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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"Now, Ginger," said the Captain. "Enough of that noise. Tell them what thou hast seen.""喂,金格,"卡乐门队长说,"你号叫得够了。把你所看见的,告诉它们吧。"
"Aii - Aii - Aaow - Awah," screamed the Cat."阿艾——阿艾——阿奥——阿瓦。"猫儿叫道。
"Art thou not called a Talking Beast?" said the Captain. "Then hold thy devilish noise and talk.""难道你不是被称为会说人话的野兽吗,"队长说,"那就停止邪恶的嗥叫,开口说话吧!"
What followed was rather horrible. Tirian felt quite certain (and so did the others) that the Cat was trying to say something: but nothing came out of his mouth except the ordinary, ugly cat-noises you might hear from any angry or frightened old Tom in a backyard in England. And the longer he caterwauled the less like a Talking Beast he looked. Uneasy whimperings and little sharp squeals broke out from among the other Animals.接下来的事是很可怕的。蒂莲十分有把握地觉得(别人也一样)猫儿正竭力说出一些话来,但它的嘴巴里讲不出人话来,只能发出普普通通的十分难听的猫叫声,在英国的后院里,你可以从任何愤怒或吃惊的猫儿那里听到这种叫声。而且,它鸣叫的时间越长,看上去就越发不像一只说人话的兽类。其他的野兽中间进发出了心神不安的呜咽和微弱的尖叫声。
"Look, look!" said the voice of the Bear. "It can't talk. It has forgotten how to talk! It has gone back to being a dumb beast. Look at its face." Everyone saw that it was true. And then the greatest terror of all fell upon those Narnians. For every one of them had been taught - when it was only a chick or a puppy or a cub - how Aslan at the beginning of the world had turned the beasts of Narnia into Talking Beasts and warned them that if they weren't good they might one day be turned back again and be like the poor witless animals one meets in other countries. "And now it is coming upon us," they moaned."瞧,瞧,"野猪的声音说道,"它不能说人话了。它忘记怎样说人话了。它已经倒退成为一只哑巴畜生了。瞧瞧它的脸。"大家看到确实是那样。于是一切恐怖中最大的恐怖落在这些纳尼亚禽兽心上了。因为它们每一个都受过这样的教导——当它们是只小鸡或小狗或幼狐的时候——阿斯兰曾在世界开创之时,把纳尼亚的禽兽变成了会说人话的禽兽,并且警告它们,如果它们行为不端,有朝一日,它们就会重新变回老样子,同人们在其他国家里遇到的可怜而愚蠢的禽兽一模一样。"如今这种变化临到我们头上了。"它们悲叹道。
"Mercy! Mercy!" wailed the Beasts. "Spare us, Lord Shift, stand between us and Aslan, you must always go in and speak to him for us. We daren't, we daren't.""发发慈悲,发发慈悲吧!"野兽们哀告道,"救救我们,诡谲王爷,你站在我们和阿斯兰之间,你必须经常进去,替我们跟他说话。我们可不敢,我们可不敢。"
Ginger disappeared further up into the tree. No one ever saw him again.金格消失在树林深处。谁也没再看到它。
Tirian stood with his hand on his sword-hilt and his head bowed. He was dazed with the horrors of that night. Sometimes he thought it would be best to draw his sword at once and rush upon the Calormenes: then next moment he thought it would be better to wait and see what new turn affairs might take. And now a new turn came.蒂莲聋拉着脑袋,手抚在剑柄上站在那儿。他被那一夜的恐怖搞得头昏眼花。有时他想,最好还是立刻拔出剑来向卡乐门兵冲去;接着他又觉得还是等着瞧瞧形势新的演变较好。如今新的演变来了。
"My Father," came a clear, ringing voice from the left of the crowd. Tirian knew at once that it was one of the Calormenes speaking, for in The Tisroc's army the common soldiers call the officers "My Master" but the officers call their senior officers "My Father". Jill and Eustace didn't know this but, after looking this way and that, they saw the speaker, for of course people at the sides of the crowd were easier to see than people in the middle where the glare of the fire made all beyond it look rather black. He was young and tall and slender, and even rather beautiful in the dark, haughty, Calormene way. "我的父亲,"一个清脆响亮的声音从群众的左边传来。蒂莲立刻听出来了,这是一个卡乐门士兵在说话,因为在"蒂斯罗克"的军队里,普通士兵称他们的军官为"我的师父",而普通军官称他的上级军官为"我的父亲"。吉尔和尤斯塔斯不知道这个规矩,但他们左看右望,终于看到了说话的人,因为在大伙儿边上的人,要比在中间的人容易看得见,中间火光熊熊,使它后面的一切倒显得很黑了。他年轻,高个儿,身材苗条,黑苍苍、自命不凡的卡乐门风度,看上去倒也漂亮。

"Now, Ginger," said the Captain. "Enough of that noise. Tell them what thou hast seen."

"Aii - Aii - Aaow - Awah," screamed the Cat.

"Art thou not called a Talking Beast?" said the Captain. "Then hold thy devilish noise and talk."

What followed was rather horrible. Tirian felt quite certain (and so did the others) that the Cat was trying to say something: but nothing came out of his mouth except the ordinary, ugly cat-noises you might hear from any angry or frightened old Tom in a backyard in England. And the longer he caterwauled the less like a Talking Beast he looked. Uneasy whimperings and little sharp squeals broke out from among the other Animals.

"Look, look!" said the voice of the Bear. "It can't talk. It has forgotten how to talk! It has gone back to being a dumb beast. Look at its face." Everyone saw that it was true. And then the greatest terror of all fell upon those Narnians. For every one of them had been taught - when it was only a chick or a puppy or a cub - how Aslan at the beginning of the world had turned the beasts of Narnia into Talking Beasts and warned them that if they weren't good they might one day be turned back again and be like the poor witless animals one meets in other countries. "And now it is coming upon us," they moaned.

"Mercy! Mercy!" wailed the Beasts. "Spare us, Lord Shift, stand between us and Aslan, you must always go in and speak to him for us. We daren't, we daren't."

Ginger disappeared further up into the tree. No one ever saw him again.

Tirian stood with his hand on his sword-hilt and his head bowed. He was dazed with the horrors of that night. Sometimes he thought it would be best to draw his sword at once and rush upon the Calormenes: then next moment he thought it would be better to wait and see what new turn affairs might take. And now a new turn came.

"My Father," came a clear, ringing voice from the left of the crowd. Tirian knew at once that it was one of the Calormenes speaking, for in The Tisroc's army the common soldiers call the officers "My Master" but the officers call their senior officers "My Father". Jill and Eustace didn't know this but, after looking this way and that, they saw the speaker, for of course people at the sides of the crowd were easier to see than people in the middle where the glare of the fire made all beyond it look rather black. He was young and tall and slender, and even rather beautiful in the dark, haughty, Calormene way.










重点单词   查看全部解释    
glare [glɛə]


n. 闪耀光,刺眼
v. 发眩光,瞪视

sword [sɔ:d]


n. 剑,刀

uneasy [ʌn'i:zi]


adj. 不自在的,心神不安的,不稳定的,不舒服的

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

chick [tʃik]


adj. 胆小的,懦弱的 n. 小鸡

spare [spɛə]


adj. 多余的,闲置的,备用的,简陋的

shift [ʃift]


n. 交换,变化,移动,接班者
v. 更替,移

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

cub [kʌb]


n. 幼兽,年轻人

senior ['si:njə]


adj. 年长的,高级的,资深的,地位较高的





