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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"Go, my son," he said. "And do as you have said. But expect no help nor countenance from me. I will not avenge you if you are killed and I will not deliver you if the barbarians cast you into prison. And if, either in success or failure, you shed a drop more than you need of Narnian noble blood and open war arises from it, my favour shall never fall upon you again and your next brother shall have your place in Calormen. Now go. Be swift, secret, and fortunate. May the strength of Tash the inexorable, the irresistible be in your sword and lance."“去吧,我的儿子,”他说道,”按照你所说的计划去干吧。然而,别指望我给你支援和鼓励。如果你被杀害了,我不会替你报仇雪恨,如果外邦人把你关进监狱,我也不会营救你。而且,不论成败,如果你超过必要性而多流了一滴纳尼亚人的血,因此引起两国公开的战争,我的宠爱将永远不再落到你的身上,你的大弟弟将取代你在卡乐门的地位。现在你去吧。要干得迅速、秘密、顺利。愿坚定不屈、不可抗拒的塔什神的力量,附在你的刀剑和长矛上。”
"To hear is to obey," cried Rabadash, and after kneeling for a moment to kiss his father's hands he rushed from the room. Greatly to the disappointment of Aravis, who was now horribly cramped, the Tisroc and Vizier remained.“听到命令,就遵命照办。”拉巴达什大声说道,他跪下来吻一会儿他父亲的双手,之后便冲出房间去了。阿拉维斯现在是被可怕地束缚住了,使她大为失望的是,蒂斯罗克和大臣竟留下不走。
"O Vizier," said the Tisroc, "is it certain that no living soul knows of this council we three have held here tonight?"“大臣啊,”蒂斯罗克问道,”今夜我们三个人在这里举行的会议,你可以肯定没有一个活人知道吗?”
"O my master," said Ahoshta, "it is not possible that any should know. For that very reason I proposed, and you in your wisdom agreed, that we should meet here in the Old Palace where no council is ever held and none of the household has any occasion to come."“我的圣上啊,”阿霍什塔答道,”不可能有什么人会知道的。出于这个理由,我建议,并且由一贯正确的圣上批准,我们应在老王宫这个房间里开会,以前这儿从未开过会,家庭里也没有任何人有什么机会来过这儿。”"
"It is well," said the Tisroc. "If any man knew, I would see to it that he died before an hour had passed. And do you also, O prudent Vizier, forget it. I sponge away from my own heart and from yours all knowledge of the Prince's plans. He is gone without my knowledge or my consent, I know not whither, because of his violence and the rash and disobedient disposition of youth. No man will be more astonished than you and I to hear that Anvard is in his hands."“这就妥了,”蒂斯罗克说,”如果有什么人知道了,务必叫他在一个钟头之内死去。谨慎的大臣啊,你也得把它忘掉。我从我的心里,也从你的心里,把我们所知道的王子的计划,统统消灭干净了。他去了,可我不知道,也没有得到我的同意,我也不知道他到哪儿去了,这都是由于他年少气盛,狂暴,鲁莽,不听话。至于听说安瓦德落到了他手里,没有人将比你和我更感到惊讶。”
"To hear is to obey," said Ahoshta.“听到命令,就遵命照办。”阿霍什塔说道。
"That is why you will never think even in your secret heart that I am the hardest hearted of fathers who thus send my first-born son on an errand so likely to be his death; pleasing as it must be to you who do not love the Prince. For 1 see into the bottom of your mind."“那就是为什么你(即使在你最秘密的内心)也永远不会想到我是父亲中心肠最硬的,竟派我的长子去完成一个几乎等于叫他去送死的使命,我这么做必定使你感到高兴,你可并不爱王子啊。因为我看到了你的内心深处。”
"O impeccable Tisroc," said the Vizier. "In comparison with you I love neither the Prince nor my own life nor bread nor water nor the light of the sun."“毫无瑕疵的蒂斯罗克啊,”大臣说道,”同圣上相比,我既不爱王子,也不爱我自己的生命,也不爱面包、水和阳光。”
"Your sentiments," said the Tisroc, "are elevated and correct. I also love none of these things in comparison with the glory and strength of my throne. If the Prince succeeds, we have Archenland, and perhaps hereafter Narnia. If he fails - I have eighteen other sons and Rabadash, after the manner of the eldest sons of kings, was beginning to be dangerous. More than five Tisrocs in Tashbaan have died before their time because their eldest sons, enlightened princes, grew tired of waiting for their throne. He had better cool his blood abroad than boil it in inaction here. And now, O excellent Vizier, the excess of my paternal anxiety inclines me to sleep. Command the musicians to my chamber. But before you lie down, call back the pardon we wrote for the third cook. I feel within me the manifest prognostics of indigestion."“你的情操,”蒂斯罗克说道,”是高尚而正确的。同王位的光荣和威力相比,这些个东西我也一点儿不爱。如果王子成功了,我们就占领了阿钦兰,也许以后还要占领纳尼亚。如果他失败了,我还有十八个儿子;而拉巴达什呢,为人处世依照国王长子的老作风,正在开始变得危险起来了。塔什班城里有五个以上的蒂斯罗克,都已早死,未能享受他们的天年,因为他们的长子,开明的王子,都变得对王位迫不及待了。他在国外使自己的血液冷静下来,较之在国内无所事事而弄得血液沸腾要好得多。啊,杰出的首相,作为父亲,过分的焦虑使我累得想睡觉了。请嘱咐乐师们到我的寝宫里来吧。但躺下之前,要把我们写给第三个厨子的赦罪书追回来。我感觉到我肚子里有明显的消化不良症候。”
"To hear is to obey," said the Grand Vizier. He crawled backwards on all fours to the door, rose, bowed, and went out. Even then the Tisroc remained seated in silence on the divan till Aravis almost began to be afraid that he had dropped asleep. But at last with a great creaking and sighing he heaved up his enormous body, signed to the slaves to precede him with the lights, and went out. The door closed behind him, the room was once more totally dark, and the two girls could breathe freely again. “听到命令,就遵命照办。”首相说道。他双手双足着地,倒退着爬行到房门口,这才站起身来,鞠躬如也,退出去了。即使在这个时候,蒂斯罗克也仍旧默默地坐在长沙发上,一直坐到阿拉维斯开始担心他说不定已经沉沉入睡。但最后,随着一阵吱吱嘎嘎的声音和一声叹息,他抬起他庞大的躯体,做手势叫奴隶掌着烛火走在他前面。然后他就走出去了。房门在他背后砰地关上,房间里再一次漆黑一团,两个姑娘倒能够重新自由呼吸了。

"Go, my son," he said. "And do as you have said. But expect no help nor countenance from me. I will not avenge you if you are killed and I will not deliver you if the barbarians cast you into prison. And if, either in success or failure, you shed a drop more than you need of Narnian noble blood and open war arises from it, my favour shall never fall upon you again and your next brother shall have your place in Calormen. Now go. Be swift, secret, and fortunate. May the strength of Tash the inexorable, the irresistible be in your sword and lance."
"To hear is to obey," cried Rabadash, and after kneeling for a moment to kiss his father's hands he rushed from the room. Greatly to the disappointment of Aravis, who was now horribly cramped, the Tisroc and Vizier remained.
"O Vizier," said the Tisroc, "is it certain that no living soul knows of this council we three have held here tonight?"
"O my master," said Ahoshta, "it is not possible that any should know. For that very reason I proposed, and you in your wisdom agreed, that we should meet here in the Old Palace where no council is ever held and none of the household has any occasion to come."
"It is well," said the Tisroc. "If any man knew, I would see to it that he died before an hour had passed. And do you also, O prudent Vizier, forget it. I sponge away from my own heart and from yours all knowledge of the Prince's plans. He is gone without my knowledge or my consent, I know not whither, because of his violence and the rash and disobedient disposition of youth. No man will be more astonished than you and I to hear that Anvard is in his hands."
"To hear is to obey," said Ahoshta.
"That is why you will never think even in your secret heart that I am the hardest hearted of fathers who thus send my first-born son on an errand so likely to be his death; pleasing as it must be to you who do not love the Prince. For 1 see into the bottom of your mind."
"O impeccable Tisroc," said the Vizier. "In comparison with you I love neither the Prince nor my own life nor bread nor water nor the light of the sun."
"Your sentiments," said the Tisroc, "are elevated and correct. I also love none of these things in comparison with the glory and strength of my throne. If the Prince succeeds, we have Archenland, and perhaps hereafter Narnia. If he fails - I have eighteen other sons and Rabadash, after the manner of the eldest sons of kings, was beginning to be dangerous. More than five Tisrocs in Tashbaan have died before their time because their eldest sons, enlightened princes, grew tired of waiting for their throne. He had better cool his blood abroad than boil it in inaction here. And now, O excellent Vizier, the excess of my paternal anxiety inclines me to sleep. Command the musicians to my chamber. But before you lie down, call back the pardon we wrote for the third cook. I feel within me the manifest prognostics of indigestion."
"To hear is to obey," said the Grand Vizier. He crawled backwards on all fours to the door, rose, bowed, and went out. Even then the Tisroc remained seated in silence on the divan till Aravis almost began to be afraid that he had dropped asleep. But at last with a great creaking and sighing he heaved up his enormous body, signed to the slaves to precede him with the lights, and went out. The door closed behind him, the room was once more totally dark, and the two girls could breathe freely again.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
anxiety [æŋ'zaiəti]


n. 焦虑,担心,渴望

sponge [spʌndʒ]


n. 海绵,海绵状的东西
vt. 用海绵擦拭,

fortunate ['fɔ:tʃənit]


adj. 幸运的,侥幸的

disobedient [,disə'bi:djənt]


adj. 不服从的;违背的;不孝的

cramped ['kræmpt]


adj. 狭促的,难懂的,难辨的

precede [pri(:)'si:d]


vt. 在 ... 之前,优于,较 ... 优先

enlightened [in'laitnd]


adj. 被启发的,进步的,文明的 动词enlighte

command [kə'mɑ:nd]


n. 命令,指挥,控制
v. 命令,指挥,支配

astonished [əs'tɔniʃt]


adj. 惊讶的 动词astonish的过去式和过去分词

sword [sɔ:d]


n. 剑,刀





