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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Next morning when he woke, the cat was gone, the sun was already up, and the sand hot. Shasta, very thirsty, sat up and rubbed his eyes. The desert was blindingly white and, though there was a murmur of noises from the city behind him, where he sat everything was perfectly still. When he looked a little left and west, so that the sun was not in his eyes, he could see the mountains on the far side of the desert, so sharp and clear that they looked only a stone's throw away. He particularly noticed one blue height that divided into two peaks at the top and decided that it must be Mount Pire. "That's our direction, judging by what the Raven said," he thought, "so I'll just make sure of it, so as not to waste any time when the others turn up." So he made a good, deep straight furrow with his foot pointing exactly to Mount Pire.第二天早晨沙斯塔醒来时,猫走了,太阳已经出来了,沙土发烫了。沙斯塔十分口渴,坐起来擦擦眼睛。大沙漠白得令人目眩,虽然他背后传来隐隐约约的人声喧哗,但他所坐的地方,却是寂静无声的。当他稍稍向左向西看时,阳光并不直射他的眼睛,他便看得见大沙漠远处边缘上的大山大岭,轮廓分明,形象清晰,看上去似乎相距不过一箭之遥。他特别注意到一个蓝色高国,顶上分为两个山峰,便断定它必是皮尔峰无疑。”根据渡鸦所说的话看来,这就是我们要走的方向,”他心中想道,”所以我一定要把它搞个确实,以便别人来时就不必浪费时间了。”所以他用双脚在地上挖了一条笔直的深沟,确切地指向皮尔峰。
The next job, clearly, was to get something to eat and drink. Shasta trotted back through the Tombs - they looked quite ordinary now and he wondered how he could ever have been afraid of them - and down into the cultivated land by the river's side. There were a few people about but not very many, for the city gates had been open several hours and the early morning crowds had already gone in. So he had no diffculty in doing a little "raiding" (as Bree called it). It involved a climb over a garden wall and the results were three oranges, a melon, a fig or two, and a pomegranate. After that, he went down to the river bank, but not too near the bridge, and had a drink. The water was so nice that he took off his hot, dirty clothes and had a dip; for of course Shasta, having lived on the shore all his life, had learned to swim almost as soon as he had learned to walk. When he came out he lay on the grass looking across the water at Tashbaan - all the splendour and strength and glory of it. But that made him remember the dangers of it too. He suddenly realized that the others might have reached the Tombs while he was bathing ("and gone on without me, as likely as not"), so he dressed in a fright and tore back at such a speed that he was all hot and thirsty when he arrived and so the good of his bathe was gone.十分清楚,第二桩事情就是要搞点吃的喝的东西。沙斯塔小步穿过坟场跑回去——现在坟墓看上去平平常常,他想想、自己竟害怕它们也觉得奇怪——跑到河边的耕地里。附近有一些人,但不多,因为城门已经开了好几个钟头,大清早拥挤的人群已经进城去了。所以沙斯塔搞点儿(布里所说的)”袭击”毫无困难。这次”袭击”包括爬过一道墙头,收获是三只椅子、一个西瓜、一两个无花果和一只石榴。然后他走到河岸上,在离大桥不太近的地方,喝了点儿河水。水好极了,他脱掉又热又脏的衣服,下去洗了个澡;当然,因为沙斯塔一直住在水边,几乎在他刚学习走路时就学会了游泳。从河里出来,他躺在青草上,眼睛越过河流,眺望着塔什班城_城里的一切壮观、力量和光荣。但眺望也使他记起塔什班城的危险。他突然认识到,说不定正在他洗澡的时候,其他的人马已经到达坟场(“很可能不等我就走掉了”),所以他惊惶地穿好衣服,用极大的速度赶回去,他到达坟场时又热又渴,洗澡后的凉快感觉完全没有了。
Like most days when you are alone and waiting for something this day seemed about a hundred hours long. He had plenty to think of, of course, but sitting alone, just thinking, is pretty slow. He thought a good deal about the Narnians and especially about Corin. He wondered what had happened when they discovered that the boy who had been lying on the sofa and hearing all their secret plans wasn't really Corin at all. It was very unpleasant to think of all those nice people imagining him a traitor.就像大部分独自等待什么事物的日子一样,这一天仿佛有百个钟头那么长。当然啦,他有许多事情要想,但独自坐在那儿,只是一个劲儿地想着,时间是过得够慢的。他想得很多的是纳尼亚人,特别是科林。他很想知道,当他们发现那躺在沙发上听到他们全部秘密计划的孩子压根儿不是科林时,会发生什么事情。想到这些个好人会把他当做奸细,心里十分不愉快。
But as the sun slowly, slowly climbed up to the top of the sky and then slowly, slowly began going downwards to the West, and no one came and nothing at all happened, he began to get more and more anxious. And of course he now realized that when they arranged to wait for one another at the Tombs no one had said anything about How Long. He couldn't wait here for the rest of his life! And soon it would be dark again, and he would have another night just like last night. A dozen different plans went through his head, all wretched ones, and at last he fixed on the worst plan of all. He decided to wait till it was dark and then go back to the river and steal as many melons as he could carry and set out for Mount Pire alone, trusting for his direction to the line he had drawn that morning in the sand. It was a crazy idea and if he had read as many books as you have about journeys over deserts he would never have dreamed of it. But Shasta had read no books at all.但当太阳慢慢地慢慢地升上中天,然后又慢慢地慢慢地向西方沉落下去的时候,沙斯塔心里愈来愈焦急不安了。当然,他现在明白了,当初他们互相约定在坟场等待,可谁也没说要等待多久。他可不能在那儿等待一辈子!不久天又要黑了,他又要像昨夜那样过一夜了!十多个不同的计划在他头脑里翻腾,全都是微不足道的计划,而他最后确定的,却是个最糟糕的计划。他决定等到天黑时跑到河边去偷西瓜,拿得了多少就偷多少,然后独自出发,凭着他早晨在沙上所挖的深沟的指示,向皮尔峰而去。这是个疯狂的主意,如果他像你一样读过沙漠旅行的书,决不会做这种梦想的。但沙斯塔压根儿没读过书。
Before the sun set something did happen. Shasta was sitting in the shadow of one of the Tombs when he looked up and saw two horses coming towards him. Then his heart gave a great leap, for he recognized them as Bree and Hwin. But the next moment his heart went down into his toes again. There was no sign of Aravis. The Horses were being led by a strange man, an armed man pretty handsomely dressed like an upper slave in a great family. Bree and Hwin were no longer got up like pack-horses, but saddled and bridled. And what could it all mean? "It's a trap," thought Shasta. "Somebody has caught Aravis and perhaps they've tortured her and she's given the whole thing away. They want me to jump out and run up and speak to Bree and then I'll be caught too! And yet if I don't, I may be losing my only chance to meet the others. Oh I do wish I knew what had happened." And he skulked behind the Tomb, looking out every few minutes, and wondering which was the least dangerous thing to do. 可是,太阳落山之前,有件事情发生了。沙斯塔正坐在一个坟墓的阴影里,他抬起头来,看到两匹马正向他跑来。随后他的心猛地一跳,因为他认出这两匹马儿正是布里和赫温。但接下来的刹那间他的心又沉到脚指头上去了。没有阿拉维斯的踪影。马儿是由一个陌生人率领着的,一个衣服头当漂亮的军人,好像是一个高贵家庭里的一个高级奴隶。布里和赫温不再装扮得像是运货的驮马了,却配上了鞍座辔头,意味着什么呢?”这是个圈套,”沙斯塔心里想道,”有人逮住了阿拉维斯,也许他们折磨过她,她把整个儿事情都放弃了。他们要我跳出来,跑过去同布里说话,这就把我逮住!不过,如果我不跳出去,也许我就丧失了同其他人马聚首的惟一机会了。啊,我真希望我能知道已经发生了什么事情。”他偷偷地藏在坟墓背后,时时刻刻向外张望,心中琢磨着采取哪种行动危险最少。

Next morning when he woke, the cat was gone, the sun was already up, and the sand hot. Shasta, very thirsty, sat up and rubbed his eyes. The desert was blindingly white and, though there was a murmur of noises from the city behind him, where he sat everything was perfectly still. When he looked a little left and west, so that the sun was not in his eyes, he could see the mountains on the far side of the desert, so sharp and clear that they looked only a stone's throw away. He particularly noticed one blue height that divided into two peaks at the top and decided that it must be Mount Pire. "That's our direction, judging by what the Raven said," he thought, "so I'll just make sure of it, so as not to waste any time when the others turn up." So he made a good, deep straight furrow with his foot pointing exactly to Mount Pire.

The next job, clearly, was to get something to eat and drink. Shasta trotted back through the Tombs - they looked quite ordinary now and he wondered how he could ever have been afraid of them - and down into the cultivated land by the river's side. There were a few people about but not very many, for the city gates had been open several hours and the early morning crowds had already gone in. So he had no diffculty in doing a little "raiding" (as Bree called it). It involved a climb over a garden wall and the results were three oranges, a melon, a fig or two, and a pomegranate. After that, he went down to the river bank, but not too near the bridge, and had a drink. The water was so nice that he took off his hot, dirty clothes and had a dip; for of course Shasta, having lived on the shore all his life, had learned to swim almost as soon as he had learned to walk. When he came out he lay on the grass looking across the water at Tashbaan - all the splendour and strength and glory of it. But that made him remember the dangers of it too. He suddenly realized that the others might have reached the Tombs while he was bathing ("and gone on without me, as likely as not"), so he dressed in a fright and tore back at such a speed that he was all hot and thirsty when he arrived and so the good of his bathe was gone.

Like most days when you are alone and waiting for something this day seemed about a hundred hours long. He had plenty to think of, of course, but sitting alone, just thinking, is pretty slow. He thought a good deal about the Narnians and especially about Corin. He wondered what had happened when they discovered that the boy who had been lying on the sofa and hearing all their secret plans wasn't really Corin at all. It was very unpleasant to think of all those nice people imagining him a traitor.

But as the sun slowly, slowly climbed up to the top of the sky and then slowly, slowly began going downwards to the West, and no one came and nothing at all happened, he began to get more and more anxious. And of course he now realized that when they arranged to wait for one another at the Tombs no one had said anything about How Long. He couldn't wait here for the rest of his life! And soon it would be dark again, and he would have another night just like last night. A dozen different plans went through his head, all wretched ones, and at last he fixed on the worst plan of all. He decided to wait till it was dark and then go back to the river and steal as many melons as he could carry and set out for Mount Pire alone, trusting for his direction to the line he had drawn that morning in the sand. It was a crazy idea and if he had read as many books as you have about journeys over deserts he would never have dreamed of it. But Shasta had read no books at all.

Before the sun set something did happen. Shasta was sitting in the shadow of one of the Tombs when he looked up and saw two horses coming towards him. Then his heart gave a great leap, for he recognized them as Bree and Hwin. But the next moment his heart went down into his toes again. There was no sign of Aravis. The Horses were being led by a strange man, an armed man pretty handsomely dressed like an upper slave in a great family. Bree and Hwin were no longer got up like pack-horses, but saddled and bridled. And what could it all mean? "It's a trap," thought Shasta. "Somebody has caught Aravis and perhaps they've tortured her and she's given the whole thing away. They want me to jump out and run up and speak to Bree and then I'll be caught too! And yet if I don't, I may be losing my only chance to meet the others. Oh I do wish I knew what had happened." And he skulked behind the Tomb, looking out every few minutes, and wondering which was the least dangerous thing to do.






重点单词   查看全部解释    
traitor ['treitə]


n. 叛徒,卖国贼,出卖朋友者

trusting ['trʌstiŋ]


adj. 信任的;轻信的 v. 信赖(trust的ing

cultivated ['kʌltiveitid]


adj. 栽植的,有教养的

furrow ['fʌrəu]


n. 犁沟,皱纹 v. 犁,耕,(使)起皱纹

murmur ['mə:mə]


n. 低语,低声的抱怨,[医]心区杂音

glory ['glɔ:ri]


n. 光荣,荣誉,壮丽,赞颂
vi. 为 ..

shadow ['ʃædəu]


n. 阴影,影子,荫,阴暗,暗处
vt. 投阴

melon ['melən]


n. 甜瓜

unpleasant [ʌn'pleznt]


adj. 使人不愉快的,讨厌的

trap [træp]


n. 圈套,陷阱,困境,双轮轻便马车
v. 设


关键字: 男孩 能言马 小说




