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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Lucy led the way and soon they could all see the Dwarfs. They had a very odd look. They weren't strolling about or enjoying themselves (although the cords with which they had been tied seemed to have vanished) nor were they lying down and having a rest. They were sitting very close together in a little circle facing one another. They never looked round or took any notice of the humans till Lucy and Tirian were almost near enough to touch them. Then the Dwarfs all cocked their heads as if they couldn't see anyone but were listening hard and trying to guess by the sound what was happening.露茜带路,他们大家不久就都看见小矮人们了。小矮人们有一种非常古怪的神情。他们既不在散步或是玩得很开心(虽然把他们捆绑起来的绳索似乎已经消失了),又不是在躺下休息。他们正十分密集地面对面地坐成一个小圈。他们从不向四周看看,直至露茜和蒂莲走得够近了,几乎要碰到他们了,他们才注意到有人走来了。这时小矮人们才都昂起头来,仿佛他们不能看到什么人,只好拼命地谛听,力图从声音上猜测正在发生什么事情。
"Look out!" said one of them in a surly voice. "Mind where you're going. Don't walk into our faces!"“留神!”有个小矮人用粗暴的声音说道,“注意你们是在往哪儿走。可别走到我们的脸上来啊。”
"All right!" said Eustace indignantly. "We're not blind. We've got eyes in our heads."“行!”尤斯塔斯愤愤地说道,“我们不是瞎子。我们自己长着眼睛。”
"They must be darn good ones if you can see in here," said the same Dwarf whose name was Diggle.“如果你们在这里边能看得见,那么,眼睛必定是非常好的了。”还是那个小矮人在说话,他的名字叫迪格尔。
"In where?" asked Edmund.“在什么地方的里边?”爱德蒙说。
"Why you bone-head, in here of course," said Diggle. "In this pitch-black, poky, smelly little hole of a stable."“呀,你这笨蛋,当然是在这里边啊,”迪格尔道,“在一个马厩的这个漆黑、狭窄、发臭的小洞里。”
"Are you blind?" said Tirian.“你们是瞎子吗?”蒂莲说。
"Ain't we all blind in the dark!" said Diggle.“在黑暗中,岂非大家都是瞎子吗?”迪格尔道。
"But it isn't dark, you poor stupid Dwarfs," said Lucy. "Can't you see? Look up! Look round! Can't you see the sky and the trees and the flowers? Can't you see me?"“但,并不黑暗啊,你们这些可怜的愚蠢的小矮人呀!”露茜说,“你们看不见吗?往上瞧瞧!向四周瞧瞧!难道你们看不见天空、树木和花朵吗?难道你们看不见我吗?”
"How in the name of all Humbug can I see what ain't there? And how can I see you any more than you can see me in this pitch darkness?"“以一切谎言的名义起誓,我怎么能看得见并不存在的东西呢?在这漆黑一团之中,你们看不见我,我怎么能看得见你们呢?”
"But I can see you," said Lucy. "I'll prove I can see you. You've got a pipe in your mouth."“但我能看见你,”露茜说,“我将证明我能看见你。你嘴里衔着个烟斗。”
"Anyone that knows the smell of baccy could tell that," said Diggle.“任何闻得出烟草气味的人都可以这么说的。”迪格尔说。
"Oh the poor things! This is dreadful," said Lucy. Then she had an idea. She stopped and picked some wild violets. "Listen, Dwarf," she said. "Even if your eyes are wrong, perhaps your nose is all right: can you smell that?" She leaned across and held the fresh, damp flowers to Diggle's ugly nose. But she had to jump back quickly in order to avoid a blow from his hard little fist.“啊,可怜的家伙!这真是可怕。”露茜说道。接着她想出了个主意。她俯下身去,采了些野紫罗兰。“听着,小矮人。”她说,“即使你的眼睛有毛病,也许你的鼻子是健康的:你能闻得出来。”她偏过身子,把那新鲜而潮润的紫罗兰花凑到小矮人迪格尔丑陋的鼻子上。然而她不得不迅速跳了回来,以免挨到那坚硬小拳头的一击。"
"None of that!" he shouted. "How dare you! What do you mean by shoving a lot of filthy stable-litter in my face? There was a thistle in it too. It's like your sauce! And who are you anyway?"“我一点也不要那玩意儿!”他嚷嚷道,“你真是胆大妄为!竟把肮肮脏脏的马厩草荐硬塞到我脸上来,你安的是什么心?里边还夹着蓟刺哩。气味就像你们的酱油一样!你究竟是什么人?”
"Earth-man," said Tirian, "she is the Queen Lucy, sent hither by Aslan out of the deep past. And it is for her sake alone that I, Tirian your lawful King, do not cut all your heads from your shoulders, proved and twice-proved traitors that you are."“泥土人啊,”蒂莲说,“她是女王露茜,阿斯兰把她从深远的过去送到这儿来的。我是蒂莲,你们的合法的国王。仅仅是为了她的缘故,我才没有把你们的脑袋从肩膀上砍下来,事实一再证明你们都是背信弃义之徒。”
"Well if that doesn't beat everything!" exclaimed Diggle. "How can you go on talking all that rot? Your wonderful Lion didn't come and help you, did he? Thought not. And now - even now - when you've been beaten and shoved into this black hole, just the same as the rest of us, you're still at your old game. Starting a new lie! Trying to make us believe we're none of us shut up, and it ain't dark, and heaven knows what."“真是荒唐透顶,闻所未闻!”迪格尔嚷道,“你怎么能继续讲那一套胡言乱语?你们的了不得的狮子并没有来帮助你们,难道他来了吗?你想想嘛。现在——甚至到了现在这种地步——你们已经被打败,被硬塞进这个黑洞里来了,就像我们其余的人一样,你可仍旧在耍你的老把戏哩。开始捏造一个新的谎话!竭力使我们相信:我们哪一个也没有被关起来,这儿并不黑暗,以及其他只有天知道的事情。”"

Lucy led the way and soon they could all see the Dwarfs. They had a very odd look. They weren't strolling about or enjoying themselves (although the cords with which they had been tied seemed to have vanished) nor were they lying down and having a rest. They were sitting very close together in a little circle facing one another. They never looked round or took any notice of the humans till Lucy and Tirian were almost near enough to touch them. Then the Dwarfs all cocked their heads as if they couldn't see anyone but were listening hard and trying to guess by the sound what was happening.

"Look out!" said one of them in a surly voice. "Mind where you're going. Don't walk into our faces!"

"All right!" said Eustace indignantly. "We're not blind. We've got eyes in our heads."

"They must be darn good ones if you can see in here," said the same Dwarf whose name was Diggle.

"In where?" asked Edmund.

"Why you bone-head, in here of course," said Diggle. "In this pitch-black, poky, smelly little hole of a stable."

"Are you blind?" said Tirian.

"Ain't we all blind in the dark!" said Diggle.

"But it isn't dark, you poor stupid Dwarfs," said Lucy. "Can't you see? Look up! Look round! Can't you see the sky and the trees and the flowers? Can't you see me?"

"How in the name of all Humbug can I see what ain't there? And how can I see you any more than you can see me in this pitch darkness?"

"But I can see you," said Lucy. "I'll prove I can see you. You've got a pipe in your mouth."

"Anyone that knows the smell of baccy could tell that," said Diggle.

"Oh the poor things! This is dreadful," said Lucy. Then she had an idea. She stopped and picked some wild violets. "Listen, Dwarf," she said. "Even if your eyes are wrong, perhaps your nose is all right: can you smell that?" She leaned across and held the fresh, damp flowers to Diggle's ugly nose. But she had to jump back quickly in order to avoid a blow from his hard little fist.

"None of that!" he shouted. "How dare you! What do you mean by shoving a lot of filthy stable-litter in my face? There was a thistle in it too. It's like your sauce! And who are you anyway?"

"Earth-man," said Tirian, "she is the Queen Lucy, sent hither by Aslan out of the deep past. And it is for her sake alone that I, Tirian your lawful King, do not cut all your heads from your shoulders, proved and twice-proved traitors that you are."

"Well if that doesn't beat everything!" exclaimed Diggle. "How can you go on talking all that rot? Your wonderful Lion didn't come and help you, did he? Thought not. And now - even now - when you've been beaten and shoved into this black hole, just the same as the rest of us, you're still at your old game. Starting a new lie! Trying to make us believe we're none of us shut up, and it ain't dark, and heaven knows what."

















重点单词   查看全部解释    
surly ['sə:li]


adj. 不和蔼的,板著面孔的,粗声暴气的

beat [bi:t]


v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动
n. 敲打,

circle ['sə:kl]


n. 圈子,圆周,循环
v. 环绕,盘旋,包围

avoid [ə'vɔid]


vt. 避免,逃避

damp [dæmp]


adj. 潮湿的,有湿气的,沮丧的
n. 潮湿

stable ['steibl]


adj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的
n. 马厩,

rot [rɔt]


n. 腐烂,腐蚀,败坏
v. 腐烂,使 ...

dwarf [dwɔ:f]


n. 矮子,侏儒
vt. 使矮小

darn [dɑ:n]


v. 织补 n. 补钉 int. 该死(damn的委婉语

pitch [pitʃ]


n. 沥青,树脂,松脂
n. 程度,投掷,球场





