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名著精读《飘》第二章 第23节

来源:可可英语 编辑:sunny   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Gerald had begun to work himself up into a pleasurable shouting rage when something in Scarlett’s woebegone face stopped him.


“But there, you’re young. ‘Twill come to you, this love of land. There’s no getting away from it, if you’re Irish. You’re just a child and bothered about your beaux. When you’re older, you’ll be seeing how ‘tis. ... Now, do you be making up your mind about Cade or the twins or one of Evan Munroe’s young bucks, and see how fine I turn you out!”


“Oh, Pa!”


By this time, Gerald was thoroughly tired of the conversation and thoroughly annoyed that the problem should be upon his shoulders. He felt aggrieved, moreover, that Scarlett should still look desolate after being offered the best of the County boys and Tara, too. Gerald liked his gifts to be received with clapping of hands and kisses.


“Now, none of your pouts, Miss. It doesn’t matter who you marry, as long as he thinks like you and is a gentleman and a Southerner and prideful. For a woman, love comes after marriage.”


“Oh, Pa, that’s such an Old Country notion!”

“And a good notion it is! All this American business of running around marrying for love, like servants, like Yankees! The best marriages are when the parents choose for the girl. For how can a silly piece like yourself tell a good man from a scoundrel? Now, look at the Wilkes. What’s kept them prideful and strong all these generations? Why, marrying the likes of themselves, marrying the cousins their family always expects them to marry.”


“Oh,” cried Scarlett, fresh pain striking her as Gerald’s words brought home the terrible inevitability of the truth. Gerald looked at her bowed head and shuffled his feet uneasily.

“It’s not crying you are?” he questioned, fumbling clumsily at her chin, trying to turn her face upward, his own face furrowed with pity.

“No,” she cried vehemently, jerking away.

“It’s lying you are, and I’m proud of it. I’m glad there’s pride in you, Puss. And I want to see pride in you tomorrow at the barbecue. I’ll not be having the County gossiping and laughing at you for mooning your heart out about a man who never gave you a thought beyond friendship.”

“He did give me a thought,” thought Scarlett, sorrowfully in her heart. “Oh, a lot of thoughts! I know he did. I could tell. If I’d just had a little longer, I know I could have made him say—Oh, if it only wasn’t that the Wilkes always feel that they have to marry their cousins!”

Gerald took her arm and passed it through his.


“We’ll be going in to supper now, and all this is between us. I’ll not be worrying your mother with this—nor do you do it either. Blow your nose, daughter.”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
clumsily ['klʌmzili]


adv. 笨拙地

thorough ['θʌrə]


adj. 彻底的,完全的,详尽的,精心的

pride [praid]


n. 自豪,骄傲,引以自豪的东西,自尊心

furrow ['fʌrəu]


n. 犁沟,皱纹 v. 犁,耕,(使)起皱纹

striking ['straikiŋ]


adj. 吸引人的,显著的
n. 打击

pity ['piti]


n. 同情,怜悯,遗憾,可惜
v. 同情,怜悯



adj. 恼怒的;烦闷的 v. 使烦恼;打扰(annoy

scoundrel ['skaundrəl]


n. 无赖 adj. 无赖的

pretentious [pri'tenʃəs]


adj. 自负的,自命不凡的,炫耀的

aggrieved [ə'gri:vd]


adj. (因受伤害而)愤愤不平的,痛心的,受到侵犯的






