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狄更斯双语小说:《董贝父子》第22章Part 4

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
'Mr Carker grinned at him like a shark, but in an absent, thoughtful manner.卡克先生像鲨鱼一样向他咧着嘴笑,但露出心不在焉、若有所思的神情。
'Whether,' submitted Mr Perch, after a short silence, and another cough, 'it mightn't be best for me to tell him, that if he was seen here any more he would be given into custody; and to keep to it! With respect to bodily fear,' said Mr Perch, 'I'm so timid, myself, by nature, Sir, and my nerves is so unstrung by Mrs Perch's state, that I could take my affidavit easy.'“是不是,”珀奇先生在短短的沉默和再咳嗽了一次以后,恭恭敬敬地说道,“最好由我对他说,如果他再到这里来的话,就要把他监禁起来,永远不放出来!至于说对他施行暴力恐吓,”珀奇先生说道,“就我本人来说,我生性是个胆小的人,先生,珀奇太太的状况又把我的神经弄得十分混乱,因此我是很容易屈服招供的。”
'Let me see this fellow, Perch,' said Mr Carker. 'Bring him in!'“让我看一看这个家伙,珀奇,”卡克先生说,“把他领进来!”
'Yes, Sir. Begging your pardon, Sir,' said Mr Perch, hesitating at the door, 'he's rough, Sir, in appearance.'“遵命,先生。请原谅,先生,”珀奇先生在门口迟疑地说道,“他的外貌是粗野的,先生。”
'Never mind. If he's there, bring him in. I'll see Mr Gills directly. Ask him to wait.'“没关系。如果他在这里的话,那么就把他领进来吧。我过一会儿就接见吉尔斯先生,请他等一下。”
Mr Perch bowed; and shutting the door, as precisely and carefully as if he were not coming back for a week, went on his quest among the sparrows in the court. While he was gone, Mr Carker assumed his favourite attitude before the fire-place, and stood looking at the door; presenting, with his under lip tucked into the smile that showed his whole row of upper teeth, a singularly crouching apace.珀奇先生鞠了个躬,严严实实、小小心心地把门关好,仿佛他准备一个星期也不再回到这里来似的,然后他走到庭院里往麻雀中间去寻找。他走了以后,卡克先生在壁炉前面采取了他所喜爱的姿势,站在那里看着门;他收缩下唇,露出微笑,显露出上面的整排牙齿,奇怪地戒备着,就像猫蹲在那里等待耗子似的。
The messenger was not long in returning, followed by a pair of heavy boots that came bumping along the passage like boxes. With the unceremonious words 'Come along with you!' - a very unusual form of introduction from his lips - Mr Perch then ushered into the presence a strong-built lad of fifteen, with a round red face, a round sleek head, round black eyes, round limbs, and round body, who, to carry out the general rotundity of his appearance, had a round hat in his hand, without a particle of brim to it.信差不久就回来了,跟随着他的是笨重的长统皮靴在走廊里咯噔咯噔的响声,就像击拳的声音一样。珀奇先生很不客气地喊了一声:“你过来!”——这是从他嘴里说出的很不寻常的引见方式——然后领进了一个体格强壮、十五岁的小伙子;他脸孔圆圆的、红红的,头圆圆的、光光的,眼睛圆圆的、黑黑的,手和脚圆圆的,身体圆圆的,手里还拿着一顶圆圆的、完全没有帽檐的帽子,这使他整个身姿的圆形达到了完备无缺的地步。
Obedient to a nod from Mr Carker, Perch had no sooner confronted the visitor with that gentleman than he withdrew. The moment they were face to face alone, Mr Carker, without a word of preparation, took him by the throat, and shook him until his head seemed loose upon his shoulders.珀奇先生刚把这位来访的人领到卡克先生面前,看到卡克先生向他点了一下头,就立刻顺从地退下去了。等到他们两人开始单独面对面的时候,卡克先生预先没有说一句话,就抓住他的喉咙,摇晃着他的身子,直到他的头似乎就要离开肩膀为止。
The boy, who in the midst of his astonishment could not help staring wildly at the gentleman with so many white teeth who was choking him, and at the office walls, as though determined, if he were choked, that his last look should be at the mysteries for his intrusion into which he was paying such a severe penalty, at last contrived to utter -那孩子在万分惊讶之中,不由自主疯狂似地凝视着这位露出这么多白牙、把他卡得不能透气的先生和办公室的墙壁,仿佛他已下定了决心,如果他真被窒息死去的话,那么他最后一眼也得把他由于闯到这里而遭到如此恶厉惩罚的秘密给探究出来似的;他终于发出了声音:
'Come, Sir! You let me alone, will you!'“好啦,先生!您放开我吧,好不好!”
'Let you alone!' said Mr Carker. 'What! I have got you, have I?' There was no doubt of that, and tightly too. 'You dog,' said Mr Carker, through his set jaws, 'I'll strangle you!'“放开你!”卡克先生说道,“什么!我已经抓住你了,是不是?”这点是毫无疑问的,而且是抓得紧紧的。“你这条狗,”
Biler whimpered, would he though? oh no he wouldn't - and what was he doing of - and why didn't he strangle some- body of his own size and not him: but Biler was quelled by the extraordinary nature of his reception, and, as his head became stationary, and he looked the gentleman in the face, or rather in the teeth, and saw him snarling at him, he so far forgot his manhood as to cry.卡克先生咬牙切齿地说道,“我要勒死你!”拜勒抽噎着。他果真要勒死他吗?啊,不,他不会的!那么他为什么要那么做呢?他为什么不勒死跟他个子相同的什么人,而要勒死他呢?可是拜勒被这不寻常的接待方式压制得完全驯服;当他的头安定下来,不再摇晃,他望着那位先生的脸,更正确地说,望着他的牙齿,看到他对他咆哮如雷的时候,他竟完全忘掉了他的丈夫气概,放声大哭起来。
'I haven't done nothing to you, Sir,' said Biler, otherwise Rob, otherwise Grinder, and always Toodle.“我没有做什么对不起你的事情,先生,”拜勒说道;他就是罗布,也就是磨工,而且永远是图德尔。
'You young scoundrel!' replied Mr Carker, slowly releasing him, and moving back a step into his favourite position. 'What do you mean by daring to come here?'“你这年轻的无赖!”卡克先生回答道,一边慢慢地放开了他,并往后退了一步,恢复了他所喜爱的姿势,“你胆敢跑到这里来,打算干什么?”
'I didn't mean no harm, Sir,' whimpered Rob, putting one hand to his throat, and the knuckles of the other to his eyes. 'I'll never come again, Sir. I only wanted work.'“我没有什么坏的用意,先生,”罗布啜泣着,一只手抚摸着喉咙,另一只手的指节擦着眼睛。“我再也不到这里来了,先生。我只是想找工作做。”
'Work, young Cain that you are!' repeated Mr Carker, eyeing him narrowly. 'Ain't you the idlest vagabond in London?'“工作?你是个年轻的该隐!”卡克先生逼视着他,说道,“难道你不是伦敦最游手好闲的流浪汉吗?”
The impeachment, while it much affected Mr Toodle Junior, attached to his character so justly, that he could not say a word in denial. He stood looking at the gentleman, therefore, with a frightened, self-convicted, and remorseful air. As to his looking at him, it may be observed that he was fascinated by Mr Carker, and never took his round eyes off him for an instant.这个指责虽然很影响小图德尔先生的情绪,但却完全符合他的身份,所以他说不出一句否认的话。他就站在那里,怀着惊恐不安、自知有罪、悔恨不已的神情望着这位先生。可以指出一点的是,当他望着他的时候,他被卡克先生强烈地吸引住了,圆圆的眼睛片刻也没有离开他。
'Ain't you a thief?' said Mr Carker, with his hands behind him in his pockets.“你不是一个小偷吗?”卡克先生手插在衣袋里,说道。
'No, sir,' pleaded Rob.“不是,先生。”罗布争辩道。
'You are!' said Mr Carker.“你就是!”卡克先生说。

'Mr Carker grinned at him like a shark, but in an absent, thoughtful manner.
'Whether,' submitted Mr Perch, after a short silence, and another cough, 'it mightn't be best for me to tell him, that if he was seen here any more he would be given into custody; and to keep to it! With respect to bodily fear,' said Mr Perch, 'I'm so timid, myself, by nature, Sir, and my nerves is so unstrung by Mrs Perch's state, that I could take my affidavit easy.'
'Let me see this fellow, Perch,' said Mr Carker. 'Bring him in!'
'Yes, Sir. Begging your pardon, Sir,' said Mr Perch, hesitating at the door, 'he's rough, Sir, in appearance.'
'Never mind. If he's there, bring him in. I'll see Mr Gills directly. Ask him to wait.'
Mr Perch bowed; and shutting the door, as precisely and carefully as if he were not coming back for a week, went on his quest among the sparrows in the court. While he was gone, Mr Carker assumed his favourite attitude before the fire-place, and stood looking at the door; presenting, with his under lip tucked into the smile that showed his whole row of upper teeth, a singularly crouching apace.
The messenger was not long in returning, followed by a pair of heavy boots that came bumping along the passage like boxes. With the unceremonious words 'Come along with you!' - a very unusual form of introduction from his lips - Mr Perch then ushered into the presence a strong-built lad of fifteen, with a round red face, a round sleek head, round black eyes, round limbs, and round body, who, to carry out the general rotundity of his appearance, had a round hat in his hand, without a particle of brim to it.
Obedient to a nod from Mr Carker, Perch had no sooner confronted the visitor with that gentleman than he withdrew. The moment they were face to face alone, Mr Carker, without a word of preparation, took him by the throat, and shook him until his head seemed loose upon his shoulders.
The boy, who in the midst of his astonishment could not help staring wildly at the gentleman with so many white teeth who was choking him, and at the office walls, as though determined, if he were choked, that his last look should be at the mysteries for his intrusion into which he was paying such a severe penalty, at last contrived to utter -
'Come, Sir! You let me alone, will you!'
'Let you alone!' said Mr Carker. 'What! I have got you, have I?' There was no doubt of that, and tightly too. 'You dog,' said Mr Carker, through his set jaws, 'I'll strangle you!'
Biler whimpered, would he though? oh no he wouldn't - and what was he doing of - and why didn't he strangle some- body of his own size and not him: but Biler was quelled by the extraordinary nature of his reception, and, as his head became stationary, and he looked the gentleman in the face, or rather in the teeth, and saw him snarling at him, he so far forgot his manhood as to cry.
'I haven't done nothing to you, Sir,' said Biler, otherwise Rob, otherwise Grinder, and always Toodle.
'You young scoundrel!' replied Mr Carker, slowly releasing him, and moving back a step into his favourite position. 'What do you mean by daring to come here?'
'I didn't mean no harm, Sir,' whimpered Rob, putting one hand to his throat, and the knuckles of the other to his eyes. 'I'll never come again, Sir. I only wanted work.'
'Work, young Cain that you are!' repeated Mr Carker, eyeing him narrowly. 'Ain't you the idlest vagabond in London?'
The impeachment, while it much affected Mr Toodle Junior, attached to his character so justly, that he could not say a word in denial. He stood looking at the gentleman, therefore, with a frightened, self-convicted, and remorseful air. As to his looking at him, it may be observed that he was fascinated by Mr Carker, and never took his round eyes off him for an instant.
'Ain't you a thief?' said Mr Carker, with his hands behind him in his pockets.
'No, sir,' pleaded Rob.
'You are!' said Mr Carker.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
messenger ['mesindʒə]


n. 报信者,先驱

rob [rɔb]


v. 抢劫,掠夺

assumed [ə'sju:md]


adj. 假装的;假定的

denial [di'naiəl]


n. 否认,拒绝

penalty ['penəlti]


n. 处罚,惩罚

thoughtful ['θɔ:tful]


adj. 深思的,体贴的

affected [ə'fektid]


adj. 受影响的,受感动的,受疾病侵袭的 adj. 做

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

contrived [kən'traivd]


adj. 人为的,做作的 动词contrive的过去式和

stationary ['steiʃənəri]


adj. 不动的(稳定的)
n. 固定物(驻军





