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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
There was a terrible silence while the Beasts waited to hear what new trouble was in store for them. The little party by the end-wall of the stable also held their breath. What on earth was coming now?众野兽等待着要听听他们即将碰到什么新的麻烦,当时草地上一片可怕的寂静。马厩墙脚边的一伙也屏息静气。现在究竟会冒出什么事情来呢?
"Yes," said the Ape. "At this very moment, when the Terrible One himself is among us - there in the stable just behind me - one wicked Beast has chosen to do what you'd think no one would dare to do even if He were a thousand miles away. It has dressed itself up in a lion-skin and is wandering about in these very woods pretending to be Aslan.""是的,"无尾猿说道,"就在此时此刻,可怕的神就在我们中间——而在我背后马厩里——一头邪恶的野兽竟蓄意干了一件十恶不赦的事情,你们都会认为,即使神在干里之外,也没有一个敢干这样的事的。它在身上披上了一张狮子皮毛,正在这些树林里跑来跑去,冒充是狮王阿斯兰。"
Jill wondered for a moment if the Ape had gone mad. Was he going to tell the whole truth? A roar of horror and rage went up from the Beasts. "Grrr!" came the growls. "Who is he? Where is he? Just let me get my teeth into him!"吉尔有一会儿感到诧异——这无尾猿是否疯了?它是否要把全部真相讲出来?野兽群中发出一阵恐怖和愤怒的吼声。"该死!"发出吼声来了,"它是什么东西?它在哪儿?让我们用牙齿咬死它!"
"It was seen last night," screamed the Ape, "but it got away. It's a Donkey! A common, miserable Ass! If any of you see that Ass -""昨儿夜间看见过它的,"无尾猿尖声叫道,"但它逃走了。它是头驴子!一头普普通通的凄凄惨惨的驴子。如果你们有谁看见这驴子——"
"Grrr!" growled the Beasts. "We will, we will. He'd better keep out of our way.""该死!"众野兽咆哮道,"我们一定要,一定要咬死它。它最好别碰上我们。"
Jill looked at the King: his mouth was open and his face was full of horror. And then she understood the devilish cunning of the enemies' plan. By mixing a little truth with it they had made their lie far stronger. What was the good, now, of telling the Beasts that an ass had been dressed up as a lion to deceive them? The Ape would only say, "That's just what I've said." What was the good of showing them Puzzle in his lion-skin? They would only tear him in pieces.吉尔瞧瞧国王。国王的嘴巴张开着,脸上充满恐怖的神情。这时他明白敌人计划之邪恶诡谲了。加了一点儿真相,就使它们的谎言强大有力得多啦。现在,告诉野兽们说一头驴子被打扮成一头狮子,来欺骗它们——那还有什么用处呢?无尾猿只要说一句"那就是我刚才说过的情况嘛。"就够了。把披着狮子毛皮的驴子示众,还有什么好处呢?野兽只会把驴子撕个稀烂。
"That's taken the wind out of our sails," whispered Eustace."那是收掉了我们的篷帆上的风。"尤斯塔斯低声说道。
"The ground is taken from under our feet," said Tirian."把我们立足的土地抽掉了。"蒂莲说道。
"Cursed, cursed cleverness!" said Poggin. "I'll be sworn that this new lie is of Ginger's making." "该死的,该死的小聪明!"波金说道,"我敢打赌,这新的谎言准是金格创造出来的。"

There was a terrible silence while the Beasts waited to hear what new trouble was in store for them. The little party by the end-wall of the stable also held their breath. What on earth was coming now?

"Yes," said the Ape. "At this very moment, when the Terrible One himself is among us - there in the stable just behind me - one wicked Beast has chosen to do what you'd think no one would dare to do even if He were a thousand miles away. It has dressed itself up in a lion-skin and is wandering about in these very woods pretending to be Aslan."

Jill wondered for a moment if the Ape had gone mad. Was he going to tell the whole truth? A roar of horror and rage went up from the Beasts. "Grrr!" came the growls. "Who is he? Where is he? Just let me get my teeth into him!"

"It was seen last night," screamed the Ape, "but it got away. It's a Donkey! A common, miserable Ass! If any of you see that Ass -"

"Grrr!" growled the Beasts. "We will, we will. He'd better keep out of our way."

Jill looked at the King: his mouth was open and his face was full of horror. And then she understood the devilish cunning of the enemies' plan. By mixing a little truth with it they had made their lie far stronger. What was the good, now, of telling the Beasts that an ass had been dressed up as a lion to deceive them? The Ape would only say, "That's just what I've said." What was the good of showing them Puzzle in his lion-skin? They would only tear him in pieces.

"That's taken the wind out of our sails," whispered Eustace.
"The ground is taken from under our feet," said Tirian.

"Cursed, cursed cleverness!" said Poggin. "I'll be sworn that this new lie is of Ginger's making."










重点单词   查看全部解释    
puzzle ['pʌzl]


n. 谜,难题,迷惑
vt. 使困惑,使为难<

rage [reidʒ]


n. 狂怒,大怒,狂暴,肆虐,风行
v. 大怒

wicked ['wikid]


adj. 坏的,邪恶的,缺德的
adv. 极端

miserable ['mizərəbl]


adj. 悲惨的,痛苦的,贫乏的

cleverness ['klevənis]


n. 聪明,机灵

stable ['steibl]


adj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的
n. 马厩,

tear [tiə]


n. 眼泪,(撕破的)洞或裂缝,撕扯

silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默

cunning ['kʌniŋ]


adj. 狡猾的,有眼光的,精巧的,可爱的

deceive [di'si:v]


vt. 欺骗
vi. 行骗





