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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"My Father," he said to the Captain, "I also desire to go in.""我的父亲,"他对队长说道,"我也想进去。"
"Peace, Emeth," said the Captain, "Who called thee to counsel? Does it become a boy to speak?""安静,伊梅思,"队长说道,"谁叫你来讨论的,一个孩子发言,合适吗?"
"My Father," said Emeth. "Truly I am younger than thou, yet I also am of the blood of the Tarkaans even as thou art, and I also am the servant of Tash. Therefore . . .""我的父亲,"伊梅思说,"我确实比你年幼,然而我甚至跟你一样,也是出生于'泰坎'血统,也是塔什神的仆人。因此……"
"Silence," said Rishda Tarkaan. "Am not I thy Captain? Thou hast nothing to do with this stable. It is for the Narnians.""别说话,"泰坎利什达说道,"难道我不是你的队长吗,你跟马厩毫不相干。马厩是为纳尼亚群众而设的。"
"Nay, my Father," answered Emeth. "Thou hast said that their Aslan and our Tash are all one. And if that is the truth, then Tash himself is in yonder. And how then sayest thou that I have nothing to do with him? For gladly would I die a thousand deaths if I might look once on the face of Tash.""不,我的父亲,"伊梅思答道,"你自己说过,他们的阿斯兰跟我们的塔什兰是二位一体的。如果你说的是真话,那么,塔什神就在那马厩里。所以,你怎么能说我和塔什神毫不相干呢,如果我能当面看到一次塔什神,那么,哪怕死一千次我也乐意。"
"Thou art a fool and understandest nothing," said Rishda Tarkaan. "These be high matters.""你是个傻瓜,啥也不懂。"泰坎利什达说,"这些是高层次的道理。"
Emeth's face grew sterner. "Is it then not true that Tash and Aslan are all one?" he asked. "Has the Ape lied to us?"伊梅思的脸变得更严峻了。"那么,塔什和阿斯兰是二位一体的说法就不真不实了吗,"他问道,"无尾猿对我们撒谎了吗?"
"Of course they're all one," said the Ape."当然他们是二位一体的。"无尾猿道。
"Swear it, Ape," said Emeth."无尾猿,你起誓。"伊梅思说。
"Oh dear!" whimpered Shift, "I wish you'd all stop bothering me. My head does ache. Yes, yes, I swear it.""哎呀"诡橘哀叹道,"我但愿你们大家不再打扰我。我头疼。好,好,我这就起誓。"
"Then, my Father," said Emeth, "I am utterly determined to go in.""它起誓了,我的父亲,"伊梅思说,"我坚决要进去。"
"Fool," began Rishda Tarkaan, but at once the Dwarfs began shouting: "Come along, Darkie. Why don't you let him in? Why do you let Narnians in and keep your own people out? What have you got in there that you don't want your own men to meet?""傻瓜。"泰坎利什达开口道,但小矮人们立刻开始叫喊:"来吧,黑皮。你为什么不让他进去?为什么你放纳尼亚人进去,却把你自己国家的人拦在外面?你在马厩里设了什么机关,所以你不要你的自己人去瞎碰。"
Tirian and his friends could only see the back of Rishda Tarkaan, so they never knew what his face looked like as he shrugged his shoulders and said, "Bear witness all that I am guiltless of this young fool's blood. Get thee in, rash boy, and make haste." 蒂莲和他的朋友们只看见泰坎利什达的背影,所以他们不知道他耸耸肩膀时脸上的神色如何:"请大家作证,对这傻瓜的流血,我是无辜的。鲁莽的孩子,你就进去吧,赶快。"

"My Father," he said to the Captain, "I also desire to go in."

"Peace, Emeth," said the Captain, "Who called thee to counsel? Does it become a boy to speak?"

"My Father," said Emeth. "Truly I am younger than thou, yet I also am of the blood of the Tarkaans even as thou art, and I also am the servant of Tash. Therefore . . ."

"Silence," said Rishda Tarkaan. "Am not I thy Captain? Thou hast nothing to do with this stable. It is for the Narnians."

"Nay, my Father," answered Emeth. "Thou hast said that their Aslan and our Tash are all one. And if that is the truth, then Tash himself is in yonder. And how then sayest thou that I have nothing to do with him? For gladly would I die a thousand deaths if I might look once on the face of Tash."

"Thou art a fool and understandest nothing," said Rishda Tarkaan. "These be high matters."

Emeth's face grew sterner. "Is it then not true that Tash and Aslan are all one?" he asked. "Has the Ape lied to us?"

"Of course they're all one," said the Ape.

"Swear it, Ape," said Emeth.

"Oh dear!" whimpered Shift, "I wish you'd all stop bothering me. My head does ache. Yes, yes, I swear it."

"Then, my Father," said Emeth, "I am utterly determined to go in."

"Fool," began Rishda Tarkaan, but at once the Dwarfs began shouting: "Come along, Darkie. Why don't you let him in? Why do you let Narnians in and keep your own people out? What have you got in there that you don't want your own men to meet?"

Tirian and his friends could only see the back of Rishda Tarkaan, so they never knew what his face looked like as he shrugged his shoulders and said, "Bear witness all that I am guiltless of this young fool's blood. Get thee in, rash boy, and make haste."














重点单词   查看全部解释    
witness ['witnis]


n. 目击者,证人
vt. 目击,见证,出席,

haste [heist]


n. 急速,急忙
v. 匆忙,赶快

determined [di'tə:mind]


adj. 坚毅的,下定决心的

shift [ʃift]


n. 交换,变化,移动,接班者
v. 更替,移

silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默

rash [ræʃ]


adj. 鲁莽的
n. 疹子,大量

stable ['steibl]


adj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的
n. 马厩,

counsel ['kaunsəl]


n. 商议,忠告,法律顾问
v. 商议,劝告





