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来源:译言网 编辑:michelle   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

5. You Are Wasting Money On Social Networking

I find it encouraging that website managers increasingly recognize that a Web strategy is more than running a website. They are beginning to use tools such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube to increase their reach and engage with new audiences. However, although they are using these tools, too often they do so ineffectively. Tweeting on a corporate account or posting sales demonstrations on YouTube misses the essence of social networking.

Microsoft dramatically improved its image amoung the development community by allowing Microsoft staff to speak out via the Channel 9 website.

Social networking is about people engaging with people. Individuals do not want to build relationships with brands and corporations. They want to talk to other people. Too many organizations throw millions into Facebook apps and viral videos when they could spend that money on engaging with people in a transparent and open away.

Instead of creating a corporate Twitter account or indeed even a corporate blog, encourage your employees to start Tweeting and blogging themselves. Provide guidelines on acceptable behavior and what tools they need to start engaging directly with the community connected to your products and services. This demonstrates not only your commitment to the community but also the human side of your business.

5. 你在社交网络上浪费金钱

令人鼓舞的是,我发现网站管理人员越来越多地认识到:网络策略不仅仅是运行一个网站。他们开始使用工具,如Twitter、Facebook和 YouTube,以增加与新受众的接触和互动。然而,尽管他们使用了这些工具,但通常却是无效的。用公司账户啁啾小话,或在YouTube上演绎售卖示 范,就有违社会网络的本质了。







