he could see hardly anything. "And anyway," he thought, "of course they'll be round on the far side of the farthest Tomb, not this side where anyone might see them from the city."

There were about twelve Tombs, each with a low arched doorway that opened into absolute blackness. They were dotted about in no kind of order, so that it took a long time, going round this one and going round that one, before you could be sure that you had looked round every side of every tomb. This was what Shasta had to do. There was nobody there.

It was very quiet here out on the edge of the desert; and now the sun had really set.

第6章 沙斯塔在坟场里







重点单词   查看全部解释    
doorway ['dɔ:wei]


n. 门口

setting ['setiŋ]


n. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲

rubbish ['rʌbiʃ]


n. 垃圾,废物,废话
v. 贬损

jagged ['dʒægid]


adj. 锯齿状的,参差不齐的 动词jag的过去式和过去

procession [prə'seʃən]


n. 队伍,行列
v. 列队行进

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

slope [sləup]


n. 倾斜,斜坡,斜面,斜线,斜率
vt. 使

relief [ri'li:f]


n. 减轻,解除,救济(品), 安慰,浮雕,对比

glance [glɑ:ns]


v. 一瞥,扫视,匆匆一看,反光,闪烁,掠过

uneasy [ʌn'i:zi]


adj. 不自在的,心神不安的,不稳定的,不舒服的


关键字: 男孩 能言马 小说




