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剑桥小学英语 Unit 2:香蕉

来源:可可英语 编辑:hoy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Unit 2 1.A song.

第二单元 1 一首歌曲
Ninety-nine bananas a day
Come on,everybody. Listen to my song.
各位,过来吧。 听我的歌曲。
I've got a wonderful,wonderful friend.
He eats thirty-three bananas for breakfast.
And thirty-three bananas for lunch,And thirty-three bananas for dinner.
That's ninety-nine bananas a day.His favourite colour is yellow.
His favourite food is yellow,too.His favourite number is ninety-nine.
And the lives at London Zoo.
3.Listen and colour.
3 听并涂上颜色。
thirteen red forty blue and yellow
13 红色的 40 蓝色的和黄色的
sixteen green eighteen yellow
16 绿色的 18 黄色的
nineteen brown and orange
19 褐色的和橙色的
sixty green and red fifteen pink
60 绿色的和红色的 15 粉色的
fifty pink and green
50 粉色的和绿色的
thirty red and blue forty blue
30 红色的和蓝色的 40 蓝色的
ninty brown
90 褐色的
seventeen orange and pink
17 橙色的和粉色的
eighty yellow and brown
80 黄色的和褐色的
seventeen orange a hundred black
17 橙色的 100 黑色的
5.How much money has Pat got?
5 派特有多少钱?
Listen and fill in the numbers.
7 听并填上数字。
1 take your money 2 run to the shop
1 带上你的钱 2 跑到商店
3 Oh,no!There is a big hole in your pocket.
3 哦,不!你的口袋里有个大洞。
4 You are hot. 5 Look for your money.
4 你很热。 5 寻找你的钱。
6 That's 70 p. 7 Put it in your pocket.
6. 70分钱。 7 把钱放在你的口袋里。
8 Say:"A big ice cream,please!"
8 说:“请给我一个大冰淇淋!”
9 open the door
9 开门
8.Listen.Then circle the things they buy,and how much they are?
8 听。在他们买的东西的画圈,并指出他们花了多少钱?
Colin two apples and one ice cream 19p 80p 95p
Colin 两个苹果和一个冰淇淋 95分
10.Listen.Then act out the shopping scenes in class.
10 听。然后在班上表演购物的场景。
Good morning. Hello!
早上好! 你好!
Two bananas,please. 55p
请给我2只香蕉。 55分钱。
Here you are. Thank you.
给你。 谢谢!
One orange juice. 45p.
给我一杯橙汁。 45分。
Here you are. Thank you.
给你! 谢谢!
Goodbye. Bye-bye.
再见。 再见。

关键字: 小学英语 香蕉 剑桥




