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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Chapter 16 Farewell to Shadowlands第16章 告别幻影世界
IF one could run without getting tired, I don't think one would often want to do anything else. But there might be special reasons for stopping, and it was a special reason which made Eustace presently shout: "I say! Steady! Look what we're coming to!"一个人,如果能够飞跑而不感到疲倦,我想他就不会想到做别的事情了。但,说不定会有停下步来的特别缘故,而这就是使尤斯塔斯大叫的缘故:“听我说!别急!瞧瞧我们来到什么地方了!”
And well he might. For now they saw before them Caldron Pool and beyond the Pool the high unclimbable cliffs and, pouring down the cliffs, thousands of tons of water every second, flashing like diamonds in some places and dark, glassy green in others, the Great Waterfall; and already the thunder of it was in their ears.他很可能停下来了。因为现在他们看到了大锅渊、大锅渊背后高不可攀的悬崖,以及每秒钟从悬崖上倾泻而下几千吨水的大瀑布,它在某些地方闪烁如金刚钻,在另外一些地方呈玻璃似的暗绿色;而雷鸣似的瀑布声已经响彻他们的耳中。
"Don't stop! Further up and further in," called Farsight, tilting his flight a little upwards.“别停下来!朝更高更深处前进!”老鹰一面呼唤,一面斜斜地稍稍往上飞翔。
"It's all very well for him," said Eustace, but Jewel also cried out: "Don't stop. Further up and further in! Take it in your stride."“对于它,一切都很方便。”尤斯塔斯说道,但独角兽珍宝也呼唤道:“别停止。朝更高更深处前进!你大步前进时要心领神会这种精神。”
His voice could only just be heard above the roar of the water but next moment everyone saw that he had plunged into the Pool. And helter-skelter behind him, with splash after splash, all the others did the same. The water was not biting cold as all of them (and especially Puzzle) expected, but of a delicious foamy coolness. They all found they were swimming straight for the Waterfall itself.大瀑布轰隆声中,独角兽的呼声勉强能够听得到,但片刻之后就看见它深入到大锅渊里去了。手忙脚乱,溅水泼水,其他的人和兽也都下去了。水并不像他们大家(特别是驴子迷惑)所料想的冰冷彻骨,倒是冒着泡沫,凉快宜人。他们大家都发现:他们正笔直地向大瀑布游去。
"This is absolutely crazy," said Eustace to Edmund.“简直是完全疯了。”尤斯塔斯对爱德蒙说道。
"I know. And yet -" said Edmund.“我知道,然而……”爱德蒙说道。
"Isn't it wonderful?" said Lucy. "Have you noticed one can't feel afraid, even if one wants to? Try it."“这岂不神奇吗?”露茜说,“你有没有注意到,人没法儿感到害怕,即使想要害怕也办不到?你试试。”
"By Jove, neither one can," said Eustace after he had tried.“天哪,真是没法儿害怕。”尤斯塔斯试试后说道。
Jewel reached the foot of the Waterfall first, but Tirian was only just behind him. Jill was last, so she could see the whole thing better than the others. She saw something white moving steadily up the face of the Waterfall. That white thing was the Unicorn. You couldn't tell whether he was swimming or climbing, but he moved on, higher and higher. The point of his horn divided the water just above his head, and it cascaded out in two rainbow-coloured streams all round his shoulders. Just behind him came King Tirian. He moved his legs and arms as if he were swimming but he moved straight upwards: as if one could swim up the wall of a house.独角兽珍宝第一个到达大瀑布底下,但蒂莲就跟在它后面。吉尔最后一个到达,所以她比其他的人看得清楚。她看见有个白色的东西在大瀑布的水面上稳稳地移动。白色的东西就是独角兽。你没法儿说它是在游泳还是在攀登,但它是在前进,愈进愈高。它那独角的尖端把那正好在它头顶之上的水分开,水分成两股七彩溪流绕着它的肩膀淌下来。就在独角兽的后面,国王蒂莲也赶到了。他挥动着他的两腿和两臂,仿佛是在游泳,但他是在笔直地向上移动:仿佛他能游上墙壁似的。
What looked funniest was the Dogs. During the gallop they had not been at all out of breath, but now, as they swarmed and wriggled upwards, there was plenty of spluttering and sneezing among them; that was because they would keep on barking, and every time they barked they got their mouths and noses full of water. But before Jill had time to notice all these things fully, she was going up the Waterfall herself. It was the sort of thing that would have been quite impossible in our world. Even if you hadn't been drowned, you would have been smashed to pieces by the terrible weight of water against the countless jags of rock. But in that world you could do it. You went on, up and up, with all kinds of reflected lights flashing at you from the water and all manner of coloured stones flashing through it, till it seemed as if you were climbing up light itself - and always higher and higher till the sense of height would have terrified you if you could be terrified, but later it was only gloriously exciting. And then at last one came to the lovely, smooth green curve in which the water poured over the top and found that one was out on the level river above the Waterfall. The current was racing away behind you, but you were such a wonderful swimmer that you could make headway against it. Soon they were all on the bank, dripping buthappy.看起来最可笑的是狗儿们。一路奔驰时它们压根儿不曾透不过气来,可现在挤在一起,往上扭动,彼此杂乱地谈了许多话,却打了许多喷嚏;那是因为它们老是不断地吠叫,而每次吠叫都弄得满嘴满鼻子都是水。但,吉尔来不及把这些事情充分看仔细,她自己也爬进大瀑布里。这是一种在我们的世界里完全不可能办到的事情。瀑布以那么可怕的重量冲在石头尖上,即使你没有被淹死,也被冲得粉身碎骨了。但是在那个世界里,你倒能办到的。你继续前进,上升再上升,各种来自瀑布的反光照耀在你身上,各式各样的彩色石子又从水中折射出光芒来,这样,看来好像是你正在光芒的本体上往上攀登哩——而且总是愈登愈高,甚至高的感觉会叫你大吃一惊,如果吓得着你的话,但在这儿不过是光荣的兴奋罢了。最后,来到大水由此涌向山顶的那美丽可爱、光滑苍翠的弯道,便发觉自己已身在瀑布上方平坦的河上了。激流在你背后奔腾而去,但你倒是个神奇的游泳健将,竟能逆流而上。不久,他们大家都上了岸,浑身湿淋淋的,可是快快乐乐的。
A long valley opened ahead and great snow-mountains, now much nearer, stood up against the sky.前面展开着一个长长的河谷和巨大的积雪高山,高山映衬着天空,巍然矗立,近得多了。

Chapter 16 Farewell to Shadowlands

IF one could run without getting tired, I don't think one would often want to do anything else. But there might be special reasons for stopping, and it was a special reason which made Eustace presently shout: "I say! Steady! Look what we're coming to!"

And well he might. For now they saw before them Caldron Pool and beyond the Pool the high unclimbable cliffs and, pouring down the cliffs, thousands of tons of water every second, flashing like diamonds in some places and dark, glassy green in others, the Great Waterfall; and already the thunder of it was in their ears.

"Don't stop! Further up and further in," called Farsight, tilting his flight a little upwards.

"It's all very well for him," said Eustace, but Jewel also cried out: "Don't stop. Further up and further in! Take it in your stride."

His voice could only just be heard above the roar of the water but next moment everyone saw that he had plunged into the Pool. And helter-skelter behind him, with splash after splash, all the others did the same. The water was not biting cold as all of them (and especially Puzzle) expected, but of a delicious foamy coolness. They all found they were swimming straight for the Waterfall itself.

"This is absolutely crazy," said Eustace to Edmund.

"I know. And yet -" said Edmund.

"Isn't it wonderful?" said Lucy. "Have you noticed one can't feel afraid, even if one wants to? Try it."

"By Jove, neither one can," said Eustace after he had tried.

Jewel reached the foot of the Waterfall first, but Tirian was only just behind him. Jill was last, so she could see the whole thing better than the others. She saw something white moving steadily up the face of the Waterfall. That white thing was the Unicorn. You couldn't tell whether he was swimming or climbing, but he moved on, higher and higher. The point of his horn divided the water just above his head, and it cascaded out in two rainbow-coloured streams all round his shoulders. Just behind him came King Tirian. He moved his legs and arms as if he were swimming but he moved straight upwards: as if one could swim up the wall of a house.

What looked funniest was the Dogs. During the gallop they had not been at all out of breath, but now, as they swarmed and wriggled upwards, there was plenty of spluttering and sneezing among them; that was because they would keep on barking, and every time they barked they got their mouths and noses full of water. But before Jill had time to notice all these things fully, she was going up the Waterfall herself. It was the sort of thing that would have been quite impossible in our world. Even if you hadn't been drowned, you would have been smashed to pieces by the terrible weight of water against the countless jags of rock. But in that world you could do it. You went on, up and up, with all kinds of reflected lights flashing at you from the water and all manner of coloured stones flashing through it, till it seemed as if you were climbing up light itself - and always higher and higher till the sense of height would have terrified you if you could be terrified, but later it was only gloriously exciting. And then at last one came to the lovely, smooth green curve in which the water poured over the top and found that one was out on the level river above the Waterfall. The current was racing away behind you, but you were such a wonderful swimmer that you could make headway against it. Soon they were all on the bank, dripping buthappy.

A long valley opened ahead and great snow-mountains, now much nearer, stood up against the sky.

第16章 告别幻影世界













重点单词   查看全部解释    
impossible [im'pɔsəbl]


adj. 不可能的,做不到的

farewell ['fɛə'wel]


adj. 告别的
int. 再会,别了

flight [flait]


n. 飞行,航班
n. 奇思妙想,一段楼

smooth [smu:ð]


adj. 平稳的,流畅的,安祥的,圆滑的,搅拌均匀的,可

unicorn ['ju:nikɔ:n]


n. (传说中的)独角兽

headway ['hedwei]


n. 前进,航行速度,进展,(前后两车间的)车间时距

curve [kə:v]


n. 曲线,弯曲,弧线,弯曲物

puzzle ['pʌzl]


n. 谜,难题,迷惑
vt. 使困惑,使为难<

stride [straid]


n. 步伐,一大步,大步走,进步
vt. 跨骑

horn [hɔ:n]


n. 动物角,喇叭,触角,角状物,力量源泉





