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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"Where has it - he - the Thing - gone to?" said Jill."它——这个东西——哪儿去了?"吉尔问。
"North into the heart of Narnia," said Tirian. "It has come to dwell among us. They have called it and it has come.""北上进入纳尼亚的中心地区,"蒂莲说,"它来住在我们这儿了。他们呼唤它,它就来了。"
"Ho, ho, ho!" chuckled the Dwarf, rubbing his hairy hands together. "It will be a surprise for the Ape. People shouldn't call for demons unless they really mean what they say.""哈哈,哈哈,哈哈,"小矮人一边报着嘴好笑,一边用多毛的双手互相摩擦,"会叫无尾猿大吃一惊的。人们不该呼唤魔鬼,除非他们口中说的确实就是他们心里想的。"
"Who knows if Tash will be visible to the Ape?" said Jewel."谁知道无尾猿是否会看得见塔什神呢?"珍宝说。
"Where has Puzzle got to?" said Eustace."迷惑上哪儿去了?"尤斯塔斯说。
They all shouted out Puzzle's name and Jill went round to the other side of the Tower to see if he had gone there.他们大家都高喊迷惑的名字,吉尔还绕到堡垒另一边,去看看它是否跑到那边去了。
They were quite tired of looking for him when at last his large grey head peered cautiously out of the doorway and he said, "Has it gone away?" And when at last they got him to come out, he was shivering the way a dog shivers before a thunderstorm.他们四处找它,找得简直懒得再找时,它那灰色大脑袋终于小心翼翼地从门口探出来张望,口中问道。"它走了吗?"最后他们把迷惑从堡垒里拖出来时,它浑身哆嗦,就像一条狗遇到雷暴雨时一样。
"I see now," said Puzzle, "that I really have been a very bad donkey. I ought never to have listened to Shift. I never thought things like this would begin to happen.""我现在明白了,"迷惑说道,"我确实曾经是头十分不好的驴子。我应该绝对不听诡谲的话。我从来没有想到竟会发生如此这般的事情。"
"If you'd spent less time saying you weren't clever and more time trying to be as clever as you could -" began Eustace but Jill interrupted him."如果你少花点时间说自己不聪明,多花点时间努力变得尽可能聪明——"尤斯塔斯刚开口便被吉尔打断了。
"Oh leave poor old Puzzle alone," she said. "It was all a mistake; wasn't it, Puzzle dear?" And she kissed him on the nose."迷惑可怜巴巴的,年纪又大了,由它去吧,"她说,"这全是一个失误,是不是,亲爱的迷惑?"她亲亲驴子的鼻子。
Though rather shaken by what they had seen, the whole party now sat down again and went on with their talk.他们所看到的东西,虽然使他们颇为震动,大伙儿现在还是坐下来继续谈话。
Jewel had little to tell them. While he was a prisoner he had spent nearly all his time tied up at the back of the stable, and had of course heard none of the enemies' plans. He had been kicked (he'd done some kicking back too) and beaten and threatened with death unless he would say that he believed it was Aslan who was brought out and shown to them by firelight every night. In fact he was going to be executed this very morning if he had not been rescued. He didn't know what had happened to the Lamb.珍宝没有什么可告诉他们的。它是个俘虏时,几乎所有的时间都给绑在马厩背后,当然点也没听到敌人的计划。它曾经被拳打脚踢(它也回踢了几脚),曾经受到处死的威胁,除非它愿意说它相信每天夜里带出去在火光中给它们看的,确实就是阿斯兰,否则就要宰了它。事实上,那天早晨就要执行死刑的,若不是蒂莲救了它的话。它不知道羊羔遭到的灾难。
The question they had to decide was whether they would go to Stable Hill again that night, show Puzzle to the Narnians and try to make them see how they had been tricked, or whether they should steal away Eastward to meet the help which Roonwit the Centaur was bringing up from Cair Paravel and return against the Ape and his Calormenes in force. Tirian would very much like to have followed the first plan: he hated the idea of leaving the Ape to bully his people one moment longer than need be. On the other hand, the way the Dwarfs had behaved last night was a warning. Apparently one couldn't be sure how people would take it even if he showed them Puzzle. And there were the Calormene soldiers to be reckoned with. Poggin thought there were about thirty of them. Tirian felt sure that if the Narnians all rallied to his side, he and Jewel and the children and Poggin (Puzzle didn't count for much) would have a good chance of beating them. But how if half the Narnians - including all the Dwarfs - just sat and looked on? or even fought against him? The risk was too great. And there was, too, the cloudy shape of Tash. What might it do?他们非作出决定不可的问题是当夜他们要不要重上马服山,把迷惑向纳尼亚国民示众,设法使他们明白他们被人欺骗了,或者,他们是否应该偷偷地向东而行,去与人头马龙威特从凯尔帕拉维尔带来的援军相会,然后一起回过头来大举进攻无尾猿和它的卡乐门士兵。蒂莲很想采取第一个方案他一想到毫无必要地再听任无尾猿继续对纳尼亚国横行霸道下去,哪怕是短暂的片刻,他心里也恨得不得了。但在另一方面,昨天夜里小矮人们所表现出来的那种态度,倒是个警告。十分明显,如果拿迷惑来示众,大伙儿会采取什么态度,那是谁也吃不准的。还得对付卡乐门士兵哩。波金估计大约有三十个光景的卡乐门士兵。蒂莲觉得挺有把握,如果纳尼亚的群众都站在他的一边,他和独角兽,加上孩子们和小矮人波金(驴子迷惑可算不了什么)就会有大好机会打败敌人。但,如果一半纳尼亚群众——包括所有的小矮人们——只是坐在那儿冷眼旁观呢?或者甚至同他作战呢?这个风险可太大了。还有形体像云疆的塔什呢,它可能搞什么鬼把戏?

"Where has it - he - the Thing - gone to?" said Jill.

"North into the heart of Narnia," said Tirian. "It has come to dwell among us. They have called it and it has come."

"Ho, ho, ho!" chuckled the Dwarf, rubbing his hairy hands together. "It will be a surprise for the Ape. People shouldn't call for demons unless they really mean what they say."

"Who knows if Tash will be visible to the Ape?" said Jewel.

"Where has Puzzle got to?" said Eustace.

They all shouted out Puzzle's name and Jill went round to the other side of the Tower to see if he had gone there.

They were quite tired of looking for him when at last his large grey head peered cautiously out of the doorway and he said, "Has it gone away?" And when at last they got him to come out, he was shivering the way a dog shivers before a thunderstorm.

"I see now," said Puzzle, "that I really have been a very bad donkey. I ought never to have listened to Shift. I never thought things like this would begin to happen."

"If you'd spent less time saying you weren't clever and more time trying to be as clever as you could -" began Eustace but Jill interrupted him.

"Oh leave poor old Puzzle alone," she said. "It was all a mistake; wasn't it, Puzzle dear?" And she kissed him on the nose.

Though rather shaken by what they had seen, the whole party now sat down again and went on with their talk.

Jewel had little to tell them. While he was a prisoner he had spent nearly all his time tied up at the back of the stable, and had of course heard none of the enemies' plans. He had been kicked (he'd done some kicking back too) and beaten and threatened with death unless he would say that he believed it was Aslan who was brought out and shown to them by firelight every night. In fact he was going to be executed this very morning if he had not been rescued. He didn't know what had happened to the Lamb.

The question they had to decide was whether they would go to Stable Hill again that night, show Puzzle to the Narnians and try to make them see how they had been tricked, or whether they should steal away Eastward to meet the help which Roonwit the Centaur was bringing up from Cair Paravel and return against the Ape and his Calormenes in force. Tirian would very much like to have followed the first plan: he hated the idea of leaving the Ape to bully his people one moment longer than need be. On the other hand, the way the Dwarfs had behaved last night was a warning. Apparently one couldn't be sure how people would take it even if he showed them Puzzle. And there were the Calormene soldiers to be reckoned with. Poggin thought there were about thirty of them. Tirian felt sure that if the Narnians all rallied to his side, he and Jewel and the children and Poggin (Puzzle didn't count for much) would have a good chance of beating them. But how if half the Narnians - including all the Dwarfs - just sat and looked on? or even fought against him? The risk was too great. And there was, too, the cloudy shape of Tash. What might it do?














重点单词   查看全部解释    
lamb [læm]


n. 羔羊,小羊,羔羊肉,温顺的人
v. 产羊

dwarf [dwɔ:f]


n. 矮子,侏儒
vt. 使矮小

interrupted [intə'rʌptid]


adj. 中断的;被打断的;不规则的 vt. 打断;中断

doorway ['dɔ:wei]


n. 门口

shift [ʃift]


n. 交换,变化,移动,接班者
v. 更替,移

prisoner ['prizənə]


n. 囚犯

puzzle ['pʌzl]


n. 谜,难题,迷惑
vt. 使困惑,使为难<

stable ['steibl]


adj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的
n. 马厩,

visible ['vizəbl]


adj. 可见的,看得见的
n. 可见物

bully ['buli]


n. 欺凌弱小者,土霸,开球
vt. 威胁,恐





