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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Tirian bent his head to hear something that Jill was trying to whisper in his ear. "What do you think is really inside the stable?" she said. "Who knows?" said Tirian. "Two Calormenes with drawn swords, as likely as not, one on each side of the door."蒂莲低下头来听吉尔试图在他耳边说的悄悄话。"你认为马厩里确实有什么东西吗,"她说。"谁知道呢,"蒂莲道,"两个卡乐门士兵拿着出鞘的剑,很可能,两边的门口各站着一个兵。"
"You don't think," said Jill, "it might be . . . you know . . . that horrid thing we saw?""你岂不觉得,"吉尔说,"这很可能……你知道……就是我们看到的那可怕的东西吗?"
"Tash himself?" whispered Tirian."塔什自己吗?"蒂莲说道。"弄不明白。
"There's no knowing. But courage, child: we are all between the paws of the true Aslan."可是,孩子,要有勇气:我们大家都夹在真正的阿斯兰的两个脚爪中间。"
Then a most surprising thing happened. Ginger the Cat said in a cool, clear voice, not at all as if he was excited, "I'll go in, if you like."接着就发生了一件最出人意外的事。猫儿金格用冷静、清晰的声音,仿佛压根儿毫不激动地说道:"如果你愿意,我要进去。"
Every creature turned and fixed its eyes on the Cat. "Mark their subtleties, Sire," said Poggin to the King. "This cursed cat is in the plot, in the very centre of it. Whatever is in the stable will not hurt him, I'll be bound. Then Ginger will come out again and say that he has seen some wonder."每一头野兽都转过头来,眼睛牢牢盯着猫儿直瞧。"陛下,留神它们的阴险,"波金对国王说道,"这该死的猫儿参与了阴谋诡计,它是阴谋的核心。不论马厩里有什么东西,都伤不着它,我敢肯定。然后金格会重新从马厩里出来,说是它看到了奇迹。"
But Tirian had no time to answer him. The Ape was calling the Cat to come forward. "Ho-ho!" said the Ape. "So you, a pert Puss, would look upon him face to face. Come on, then! I'll open the door for you. Don't blame me if he scares the whiskers off your face. That's your affair."但蒂莲没有时间回答。无尾猿正叫猫儿出来。"嗬——嗬!"无尾猿说道,"那么,你,一只冒冒失失的猫咪,竟要面对面地见他了。那就来吧,我替你开门。如果他吓得你胡须都从脸上掉下来,你可别怪我。那是你自己的事情。"
And the Cat got up and came out of its place in the crowd, walking primly and daintily, with its tail in the air, not one hair on its sleek coat out of place. It came on till it had passed the fire and was so close that Tirian, from where he stood with his shoulder against the end-wall of the stable, could look right into its face. Its big green eyes never blinked. ("Cool as a cucumber," muttered Eustace. "It knows it has nothing to fear.") The Ape, chuckling and making faces, shuttled across beside the Cat: put up his paw: drew the bolt and opened the door. Tirian thought he could hear the Cat purring as it walked into the dark doorway.于是那猫儿便站起身来,从它在群众中的座位里走将出去,它一直正经地优雅文静地走着,尾巴翘在空中,柔软发亮的皮外套上没有一根毛是不得体的。它继续向前,走过篝火,走得极近了;蒂莲肩膀靠着马厩末端的墙上,站在那儿能仔细打量着猫儿的脸孔。它那碧绿的大眼睛一眨也不眨。"泰然自若,"尤斯塔斯喃喃而语,"它知道它没有什么可害怕的。"无尾猿吃吃讪笑,做着鬼脸,拖拖拉拉地过来,站在猫儿身旁,伸出脚爪:拉开门闩,打开马厩的门。蒂莲以为他听见了猫儿走进黑暗门口时呜呜的叫声。
"Aii-aii-aouwee! -" The most horrible caterwaul you ever heard made everyone jump. You have been wakened yourself by cats quarrelling or making love on the roof in the middle of the night: you know the sound."阿艾——阿艾——阿奥威——!"从来没有听到过的、最最可怕的猫儿叫春的声音,使大家都跳起来了。你自己在半夜里听到过猫儿在屋顶上吵架和做爱的声音,你知道这种声音。
This was worse. The Ape was knocked head over heels by Ginger coming back out of the stable at top speed. If you had not known he was a cat, you might have thought he was a ginger-coloured streak of lightning. He shot across the open grass, back into the crowd. No one wants to meet a cat in that state. You could see animals getting out of his way to left and right. He dashed up a tree, whisked around, and hung head downwards. His tail was bristled out till it was nearly as thick as his whole body: his eyes were like saucers of green fire: along his back every single hair stood on end.事态更糟了。金格从马厩里以最快的速度窜回来,把无尾猿也撞了个四脚朝天。如果你不知道它是只猫儿,你会认为它是一道姜黄色的闪电。它窜过开阔的草地,回到群众中去。谁也不想碰到处于这种状态的猫。你可以看见野兽们往左右闪开,给它让路。它窜上一棵树木,周围弹了一下,身体便倒挂在树枝上。它把尾巴倒竖了起来,几乎跟它整个儿身体一般儿粗大;它的眼睛像碧绿的火焰碟子,它的背上每根毛都挺得笔直。
"I'd give my beard," whispered Poggin, "to know whether that brute is only acting or whether it has really found something in there that frightened it!""我宁愿以我的胡子为代价,"波金耳语道,"去弄明白这畜生不过是在演戏呢,还有确实在马厩里发现了使它害怕的东西。"
"Peace, friend," said Tirian, for the Captain and the Ape were also whispering and he wanted to hear what they said. He did not succeed, except that he heard the Ape once more whimpering "My head, my head," but he got the idea that those two were almost as puzzled by the cat's behaviour as himself. "别做声,朋友。"蒂莲说道,因为卡乐门队长也在和无尾猿窃窃私语,他想听听他们究竟在说些什么。他没听到什么,只不过听到无尾猿再次在呜咽。"我的脑袋,我的脑袋好疼啊。"但他得出了一个想法:这两个家伙,像他自己一样被那猫儿的行动搞迷糊了。

Tirian bent his head to hear something that Jill was trying to whisper in his ear. "What do you think is really inside the stable?" she said. "Who knows?" said Tirian. "Two Calormenes with drawn swords, as likely as not, one on each side of the door."

"You don't think," said Jill, "it might be . . . you know . . . that horrid thing we saw?"

"Tash himself?" whispered Tirian.

"There's no knowing. But courage, child: we are all between the paws of the true Aslan."

Then a most surprising thing happened. Ginger the Cat said in a cool, clear voice, not at all as if he was excited, "I'll go in, if you like."

Every creature turned and fixed its eyes on the Cat. "Mark their subtleties, Sire," said Poggin to the King. "This cursed cat is in the plot, in the very centre of it. Whatever is in the stable will not hurt him, I'll be bound. Then Ginger will come out again and say that he has seen some wonder."

But Tirian had no time to answer him. The Ape was calling the Cat to come forward. "Ho-ho!" said the Ape. "So you, a pert Puss, would look upon him face to face. Come on, then! I'll open the door for you. Don't blame me if he scares the whiskers off your face. That's your affair."

And the Cat got up and came out of its place in the crowd, walking primly and daintily, with its tail in the air, not one hair on its sleek coat out of place. It came on till it had passed the fire and was so close that Tirian, from where he stood with his shoulder against the end-wall of the stable, could look right into its face. Its big green eyes never blinked. ("Cool as a cucumber," muttered Eustace. "It knows it has nothing to fear.") The Ape, chuckling and making faces, shuttled across beside the Cat: put up his paw: drew the bolt and opened the door. Tirian thought he could hear the Cat purring as it walked into the dark doorway.

"Aii-aii-aouwee! -" The most horrible caterwaul you ever heard made everyone jump. You have been wakened yourself by cats quarrelling or making love on the roof in the middle of the night: you know the sound.

This was worse. The Ape was knocked head over heels by Ginger coming back out of the stable at top speed. If you had not known he was a cat, you might have thought he was a ginger-coloured streak of lightning. He shot across the open grass, back into the crowd. No one wants to meet a cat in that state. You could see animals getting out of his way to left and right. He dashed up a tree, whisked around, and hung head downwards. His tail was bristled out till it was nearly as thick as his whole body: his eyes were like saucers of green fire: along his back every single hair stood on end.

"I'd give my beard," whispered Poggin, "to know whether that brute is only acting or whether it has really found something in there that frightened it!"

"Peace, friend," said Tirian, for the Captain and the Ape were also whispering and he wanted to hear what they said. He did not succeed, except that he heard the Ape once more whimpering "My head, my head," but he got the idea that those two were almost as puzzled by the cat's behaviour as himself.













重点单词   查看全部解释    
lightning ['laitniŋ]


n. 闪电
adj. 闪电般的,快速的

shoulder ['ʃəuldə]


n. 肩膀,肩部
v. 扛,肩负,承担,(用肩

blame [bleim]


n. 过失,责备
vt. 把 ... 归咎于,

frightened ['fraitnd]


adj. 受惊的,受恐吓的

whisper ['wispə]


n. 低语,窃窃私语,飒飒的声音
vi. 低声



adj. 困惑的;搞糊涂的;茫然的

doorway ['dɔ:wei]


n. 门口

bent [bent]


bend的过去式和过去分词 adj. 下定决心的,弯曲的

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

bolt [bəult]


n. 螺栓,插销,门闩
v. 闩住,插销,(突





