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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Eustace could never remember what happened in the next two minutes. It was all like a dream (the sort you have when your temperature is over 100) until he heard Rishda Tarkaan's voice calling out from the distance:尤斯塔斯怎么也记不得后来两分钟内发生的事了。这全像是在梦里(你发高烧时做的那种梦)。他终于听到“泰坎”利什达在远处喊叫的声音。
"Retire. Back hither and re-form."“撤退。撤回到那儿;重整旗鼓。”
Then Eustace came to his senses and saw the Calormenes scampering back to their friends. But not all of them. Two lay dead, pierced by Jewel's horn, one by Tirian's sword. The Fox lay dead at his own feet, and he wondered if it was he who had killed it. The Bull also was down, shot through the eye by an arrow from Jill and gashed in his side by the Boar's tusk. But our side had its losses too. Three dogs were killed and a fourth was hobbling behind the line on three legs and whimpering. The Bear lay on the ground, moving feebly. Then it mumbled in its throaty voice, bewildered to the last, "I - I don't understand," laid its big head down on the grass as quietly as a child going to sleep, and never moved again.于是尤斯塔斯恢复了知觉,看见卡乐门士兵向他们的朋友们惊惶地跑回去。但并非都跑回去了。两个倒毙在地上,一个是珍宝的独角戳死的,一个是蒂莲的剑杀死的。狐狸死在他脚边,他弄不清是不是他自己把它宰了的。公牛也倒下了,吉尔的一箭射中了它的眼睛,野猪的獠牙口叫它胁部裂开了。但我方也有损失。三条狗被杀死了,第四条狗凭着三条腿在战线后面蹒跚行走,嘴里呜咽哀鸣。熊躺在地上,虚弱无力地挪动着。它最终还是迷惑不解,喉咙里咕咕哝哝地说道:“我——我不——明白。”接着就像一个小孩儿落入睡眠一样,大脑袋平静地落到草地上,永远不再动弹了。
In fact, the first attack had failed. Eustace didn't seem able to be glad about it: he was so terribly thirsty and his arm ached so.事实上,敌人的第一次攻击失败了。尤斯塔斯似乎未能为之高兴,他渴得厉害,他的胳膊也疼得厉害。
As the defeated Calormenes went back to their commander, the Dwarfs began jeering at them.被打败的卡乐门士兵回到他们的指挥官那儿时,小矮人们开始嘲笑他们。
"Had enough, Darkies?" they yelled. "Don't you like it? Why doesn't your great Tarkaan go and fight himself instead of sending you to be killed? Poor Darkies!"“打够了,黑皮?”他们叫着说道,“你们不喜欢打仗?为什么你们伟大的‘泰坎’自己不去作战,却派你们去送死?可怜的黑皮!”
"Dwarfs," cried Tirian. "Come here and use your swords, not your tongues. There is still time. Dwarfs of Narnia! You can fight well, I know. Come back to your allegiance."“小矮人们,”蒂莲喊道,“过来吧,用你们的剑作战,可别用你们的舌头舌战。时间还是有的。纳尼亚的小矮人们,我知道。你们打得很好。回来效忠你们的国家吧。”
"Yah!" sneered the Dwarfs. "Not likely. You're just as big humbugs as the other lot. We don't want any Kings. The Dwarfs are for the Dwarfs. Boo!"“呀!”小矮人嘲弄道,“不见得吧。你们就跟另外一帮子一样,都是大骗子。小矮人总是为小矮人而奋斗的。我们不要什么国王。呸!”
Then the Drum began: not a Dwarf drum this time, but a big bull's hide Calormene drum. The children from the very first hated the sound. Boom - boom - ba-ba-boom it went. But they would have hated it far worse if they had known what it meant. Tirian did. It meant that there were other Calormene troops somewhere near and that Rishda Tarkaan was calling them to his aid. Tirian and Jewel looked at one another sadly. They had just begun to hope that they might win that night: but it would be all over with them if new enemies appeared.于是战鼓开始响起来了:这一回可不是小矮人的小鼓,而是卡乐门的公牛皮大鼓。孩子们一开头就憎恨这种鼓声。嘭一嘭吧一吧一嘭地响下去。但如果孩子们明白这鼓声的用意,他们就会更加厉害地憎恨它了。蒂莲明白,附近什么地方有别的卡乐门军队,鼓声的用意就是“泰坎”利什达在向他们呼救求援。蒂莲和珍宝烦恼地面面相觑。他们刚开始指望他们今夜能获全胜,但如果新的敌军来到,那就全都完蛋了。
Tirian gazed despairingly round. Several Narnians were standing with the Calormenes, whether through treachery or in honest fear of "Tashlan". Others were sitting still, staring, not likely to join either side. But there were fewer animals now: the crowd was much smaller. Clearly, several of them had just crept quietly away during the fighting. 蒂莲绝望地向四周打量。有几头纳尼亚野兽跟卡乐门兵站在一起,不论他们是背信弃义还是由于真心害怕“塔什兰”。其他的正一动也不动地坐着,目不转晴地瞧着,不像要参加那一方作战。然而,现在野兽的数量更少了,形成的群也更小了。十分清楚,好几头野兽在战斗时悄悄溜掉了。

Eustace could never remember what happened in the next two minutes. It was all like a dream (the sort you have when your temperature is over 100) until he heard Rishda Tarkaan's voice calling out from the distance:

"Retire. Back hither and re-form."

Then Eustace came to his senses and saw the Calormenes scampering back to their friends. But not all of them. Two lay dead, pierced by Jewel's horn, one by Tirian's sword. The Fox lay dead at his own feet, and he wondered if it was he who had killed it. The Bull also was down, shot through the eye by an arrow from Jill and gashed in his side by the Boar's tusk. But our side had its losses too. Three dogs were killed and a fourth was hobbling behind the line on three legs and whimpering. The Bear lay on the ground, moving feebly. Then it mumbled in its throaty voice, bewildered to the last, "I - I don't understand," laid its big head down on the grass as quietly as a child going to sleep, and never moved again.

In fact, the first attack had failed. Eustace didn't seem able to be glad about it: he was so terribly thirsty and his arm ached so.

As the defeated Calormenes went back to their commander, the Dwarfs began jeering at them.

"Had enough, Darkies?" they yelled. "Don't you like it? Why doesn't your great Tarkaan go and fight himself instead of sending you to be killed? Poor Darkies!"

"Dwarfs," cried Tirian. "Come here and use your swords, not your tongues. There is still time. Dwarfs of Narnia! You can fight well, I know. Come back to your allegiance."

"Yah!" sneered the Dwarfs. "Not likely. You're just as big humbugs as the other lot. We don't want any Kings. The Dwarfs are for the Dwarfs. Boo!"

Then the Drum began: not a Dwarf drum this time, but a big bull's hide Calormene drum. The children from the very first hated the sound. Boom - boom - ba-ba-boom it went. But they would have hated it far worse if they had known what it meant. Tirian did. It meant that there were other Calormene troops somewhere near and that Rishda Tarkaan was calling them to his aid. Tirian and Jewel looked at one another sadly. They had just begun to hope that they might win that night: but it would be all over with them if new enemies appeared.

Tirian gazed despairingly round. Several Narnians were standing with the Calormenes, whether through treachery or in honest fear of "Tashlan". Others were sitting still, staring, not likely to join either side. But there were fewer animals now: the crowd was much smaller. Clearly, several of them had just crept quietly away during the fighting.











重点单词   查看全部解释    
temperature ['tempritʃə(r)]


n. 温度,气温,体温,发烧

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

drum [drʌm]


n. 鼓,鼓声,鼓状物
vi. 击鼓,连续敲击

sword [sɔ:d]


n. 剑,刀

boom [bu:m]


n. 繁荣,低沉声,帆杠,水栅
vi. 急速增

allegiance [ə'li:dʒəns]


n. 忠诚

horn [hɔ:n]


n. 动物角,喇叭,触角,角状物,力量源泉

dwarf [dwɔ:f]


n. 矮子,侏儒
vt. 使矮小

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

tusk [tʌsk]


n. 牙,暴牙,牙状物
vt. 以牙刺戳,以牙





