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《美食祈祷和恋爱》Chapter 105 (254):喔,小娃儿

来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
I imagined my own translation of his words:我想象他所吟唱的句子,自己翻译如下:
"Ohhhh . . . little baby, this is roast chicken for you to eat! Someday you will love roast chicken and we hope you have lots of it! Ohhhhhhh . . . little baby, this is a chunk of cooked rice, may you always have all the chunks of cooked rice you could ever desire, may you be showered with rice for always. Ohhhhh . . . little baby, this is a coconut, isn't it funny how this coconut looks, someday you will eat lots of coconuts! Ohhhhhh . . . little baby, this is your family, do you not see how much your family adores you? Ohhhhh . . . little baby, you are pre-cious to the whole universe! You are an A-plus student! You are our magnificent bunny! You are a yummy hunk of silly putty! Ooohhhhh little baby, you are the Sultan of Swing, you are our everything . . ."喔……小娃儿,这是给你吃的烤鸡!往后你会喜欢烤鸡,我们愿你吃很多烤鸡!喔……小娃儿,这是米饭,愿你永远可以随心所欲地吃饭,愿你永远有许多米饭可以吃!喔……小娃儿,这是椰子,椰子的样子是不是很逗趣,往后你会有许多椰子吃!喔……小娃儿,这是你的家人,你没看见家人多么爱你吗?喔……小娃儿,你是整个宇宙的宝贝!你是优等生!你是我们最棒的小兔子!你是我们的小傻瓜!喔小娃儿,你是开心果,你是我们的一切……
Everyone was blessed again and again with flower petals dipped in holy water. The whole family took turns passing the baby around, cooing to her, while Ketut sang the ancient man-tras. They even let me hold the baby for a while, even in my jeans, and I whispered my own blessings to her as everyone sang. "Good luck,"I told her. "Be brave."It was boiling hot, even in the shade. The young mother, dressed in a sexy bustier under her sheer lace shirt, was sweating. The young father, who didn't seem to know any facial expression other than a massively proud grin, was also sweating. The various grandmothers fanned themselves, got weary, sat down, stood up, fussed with the roasted sacrificial pigs, chased away dogs. Every-one was alternately interested, not interested, tired, laughing, earnest. But Ketut and the baby seemed to be locked in their own experience together, riveted to each other's attention. The baby didn't take her eyes off the old medicine man all day. Who ever heard of a six-month-old baby not crying or fussing or sleeping for four straight hours in the hot sun, but just watching someone with curiosity?每个人一次又一次受到赐福,用浸在圣水中的花瓣。全家人轮流传递小娃,对她轻柔低语,赖爷则吟唱古咒语。他们甚至让我抱着小娃一会儿,尽管我身穿牛仔裤;我在大家吟唱时,对她低声祝福。"祝你好运,"我告诉她,"拿出勇气。"天气让人浑身滚烫,尽管在荫影下亦然。年轻母亲身穿性感的紧身衣,套着透明的蕾丝衫,正出着汗。年轻父亲似乎只知道骄傲地咧嘴而笑,其他的表情都不会做,他也在流汗。婆婆奶奶们扇着自己,感觉疲惫,坐下来,站起来,为献祭的烤猪伤脑筋,忙着赶狗。大家轮流关心、不关心、疲倦、发笑、兴奋。但赖爷与小娃似乎共同关闭在他们的经验当中,注意力被彼此所吸引。小娃整天目不转睛地注视着药师。谁听说过一个六个月大的小娃可以在烈阳下不哭、不闹、不睡持续四小时,只是好奇地注视某人?
Ketut did his job well, and the baby did her job well, too. She was fully present for her transformation ceremony from god-status to human-status. She was handling the responsibilities marvelously, like a good Balinese girl already—steeped in ritual, confident of her beliefs, obedient to the requirements of her culture.赖爷的表现很好,小娃的表现也很好。她全程出席自己从神的身份变成人类身份的转变仪式。她把任务处置得很好,已经像一位巴厘岛的好姑娘——沉湎于仪式,相信自己的信仰,遵从文化的要求。
At the end of all the chanting, the baby was wrapped in a long, clean white sheet that hung far below her little legs, making her look tall and regal—a veritable debutante. Ketut made a drawing on the bottom of a pottery bowl of the four directions of the universe, filled the bowl with holy water and set it on the ground. This hand-drawn compass marked the holy spot on earth where the baby's feet would first touch.吟唱结束后,小娃被裹在一条长而干净的白床单里,床单远远垂在她小小的腿底下,使她看起来高大、威严——简直是个初次登台的笄龄少女。赖爷在一只陶碗底部画了宇宙的四个方向,然后盛满圣水,将陶碗置于地上。这幅手绘指南针,标示出小娃的脚首次碰触地面的神圣地点。
Then the whole family gathered by the baby, everyone seeming to hold her at the same time, and—oop! there goes!—they lightly dipped the baby's feet in this pottery bowl full of holy water, right above the magic drawing which encompassed the whole universe, and then they touched her soles to the earth for the first time. When they lifted her back up into the air, tiny damp footprints remained on the ground below her, orienting this child at last onto the great Balinese grid, establishing who she was by establishing where she was. Everyone clapped their hands, delighted. The little girl was one of us now. A human being—with all the risks and thrills which that perplexing incarnation entails.而后全家人聚集在小娃身边,人人似乎同时抱着她——来吧!来吧!——他们轻轻把小娃的脚浸入盛满圣水的陶碗中,即在那幅整个宇宙方位的魔法图上方,然后他们让她的脚跟首次碰触地面。他们将她抬回空中时,沾湿的小脚印留在她下方的土地上,终于为这个孩子在巴厘岛的大框架中定了位,确立了她的立足点,亦确立了她的身份。大家兴高采烈地拍手。小女孩如今成为我们的一份子。一个人类——进入了这个错综复杂的化身,也将伴随未来所必须承担的风险与欢乐。
The baby looked up, looked around, smiled. She wasn't a god anymore. She didn't seem to mind. She wasn't fearful at all. She seemed thoroughly satisfied with every decision she had ever made. Eat, Pray, Love 小娃抬起头,打量四周,露出笑容。她不再是神了。她似乎并不在乎。她毫不害怕。她似乎对自己做过的任何决定都完全满意。

I imagined my own translation of his words:

"Ohhhh . . . little baby, this is roast chicken for you to eat! Someday you will love roast chicken and we hope you have lots of it! Ohhhhhhh . . . little baby, this is a chunk of cooked rice, may you always have all the chunks of cooked rice you could ever desire, may you be showered with rice for always. Ohhhhh . . . little baby, this is a coconut, isn't it funny how this coconut looks, someday you will eat lots of coconuts! Ohhhhhh . . . little baby, this is your family, do you not see how much your family adores you? Ohhhhh . . . little baby, you are pre-cious to the whole universe! You are an A-plus student! You are our magnificent bunny! You are a yummy hunk of silly putty! Ooohhhhh little baby, you are the Sultan of Swing, you are our everything . . ."

Everyone was blessed again and again with flower petals dipped in holy water. The whole family took turns passing the baby around, cooing to her, while Ketut sang the ancient man-tras. They even let me hold the baby for a while, even in my jeans, and I whispered my own blessings to her as everyone sang. "Good luck,"I told her. "Be brave."It was boiling hot, even in the shade. The young mother, dressed in a sexy bustier under her sheer lace shirt, was sweating. The young father, who didn't seem to know any facial expression other than a massively proud grin, was also sweating. The various grandmothers fanned themselves, got weary, sat down, stood up, fussed with the roasted sacrificial pigs, chased away dogs. Every-one was alternately interested, not interested, tired, laughing, earnest. But Ketut and the baby seemed to be locked in their own experience together, riveted to each other's attention. The baby didn't take her eyes off the old medicine man all day. Who ever heard of a six-month-old baby not crying or fussing or sleeping for four straight hours in the hot sun, but just watching someone with curiosity?

Ketut did his job well, and the baby did her job well, too. She was fully present for her transformation ceremony from god-status to human-status. She was handling the responsibilities marvelously, like a good Balinese girl already—steeped in ritual, confident of her beliefs, obedient to the requirements of her culture.

At the end of all the chanting, the baby was wrapped in a long, clean white sheet that hung far below her little legs, making her look tall and regal—a veritable debutante. Ketut made a drawing on the bottom of a pottery bowl of the four directions of the universe, filled the bowl with holy water and set it on the ground. This hand-drawn compass marked the holy spot on earth where the baby's feet would first touch.

Then the whole family gathered by the baby, everyone seeming to hold her at the same time, and—oop! there goes!—they lightly dipped the baby's feet in this pottery bowl full of holy water, right above the magic drawing which encompassed the whole universe, and then they touched her soles to the earth for the first time. When they lifted her back up into the air, tiny damp footprints remained on the ground below her, orienting this child at last onto the great Balinese grid, establishing who she was by establishing where she was. Everyone clapped their hands, delighted. The little girl was one of us now. A human being—with all the risks and thrills which that perplexing incarnation entails.

The baby looked up, looked around, smiled. She wasn't a god anymore. She didn't seem to mind. She wasn't fearful at all. She seemed thoroughly satisfied with every decision she had ever made. Eat, Pray, Love








重点单词   查看全部解释    
grin [grin]


v. 露齿而笑,(以咧嘴笑来)表示
n. 露齿

curiosity [.kjuəri'ɔsiti]


n. 好奇,好奇心

weary ['wiəri]


adj. 疲倦的,厌烦的
v. 疲倦,厌烦,生

touched [tʌtʃt]


adj. 受感动的 adj. 精神失常的

ceremony ['seriməni]


n. 典礼,仪式,礼节,礼仪

swing [swiŋ]


n. 摇摆,改变,冲力
v. 摇摆,旋转,动摇

bowl [bəul]


n. 碗,碗状物,季后赛,圆形露天剧场

compass ['kʌmpəs]


n. 指南针,圆规
vt. 图谋,包围,达成

perplexing [pə'pleksiŋ]


adj. 使人困惑的,麻烦复杂的 perplex的现在分

fearful ['fiəfəl]


adj. 担心的,可怕的





