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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
And then, as Poggin pointed out, there was no harm in leaving the Ape to deal with his own difficulties for a day or two. He would have no Puzzle to bring out and show now. It wasn't easy to see what story he - or Ginger could make up to explain that. If the Beasts asked night after night to see Aslan, and no Aslan was brought out, surely even the simplest of them would get suspicious.而且,正如波金所指出的,也不妨让无尾猿有那么一两天去对付它的困难。现在它没有驴子可拉出来示众了。看来无尾猿——或金格——要设法编造出故事来解释这个问题,可不容易哩。如果野兽们一夜复一夜地要求见到阿斯兰,而无尾猿却请不出阿斯兰来,那么,哪怕是头脑最简单的野兽,也会变得怀疑起来的。
In the end they all agreed that the best thing was to go off and try to meet Roonwit.商量到末末了儿,大家一致同意,最好的策略就是离开这儿,设法同龙威特会师。
As soon as they had decided this, it was wonderful how much more cheerful everyone became. I don't honestly think that this was because any of them was afraid of a fight (except perhaps Jill and Eustace). But I daresay that each of them, deep down inside, was very glad not to go any nearer - or not yet - to that horrible bird-headed thing which, visible or invisible, was now probably haunting Stable Hill. Anyway, one always feels better when one has made up one's mind.他们刚做出这个决定,说也奇怪,每个人都感到高兴得多了。说老实话,我并不认为那是因为他们之中有什么人害怕战斗(也许吉尔和尤斯塔斯是例外),但我敢大胆说一旬,他们之中的每位,内心里对于不再走近——或者说还没有走近——那长着鸟头的可怕的东西,是十分欣慰的。这东西,不论看得见或看不见,现在很可能正出没于马厩山上哩。无论如何,一个人下定了决心,总是感觉舒畅多了。
Tirian said they had better remove their disguises, as they didn't want to be mistaken for Calormenes and perhaps attacked by any loyal Narnians they might meet. The Dwarf made up a horrid-looking mess of ashes from the hearth and grease out of the jar of grease which was kept for rubbing on swords and spear-heads. Then they took off their Calormene armour and went down to the stream. The nasty mixture made a lather just like soft soap: it was a pleasant, homely sight to see Tirian and the two children kneeling beside the water and scrubbing the backs of their necks or puffing and blowing as they splashed the lather off. Then they went back to the Tower with red, shiny faces, like people who have been given an extra good wash before a party. They re-armed themselves in true Narnian style, with straight swords and three-cornered shields. "Body of me," said Tirian. "That is better. I feel a true man again."蒂莲说,他们还是去掉伪装的好,因为他们不想被误认为是卡乐门人,也不想或许被可能遇到的忠诚的纳尼亚兽民所攻击。小矮人用壁炉里的灰和储备在润滑油瓶里的用以擦剑擦矛的油,制成了一种形状难看的糊糊。于是他们脱掉了卡乐门盔甲,到溪水里去洗刷。这肮脏的混合物变成一种泡沫糊糊,就像半液体皂一般。蒂莲和两个孩子跪在水边,擦着他们的脖子的后半部,用水泼掉泡沫糊糊时又喷又吹的,看上去真是一幅愉快的、家庭风味的图画。接着,他们就红光满面地回到堡垒里,就像人们去参加宴会之前,特别卖力地好好洗了一番一般。他们按照真正的纳尼亚方式,用笔直的剑和三个角的盾重新武装自己。"还我身体的本色,"蒂莲说道,"那就比较好了。我觉得我重新是个真正的人了。"
Puzzle begged very hard to have the lion-skin taken off him. He said it was too hot and the way it was rucked up on his back was uncomfortable: also, it made him look so silly. But they told him he would have to wear it a bit longer, for they still wanted to show him in that get-up to the other Beasts, even though they were now going to meet Roonwit first.迷惑十分迫切地恳求把狮子毛皮从它身上取下来。它说裹着毛皮太热,毛皮折叠在它背脊上的方式也很不舒服,而且使它看上去愚蠢可笑。但他们告诉它,它还得再裹一阵子狮子毛皮,因为他们仍旧要让别的野兽看到它这身打扮,即使他们首先要去和龙威特会师。
What was left of the pigeon-meat and rabbit-meat was not worth bringing away but they took some biscuits. Then Tirian locked the door of the Tower and that was the end of their stay there.吃剩下来的鸽子肉和野兔肉是不值得带走的了,但他们带了些饼干。然后蒂莲锁上堡垒的大门,他们在堡垒里的休整至此便结束了。
It was a little after two in the afternoon when they set out, and it was the first really warm day of that spring. The young leaves seemed to be much further out than yesterday: the snow-drops were over, but they saw several primroses. The sunlight slanted through the trees, birds sang, and always (though usually out of sight) there was the noise of running water. It was hard to think of horrible things like Tash. The children felt, "This is really Narnia at last." Even Tirian's heart grew lighter as he walked ahead of them, humming an old Narnian marching song which had the refrain: Ho, rumble, rumble, rumble, Rumble drum belaboured.下午两点钟稍微过一点儿,他们出发了,这是当年春天第一个真正暖和的曰子,嫩叶似乎比昨天长出来好多了雪花莲已经谢落,但他们看见了几朵报春花。阳光斜斜地穿过树木,众鸟鸣眠,总是有流水奔腾的声音(尽管往往看不见)。不会想到像塔什神之类的可怕事物了。孩子们感觉到"终于领略到了真正的纳尼亚了。"甚至蒂莲的心也变得比较轻松,他走在大伙儿的前头,口中哼着一支古老的纳尼亚进行曲。曲子里有个叠句啊,战鼓急匆匆乱哄哄,冬冬又冬冬,冬冬又冬冬。

And then, as Poggin pointed out, there was no harm in leaving the Ape to deal with his own difficulties for a day or two. He would have no Puzzle to bring out and show now. It wasn't easy to see what story he - or Ginger could make up to explain that. If the Beasts asked night after night to see Aslan, and no Aslan was brought out, surely even the simplest of them would get suspicious.

In the end they all agreed that the best thing was to go off and try to meet Roonwit.

As soon as they had decided this, it was wonderful how much more cheerful everyone became. I don't honestly think that this was because any of them was afraid of a fight (except perhaps Jill and Eustace). But I daresay that each of them, deep down inside, was very glad not to go any nearer - or not yet - to that horrible bird-headed thing which, visible or invisible, was now probably haunting Stable Hill. Anyway, one always feels better when one has made up one's mind.

Tirian said they had better remove their disguises, as they didn't want to be mistaken for Calormenes and perhaps attacked by any loyal Narnians they might meet. The Dwarf made up a horrid-looking mess of ashes from the hearth and grease out of the jar of grease which was kept for rubbing on swords and spear-heads. Then they took off their Calormene armour and went down to the stream. The nasty mixture made a lather just like soft soap: it was a pleasant, homely sight to see Tirian and the two children kneeling beside the water and scrubbing the backs of their necks or puffing and blowing as they splashed the lather off. Then they went back to the Tower with red, shiny faces, like people who have been given an extra good wash before a party. They re-armed themselves in true Narnian style, with straight swords and three-cornered shields. "Body of me," said Tirian. "That is better. I feel a true man again."

Puzzle begged very hard to have the lion-skin taken off him. He said it was too hot and the way it was rucked up on his back was uncomfortable: also, it made him look so silly. But they told him he would have to wear it a bit longer, for they still wanted to show him in that get-up to the other Beasts, even though they were now going to meet Roonwit first.

What was left of the pigeon-meat and rabbit-meat was not worth bringing away but they took some biscuits. Then Tirian locked the door of the Tower and that was the end of their stay there.

It was a little after two in the afternoon when they set out, and it was the first really warm day of that spring. The young leaves seemed to be much further out than yesterday: the snow-drops were over, but they saw several primroses. The sunlight slanted through the trees, birds sang, and always (though usually out of sight) there was the noise of running water. It was hard to think of horrible things like Tash. The children felt, "This is really Narnia at last." Even Tirian's heart grew lighter as he walked ahead of them, humming an old Narnian marching song which had the refrain: Ho, rumble, rumble, rumble, Rumble drum belaboured.








重点单词   查看全部解释    
except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

dwarf [dwɔ:f]


n. 矮子,侏儒
vt. 使矮小

visible ['vizəbl]


adj. 可见的,看得见的
n. 可见物

remove [ri'mu:v]


v. 消除,除去,脱掉,搬迁
n. 去除

haunting ['hɔ:ntiŋ]


adj. 不易忘怀的 动词haunt的现在分词

drum [drʌm]


n. 鼓,鼓声,鼓状物
vi. 击鼓,连续敲击

suspicious [səs'piʃəs]


adj. 可疑的,多疑的

stream [stri:m]


n. (人,车,气)流,水流,组
v. 流动,

cheerful ['tʃiəfəl]


adj. 高兴的,快乐的

uncomfortable [ʌn'kʌmftəbl]


adj. 不舒服的,不自在的





