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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"You're seeing into my heart," Siddhartha spoke sadly. "Often, I have thought of this. But look, how shall I put him, who had no tender heart anyhow, into this world? Won't he become exuberant, won't he lose himself to pleasure and power, won't he repeat all of his father's mistakes, won't he perhaps get entirely lost in Sansara?"“你真是看透了我的心,”席特哈尔塔悲哀地说,“我经常想到这些。可是你看,我该怎么把他这个本来就心肠很硬的孩子送回那个世界去呢?他难道不会大肆挥霍,不会沉醉于享乐和权势,不会重犯他父亲的所有过失,不会完全迷失于轮回之中?”
Brightly, the ferryman's smile lit up; softly, he touched Siddhartha's arm and said: "Ask the river about it, my friend! Hear it laugh about it! Would you actually believe that you had committed your foolish acts in order to spare your son from committing them too? And could you in any way protect your son from Sansara? How could you? By means of teachings, prayer, admonition? My dear, have you entirely forgotten that story, that story containing so many lessons, that story about Siddhartha, a Brahman's son, which you once told me here on this very spot? Who has kept the Samana Siddhartha safe from Sansara, from sin, from greed, from foolishness? Were his father's religious devotion, his teachers warnings, his own knowledge, his own search able to keep him safe? Which father, which teacher had been able to protect him from living his life for himself, from soiling himself with life, from burdening himself with guilt, from drinking the bitter drink for himself, from finding his path for himself? Would you think, my dear, anybody might perhaps be spared from taking this path? That perhaps your little son would be spared, because you love him, because you would like to keep him from suffering and pain and disappointment? But even if you would die ten times for him, you would not be able to take the slightest part of his destiny upon yourself."船夫的笑容粲然生辉;他轻轻抚摩着席特哈尔塔的胳臂说:“问问河水吧,朋友!你听它正在笑哩!你真的相信你干蠢事是为了避免儿子干蠢事?你能保护儿子不受轮回之苦?你怎么做呢?通过教诲,通过祈祷,通过劝诫?亲爱的,难道你完全忘掉了那个故事,当然你在这个地方给我讲过的那个关于婆罗门之子席特哈尔塔的发人深省的故事?是谁保护沙门席特哈尔塔免于轮回,没有堕入罪孽、贪婪和愚昧之中?他父亲的虔诚,他教师的劝诫,他自己的良知,他自己的探索,这些能保护他吗?有哪个父亲、哪个教师能阻止他过自己的日子,以生活来玷污自己,自己承担过失,自己啜饮生活的苦酒,找到自己的路呢?或许只有你的宝贝儿子,就因为你爱他,因为你想让避开烦恼、痛苦和失望?但是,即使你为他死十次,恐怕也不可能丝毫改变他的命运!”
Never before, Vasudeva had spoken so many words. Kindly, Siddhartha thanked him, went troubled into the hut, could not sleep for a long time. Vasudeva had told him nothing, he had not already thought and known for himself. But this was a knowledge he could not act upon, stronger than the knowledge was his love for the boy, stronger was his tenderness, his fear to lose him. Had he ever lost his heart so much to something, had he ever loved any person thus, thus blindly, thus sufferingly, thus unsuccessfully, and yet thus happily?瓦苏代瓦还从来没说过这么多的话。席特哈尔塔向他诚恳地道谢,然后就忧心忡忡地走进了茅屋,但他久久仍无法入睡。瓦苏代瓦说的这些话,他自己其实也想过,早就懂得。但那只是一种他无法做到的认识,而他对孩子的爱,他的柔情,他害怕失去孩子的恐惧,却要比这种认识更强有力。以前,他可曾对什么如此痴迷过?他可曾如此热爱过某个人,如此盲目,如此痛苦,如此无奈而又如此幸福?
Siddhartha could not heed his friend's advice, he could not give up the boy. He let the boy give him orders, he let him disregard him. He said nothing and waited; daily, he began the mute struggle of friendliness, the silent war of patience. Vasudeva also said nothing and waited, friendly, knowing, patient. They were both masters of patience.席特哈尔塔不能听从朋友的忠告,他不能放弃儿子。他任凭儿子对他发号施令,任凭儿子瞧不起他。他沉默和等待,每天都进行默默的好心的斗争,进行无声的耐心的斗争。瓦苏代瓦也沉默和等待,友好、体谅和宽容地等待。在耐心方面他们俩都是大师。
At one time, when the boy's face reminded him very much of Kamala, Siddhartha suddenly had to think of a line which Kamala a long time ago, in the days of their youth, had once said to him. "You cannot love," she had said to him, and he had agreed with her and had compared himself with a star, while comparing the childlike people with falling leaves, and nevertheless he had also sensed an accusation in that line. Indeed, he had never been able to lose or devote himself completely to another person, to forget himself, to commit foolish acts for the love of another person; never he had been able to do this, and this was, as it had seemed to him at that time, the great distinction which set him apart from the childlike people. But now, since his son was here, now he, Siddhartha, had also become completely a childlike person, suffering for the sake of another person, loving another person, lost to a love, having become a fool on account of love. Now he too felt, late, once in his lifetime, this strongest and strangest of all passions, suffered from it, suffered miserably, and was nevertheless in bliss, was nevertheless renewed in one respect, enriched by one thing.有一次,孩子的脸使他想起了卡玛拉。席特哈尔塔忽然想起了一句话,那是很久之前,在青春岁月里卡玛拉对他讲过的一句话。“你不会爱。”她对他说。他同意她说的话,把自己比作一颗星,把那些孩子般的俗人比作飘落的树叶,但他毕竟还是从那句话里听出了一种责备。实际上,他从来都没能完全迷恋和委身于另一个人,忘掉自己,为了爱另一个人而去做蠢事;他从来都不会这样,正如他当时感觉到的那样,这点正是把他与那些孩子般的俗人区分开的重大差别。可是如今,自从他的孩子来了,就连他席特哈尔塔也完全变成了俗人,为了一个人而受苦,热爱一个人,痴迷于一种爱,由于一种爱而成为傻瓜。现在,虽然迟了些,但他毕竟在生活中感受到了这种最强烈最罕见的激情,深受其苦,苦不堪言,可是又很愉快,感到更活跃了,更充实了。

"You're seeing into my heart," Siddhartha spoke sadly. "Often, I have thought of this. But look, how shall I put him, who had no tender heart anyhow, into this world? Won't he become exuberant, won't he lose himself to pleasure and power, won't he repeat all of his father's mistakes, won't he perhaps get entirely lost in Sansara?"
Brightly, the ferryman's smile lit up; softly, he touched Siddhartha's arm and said: "Ask the river about it, my friend! Hear it laugh about it! Would you actually believe that you had committed your foolish acts in order to spare your son from committing them too? And could you in any way protect your son from Sansara? How could you? By means of teachings, prayer, admonition? My dear, have you entirely forgotten that story, that story containing so many lessons, that story about Siddhartha, a Brahman's son, which you once told me here on this very spot? Who has kept the Samana Siddhartha safe from Sansara, from sin, from greed, from foolishness? Were his father's religious devotion, his teachers warnings, his own knowledge, his own search able to keep him safe? Which father, which teacher had been able to protect him from living his life for himself, from soiling himself with life, from burdening himself with guilt, from drinking the bitter drink for himself, from finding his path for himself? Would you think, my dear, anybody might perhaps be spared from taking this path? That perhaps your little son would be spared, because you love him, because you would like to keep him from suffering and pain and disappointment? But even if you would die ten times for him, you would not be able to take the slightest part of his destiny upon yourself."
Never before, Vasudeva had spoken so many words. Kindly, Siddhartha thanked him, went troubled into the hut, could not sleep for a long time. Vasudeva had told him nothing, he had not already thought and known for himself. But this was a knowledge he could not act upon, stronger than the knowledge was his love for the boy, stronger was his tenderness, his fear to lose him. Had he ever lost his heart so much to something, had he ever loved any person thus, thus blindly, thus sufferingly, thus unsuccessfully, and yet thus happily?
Siddhartha could not heed his friend's advice, he could not give up the boy. He let the boy give him orders, he let him disregard him. He said nothing and waited; daily, he began the mute struggle of friendliness, the silent war of patience. Vasudeva also said nothing and waited, friendly, knowing, patient. They were both masters of patience.
At one time, when the boy's face reminded him very much of Kamala, Siddhartha suddenly had to think of a line which Kamala a long time ago, in the days of their youth, had once said to him. "You cannot love," she had said to him, and he had agreed with her and had compared himself with a star, while comparing the childlike people with falling leaves, and nevertheless he had also sensed an accusation in that line. Indeed, he had never been able to lose or devote himself completely to another person, to forget himself, to commit foolish acts for the love of another person; never he had been able to do this, and this was, as it had seemed to him at that time, the great distinction which set him apart from the childlike people. But now, since his son was here, now he, Siddhartha, had also become completely a childlike person, suffering for the sake of another person, loving another person, lost to a love, having become a fool on account of love. Now he too felt, late, once in his lifetime, this strongest and strangest of all passions, suffered from it, suffered miserably, and was nevertheless in bliss, was nevertheless renewed in one respect, enriched by one thing.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
disappointment [.disə'pɔintmənt]


n. 失望,令人失望的人或事

exuberant [ig'zju:bərənt]


adj. 繁茂的,丰富的,充满活力的

tender ['tendə]


adj. 温柔的,嫩的,脆弱的 ,亲切的,敏感的,未成熟

guilt [gilt]


n. 罪行,内疚

greed [gri:d]


n. 贪心,贪婪



n. 愚蠢;可笑

bliss [blis]


n. 福佑,天赐的福

sin [sin]


n. 原罪
v. 犯罪,违反(教规)

nevertheless [.nevəðə'les]


adv. 仍然,不过
conj. 然而,不过

troubled ['trʌbld]


adj. 动乱的,不安的;混乱的;困惑的


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