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双语小说连载:纯真年代 The Age of Innocence(6)

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A few days later the bolt fell.


The Lovell Mingotts had sent out cards for what was known as "a formal dinner" (that is, three extra footmen, two dishes for each course, and a Roman punch in the middle), and had headed their invitations with the words "To meet the Countess Olenska," in accordance with the hospitable American fashion, which treats strangers as if they were royalties, or at least as their ambassadors.


The guests had been selected with a boldness and discrimination in which the initiated recognised the firm hand of Catherine the Great. Associated with such immemorial standbys as the Selfridge Merrys, who were asked everywhere because they always had been, the Beauforts, on whom there was a claim of relationship, and Mr. Sillerton Jackson and his sister Sophy (who went wherever her brother told her to), were some of the most fashionable and yet most irreproachable of the dominant "young married" set; the Lawrence Leffertses, Mrs. Lefferts Rushworth (the lovely widow), the Harry Thorleys, the Reggie Chiverses and young Morris Dagonet and his wife (who was a van der Luyden). The company indeed was perfectly assorted, since all the members belonged to the little inner group of people who, during the long New York season, disported themselves together daily and nightly with apparently undiminished zest.

客人的挑选颇具胆识,内行人从中看得出大人物凯瑟琳的大手笔。被邀请的常客有塞尔弗里奇·梅里夫妇——他们到处受邀请是因为历来如此,博福特夫妇 ——人们要求与他们建立联系,以及西勒顿·杰克逊先生与妹妹索菲(哥哥让她去哪儿她就去哪儿)。与这些中坚人物为伍的是几对最时髦却又最无懈可击。超群出众的“年轻夫妇”;还有劳伦斯·莱弗茨夫妇,莱弗茨·拉什沃斯太太(那位可爱的寡妇),哈里·索利夫妇,雷杰·奇弗斯夫妇,以及小莫里斯·达格尼特和他妻子(她姓范德卢顿)。这伙客人真可谓最完美的组合,因为他们都属于那个核心小团体,在纽约漫长社交季节里,他们热情不减地日夜在一起寻欢作乐。

Forty-eight hours later the unbelievable had happened; every one had refused the Mingotts' invitation except the Beauforts and old Mr. Jackson and his sister. The intended slight was emphasised by the fact that even the Reggie Chiverses, who were of the Mingott clan, were among those inflicting it; and by the uniform wording of the notes, in all of which the writers "regretted that they were unable to accept," without the mitigating plea of a "previous engagement" that ordinary courtesy prescribed.


New York society was, in those days, far too small, and too scant in its resources, for every one in it (including livery-stable-keepers, butlers and cooks) not to know exactly on which evenings people were free; and it was thus possible for the recipients of Mrs. Lovell Mingott's invitations to make cruelly clear their determination not to meet the Countess Olenska.


The blow was unexpected; but the Mingotts, as their way was, met it gallantly. Mrs. Lovell Mingott confided the case to Mrs. Welland, who confided it to Newland Archer; who, aflame at the outrage, appealed passionately and authoritatively to his mother; who, after a painful period of inward resistance and outward temporising, succumbed to his instances (as she always did), and immediately embracing his cause with an energy redoubled by her previous hesitations, put on her grey velvet bonnet and said: "I'll go and see Louisa van der Luyden."

这一打击是出乎意料的;然而明戈特一家以他们惯有的方式勇敢地迎接了这一挑战。洛弗尔·明戈特太太把情况秘密告知了韦兰太太,韦兰太太又秘密告知了纽兰· 阿切尔,他听了大为光火,急忙像下达命令似地要求母亲立即采取行动。做母亲的虽然内心里极其不愿,外表上却又不能不对他尽力抚慰。经过一段痛苦的斗争之后,还是屈从了他的要求(像一向那样),她立即采纳他的主张,且由于先前的犹豫而干劲倍增,戴上她的灰丝绒帽说:“我去找路易莎·范德卢顿。”

The New York of Newland Archer's day was a small and slippery pyramid, in which, as yet, hardly a fissure had been made or a foothold gained. At its base was a firm foundation of what Mrs. Archer called "plain people"; an honourable but obscure majority of respectable families who (as in the case of the Spicers or the Leffertses or the Jacksons) had been raised above their level by marriage with one of the ruling clans. People, Mrs. Archer always said, were not as particular as they used to be; and with old Catherine Spicer ruling one end of Fifth Avenue, and Julius Beaufort the other, you couldn't expect the old traditions to last much longer.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
overnight ['əuvə'nait]


n. 前晚
adj. 通宵的,晚上的,前夜的<

reluctance [ri'lʌktəns]


n. 不愿,勉强,厌恶



adj. 无缺点的;清白的

discrimination [di.skrimi'neiʃən]


n. 歧视,辨别力,识别

vanity ['væniti]


n. 虚荣心,浮华,自负,无价值的东西

presence ['prezns]


n. 出席,到场,存在
n. 仪态,风度

related [ri'leitid]


adj. 相关的,有亲属关系的

precision [pri'siʒən]


n. 精确,精密度
adj. 以精准的执行而著

claim [kleim]


n. 要求,要求权;主张,断言,声称;要求物

measure ['meʒə]


n. 措施,办法,量度,尺寸
v. 测量,量






