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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"And how if the Splendour Hyaline is at Cair Paravel before you?"“如果'灿烂晶莹'号比你先到达凯尔帕拉维尔,那又怎么办呢?”
"I do not look for that with these winds, O my father."“父亲啊,按照风的情况,我看这船早到不了。”
"And lastly, O my resourceful son," said the Tisroc, "you have made clear how all this might give you the barbarian woman, but not how it helps me to the over-throwing of Narnia."“我的足智多谋的儿子啊,最后一个问题是,”蒂斯罗克说”你已经讲清楚了,这一切行动将如何给你搞到那个女人,可如何帮助我战胜纳尼亚王国,你并没有讲清楚啊。
"O my father, can it have escaped you that though I and my horsemen will come and go through Narnia like an arrow from a bow, yet we shall have Anvard for ever? And when you hold Anvard you sit in the very gate of Narnia, and your garrison in Anvard can be increased by little and little till it is a great host."“我的父亲啊,这可逃不过你的眼睛:尽管我和我的入马,像一支从弓上射出的箭,在纳尼亚境内飞速来去,然而我们将永远占领安瓦德。占领了安瓦德,你就是稳坐在纳尼亚的大门口了,你的守卫部队可以逐渐增加,形成巨大的优势。”
"It is spoken with understanding and foresight. But how do I draw back my arm if all this miscarries?"“说得很有眼光和见地。然而,如果这一切都失算和失败了,我怎样缩回我那伸出去的手臂呢?”
"You shall say that I, did it without your knowledge and against your will, and without your blessing, being constrained by the violence of my love and the impetuosity of youth."“你可以说是我擅自干的,你毫不知情,也违背了你的心愿,并没有得到你的批准,是强烈的爱情和年少气盛把我逼到这个地步的。”
"And how if the High King then demands that we send back the barbarian woman, his sister?"“如果至尊王那时要求我们把那个外邦女人,他的摘亲妹妹送回去,又怎么办呢?”
"O my father, be assured that he will not. For though the fancy of a woman has rejected this marriage, the High King Peter is a man of prudence and understanding who will in no way wish to lose the high honour and advantage of being allied to our House and seeing his nephew and grand nephew on the throne of Calormen."“我的父亲啊,管保他不会提这种要求的。虽然女人的幻想曾拒绝这桩婚姻,但至尊王彼得是个谨慎而又明白事理的人,他是无论如何不肯丧失同我们这种王室联姻的光荣和利益的,他还要看到他的外甥和外孙坐上卡乐门的王位哩。”
"He will not see that if I live for ever as is no doubt your wish," said the Tisroc in an even drier voice than usual.“如果我真的万寿无疆(正如你毫无疑问地愿望的那样),他就看不到这种局面了。”蒂斯罗克用一种甚至比平常还要干巴巴的语调说道。
"And also, O my father and O the delight of my eyes," said the Prince, after a moment of awkward silence, "we shall write letters as if from the Queen to say that she loves me and has no desire to return to Narnia. For it is well known that women are as changeable as weathercocks. And even if they do not wholly believe the letters, they will not dare to come to Tashbaan in arms to fetch her."“我的父亲,我眼中的喜悦,还有,”经过了片刻尴尬的沉默以后,王子说道,”我们要写信去仿佛是女王说她爱我,不想回纳尼亚了。因为,大家都知道的,女人善变,像风信鸡随风变换方向一样。哪怕他们并不完全相信这些信件,他们也不敢武装来到塔什班城,夺她回去。”
"O enlightened Vizier," said the Tisroc, "bestow your wisdom upon us concerning this strange proposal." “开明多智的首相啊,”蒂斯罗克说道,”对于这个新奇的建议,请发表高见指教吧。”

"And how if the Splendour Hyaline is at Cair Paravel before you?"
"I do not look for that with these winds, O my father."
"And lastly, O my resourceful son," said the Tisroc, "you have made clear how all this might give you the barbarian woman, but not how it helps me to the over-throwing of Narnia."
"O my father, can it have escaped you that though I and my horsemen will come and go through Narnia like an arrow from a bow, yet we shall have Anvard for ever? And when you hold Anvard you sit in the very gate of Narnia, and your garrison in Anvard can be increased by little and little till it is a great host."
"It is spoken with understanding and foresight. But how do I draw back my arm if all this miscarries?"
"You shall say that I, did it without your knowledge and against your will, and without your blessing, being constrained by the violence of my love and the impetuosity of youth."
"And how if the High King then demands that we send back the barbarian woman, his sister?"
"O my father, be assured that he will not. For though the fancy of a woman has rejected this marriage, the High King Peter is a man of prudence and understanding who will in no way wish to lose the high honour and advantage of being allied to our House and seeing his nephew and grand nephew on the throne of Calormen."
"He will not see that if I live for ever as is no doubt your wish," said the Tisroc in an even drier voice than usual.
"And also, O my father and O the delight of my eyes," said the Prince, after a moment of awkward silence, "we shall write letters as if from the Queen to say that she loves me and has no desire to return to Narnia. For it is well known that women are as changeable as weathercocks. And even if they do not wholly believe the letters, they will not dare to come to Tashbaan in arms to fetch her."
"O enlightened Vizier," said the Tisroc, "bestow your wisdom upon us concerning this strange proposal."


重点单词   查看全部解释    
assured [ə'ʃuəd]


adj. 确实的,保障的,有自信的 动词assure的过

impetuosity [im,petju'ɔsəti]


n. 冲力,猛烈;性急,冲动

silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默

foresight ['fɔ:sait]


n. 远见,深谋远虑

prudence ['pru:dəns]


n. 审慎,慎重,精心明辨

violence ['vaiələns]


n. 暴力,猛烈,强暴,暴行

bestow [bi'stəu]


vt. 授予,适用,利用

resourceful [ri'sɔ:sfəl]


adj. 资源丰富的,足智多谋的

delight [di'lait]


n. 高兴,快乐
v. (使)高兴,(使)欣喜

proposal [prə'pəuzəl]


n. 求婚,提议,建议





