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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"It seems, then," said Tirian, smiling himself, "that the stable seen from within and the stable seen from without are two different places."“如此看来,”蒂莲微笑着说道,“从内部看到的马厩和从外部看到的马厩是两个不同的地方。”
"Yes," said the Lord Digory. "Its inside is bigger than its outside."“是的,”迪格雷勋爵说道,“马厩的内部比它的外部大。”
"Yes," said Queen Lucy. "In our world too, a stable once had something inside it that was bigger than our whole world." It was the first time she had spoken, and from the thrill in her voice, Tirian now knew why. She was drinking everything in even more deeply than the others. She had been too happy to speak. He wanted to hear her speak again, so he said:“是的,”女王露茜说,“在我们的世界上也是这样的:一个马厩,一旦里边儿装了点东西,就比我们整个儿世界大了。”这是她第一次说话,从她声音的颤动里,蒂莲现在知道其所以然了。她对这儿的一切事物,比其他人的感受都要深得多。她快乐得说不出话来。他要听她再说话,所以他说道:
"Of your courtesy, Madam, tell on. Tell me your whole adventure."“如蒙同意,女士,请讲下去吧。请把你整个冒险过程讲给我听吧。”
"After the shock and the noise," said Lucy, "we found ourselves here. And we wondered at the door, as you did. Then the door opened for the first time (we saw darkness through the doorway when it did) and there came through a big man with a naked sword. We saw by his arms that he was a Calormene. He took his stand beside the door with his sword raised, resting on his shoulder, ready to cut down anyone who came through. We went to him and spoke to him, but we thought he could neither see nor hear us. And he never looked round on the sky and the sunlight and the grass: I think he couldn't see them either. So then we waited a long time. Then we heard the bolt being drawn on the other side of the door. But the man didn't get ready to strike with his sword till he could see who was coming in. So we supposed he had been told to strike some and spare others. But at the very moment when the door opened, all of a sudden Tash was there, on this side of the door; none of us saw where he came from. And through the door there came a big Cat. It gave one look at Tash and ran for its life: just in time, for he pounced at it and the door hit his beak as it was shut. The man could see Tash. He turned very pale and bowed down before the Monster: but it vanished away.“震荡和嘈杂喧闹之后,”露茜说,“我们发现自己来到这儿了。像你一样,我们在门口感到惊奇。然后是门第一次打开了(开门时我们从门口望到了一片黑暗),从门里出来一个大个儿,手里拿着一把出了鞘的剑。我们从胳膊看出来他是个卡乐门人。他站在门边,举起的剑靠在肩膀上,准备砍杀任何进入门来的人。我们走过去同他说话,但我们觉得他既看不见我们,又听不见我们的话。他从不朝四周看望,从不看看天空、阳光和青草:我认为他也看不见它们。所以我们等待了好久。然后我们听到门的那一边把门闩拔掉了。但这兵在看清楚进来的是谁之前,是不准备把剑砍下去的。所以我们推测他曾奉命砍杀某些人而放过其他的人。但,就在打开门的那一刻,塔什突然出现了,就在门的这一边,我们谁也没看见他是从哪儿来的。接着是从门里进来一只大猫。大猫对塔什看了一眼就奔跑逃命了,逃得还及时,因为塔什向猫儿扑去时,门关上时碰到了他的鸟嘴巴。士兵能看得见塔什。他的脸色变得十分苍白,他拜倒在那怪物面前:可是怪物消失了。
"Then we waited a long time again. At last the door opened for the third time and there came in a young Calormene. I liked him. The sentinel at the door started, and looked very surprised, when he saw him. I think he'd been expecting someone quite different -"“接着我们又等候了好久。最后,门终于第三次打开了,进来了一个年轻的卡乐门士兵。我喜欢这个年轻人。站在门口的岗哨吃了一惊,他看见对方时看来十分诧异。我以为他一直指望见到的对象是跟这年轻人截然不同的……”
"I see it all now," said Eustace (he had the bad habit of interrupting stories). "The Cat was to go in first and the sentry had orders to do him no harm. Then the Cat was to come out and say he'd seen their beastly Tashlan and pretend to be frightened so as to scare the other Animals. But what Shift never guessed was that the real Tash would turn up; so Ginger came out really frightened. And after that, Shift would send in anyone he wanted to get rid of and the sentry would kill them. And -"“现在我统统明白了,”尤斯塔斯说道(打断别人讲的故事是他的坏习惯),“猫儿先进去,岗哨奉命不去伤害它。然后猫儿就走出马厩,说是他见到了凶猛的塔什兰,假装诚惶诚恐,以此吓唬其他野兽。但诡谲怎么也没料到真正的塔什会突然出现;所以猫儿金格从马厩里出来时倒真的诚惶诚恐了。这之后,诡谲送进马厩去的任何人,都是它处心积虑要除去的人,岗哨就要杀死他们。于是……”
"Friend," said Tirian softly, "you hinder the lady in her tale."“朋友,”蒂莲柔和地说道,“你妨碍女士讲她的故事了。”
"Well," said Lucy, "the sentry was surprised. That gave the other man just time to get on guard. They had a fight. He killed the sentry and flung him outside the door. Then he came walking slowly forward to where we were. He could see us, and everything else. We tried to talk to him but he was rather like a man in a trance. He kept on saying Tash, Tash, where is Tash? I go to Tash. So we gave it up and he went away somewhere - over there. I liked him. And after that ... ugh!" Lucy made a face.“我说下去,”露茜说道,“岗哨吃了一惊。这就使来者正好及时保卫自己。他们大战一番。年轻人杀了岗哨,把他扔到门外。然后他慢慢地向前走到我们所在之地。他能看见我们,看见一切其他的东西。我们试图同他讲话,但他倒很像个精神恍惚的人。他不断地说道:‘塔什,塔什,塔什在哪儿?我要去见塔什。’所以我们就不再同他说话了,他也走到了什么地方——到另外一边儿去了。我喜欢他。这之后,呀!”露茜做了个鬼脸。
"After that," said Edmund, "someone flung a monkey through the door. And Tash was there again. My sister is so tender-hearted she doesn't like to tell you that Tash made one peck and the Monkey was gone!"“这之后,”爱德蒙说,“有人从门里扔进来一只猿猴。塔什又在场了。我的妹妹是个软心肠人,她不想告诉你们:塔什用嘴巴一啄,猿猴就没了命了!”
"Serve him right!" said Eustace. "All the same, I hope he'll disagree with Tash too."“活该!”尤斯塔斯说,“反正都一样,我原是希望那猿猴也会同塔什意见相左的。”
"And after that," said Edmund, "came about a dozen Dwarfs: and then Jill, and Eustace, and last of all yourself."“这之后,”爱德蒙说,“来了十几个小矮人;接着是吉尔,尤斯塔斯来了,大伙儿中最后一个——你自己也来了。”
"I hope Tash ate the Dwarfs too," said Eustace. "Little swine."“我希望塔什把小矮人也吃了,”尤斯塔斯道,“这些小猪猡!”
"No, he didn't," said Lucy. "And don't be horrid. Thery're still here. In fact you can see them from here. And I've tried and tried to make friends with them but it's no use."“不,它不吃小矮人,”露茜说道,“你们可别让人反感。小矮人还在那儿。事实上,你从这儿能望见他们。我曾再三试过要同他们交朋友,可是毫无效果。”
"Friends with them!" cried Eustace. "If you knew how those Dwarfs have been behaving!"“跟小矮人交朋友!”尤斯塔斯嚷嚷道,“如果你知道这些小矮人的所作所为,你就不会这样说了。”
"Oh stop it, Eustace," said Lucy. "Do come and see them. King Tirian, perhaps you could do something with them."“别争论了,尤斯塔斯,”露茜说,“你来瞧瞧他们吧。蒂莲国王,你也许能有些办法对付它们。”
"I can feel no great love for Dwarfs today," said Tirian. "Yet at your asking, Lady, I would do a greater thing than this."“今天我对小矮人们可没有多大好感,”蒂莲说道,“然而,既然你要求我,女士,我今天要做一件比这伟大一点儿的事情。”

"It seems, then," said Tirian, smiling himself, "that the stable seen from within and the stable seen from without are two different places."

"Yes," said the Lord Digory. "Its inside is bigger than its outside."

"Yes," said Queen Lucy. "In our world too, a stable once had something inside it that was bigger than our whole world." It was the first time she had spoken, and from the thrill in her voice, Tirian now knew why. She was drinking everything in even more deeply than the others. She had been too happy to speak. He wanted to hear her speak again, so he said:

"Of your courtesy, Madam, tell on. Tell me your whole adventure."

"After the shock and the noise," said Lucy, "we found ourselves here. And we wondered at the door, as you did. Then the door opened for the first time (we saw darkness through the doorway when it did) and there came through a big man with a naked sword. We saw by his arms that he was a Calormene. He took his stand beside the door with his sword raised, resting on his shoulder, ready to cut down anyone who came through. We went to him and spoke to him, but we thought he could neither see nor hear us. And he never looked round on the sky and the sunlight and the grass: I think he couldn't see them either. So then we waited a long time. Then we heard the bolt being drawn on the other side of the door. But the man didn't get ready to strike with his sword till he could see who was coming in. So we supposed he had been told to strike some and spare others. But at the very moment when the door opened, all of a sudden Tash was there, on this side of the door; none of us saw where he came from. And through the door there came a big Cat. It gave one look at Tash and ran for its life: just in time, for he pounced at it and the door hit his beak as it was shut. The man could see Tash. He turned very pale and bowed down before the Monster: but it vanished away.

"Then we waited a long time again. At last the door opened for the third time and there came in a young Calormene. I liked him. The sentinel at the door started, and looked very surprised, when he saw him. I think he'd been expecting someone quite different -"

"I see it all now," said Eustace (he had the bad habit of interrupting stories). "The Cat was to go in first and the sentry had orders to do him no harm. Then the Cat was to come out and say he'd seen their beastly Tashlan and pretend to be frightened so as to scare the other Animals. But what Shift never guessed was that the real Tash would turn up; so Ginger came out really frightened. And after that, Shift would send in anyone he wanted to get rid of and the sentry would kill them. And -"

"Friend," said Tirian softly, "you hinder the lady in her tale."

"Well," said Lucy, "the sentry was surprised. That gave the other man just time to get on guard. They had a fight. He killed the sentry and flung him outside the door. Then he came walking slowly forward to where we were. He could see us, and everything else. We tried to talk to him but he was rather like a man in a trance. He kept on saying Tash, Tash, where is Tash? I go to Tash. So we gave it up and he went away somewhere - over there. I liked him. And after that ... ugh!" Lucy made a face.

"After that," said Edmund, "someone flung a monkey through the door. And Tash was there again. My sister is so tender-hearted she doesn't like to tell you that Tash made one peck and the Monkey was gone!"

"Serve him right!" said Eustace. "All the same, I hope he'll disagree with Tash too."

"And after that," said Edmund, "came about a dozen Dwarfs: and then Jill, and Eustace, and last of all yourself."

"I hope Tash ate the Dwarfs too," said Eustace. "Little swine."

"No, he didn't," said Lucy. "And don't be horrid. Thery're still here. In fact you can see them from here. And I've tried and tried to make friends with them but it's no use."

"Friends with them!" cried Eustace. "If you knew how those Dwarfs have been behaving!"

"Oh stop it, Eustace," said Lucy. "Do come and see them. King Tirian, perhaps you could do something with them."

"I can feel no great love for Dwarfs today," said Tirian. "Yet at your asking, Lady, I would do a greater thing than this."


















重点单词   查看全部解释    
spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

adventure [əd'ventʃə]


n. 冒险,奇遇
vt. 冒险,尝试

stable ['steibl]


adj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的
n. 马厩,

doorway ['dɔ:wei]


n. 门口

strike [straik]


n. 罢工,打击,殴打
v. 打,撞,罢工,划

hinder ['hində]


adj. 后面的
vt. 阻碍,打扰

shift [ʃift]


n. 交换,变化,移动,接班者
v. 更替,移

disagree [.disə'gri:]


v. 不一致,有分歧,不适应,不适宜

sword [sɔ:d]


n. 剑,刀

pretend [pri'tend]


v. 假装,装作
adj. 假装的





